Do Air Purifiers Actually Remove Mold and Mold Spores?
If your like me, there are certain rooms that can really set you off...
How To Tell If An Air Purifier Emits Ozone- The Good, The Bad, and The Breathable
Why is it the some air purifiers are said to emit ozone while other air...
What Kind Of Mold Grows In Window Air Conditioners? The Hidden Threat
Window air conditioners rarely get moldy. When you find a window air...
Boneco P500 Air Purifier Review: A Comprehensive Look
In an era where air quality has become a paramount concern for...
Why Does My Air Purifier Smell Bad? Unmasking the Mystery
Air purifiers have a lot of unique smells that people do not expect when...
Space Heater Smells like Burning – Is It Plastic, Hair, or Fish?
Space Heater Smells like Burning Whenever you smell burning coming from an...
Exploring Water Air Purifiers: The Efficiency of Air Washers and Revitalizers
It’s no secret that when you buy an air purifier, you are...
What Type of Air Purifier is Best for Viruses? A Deep Dive into Photocatalytic Oxidation
What Is The Best Type of Air Purifier For Viruses? Photocatalytic...
How Does an Ozonator Work? Understanding and Using Ozone Generators
How Does an Ozonator Work? An Ozonator works by creating high levels...
Can a Dehumidifier Dehydrate You? Are They Safe?
Are Dehumidifiers Safe? A Dehumidifier is actually a very safe...
5 Side Effects of A Dehumidifier-The Good, The Bad, and The Must-Know
If you’re like me, living in a city where humidity isn’t just a...
Are Air Purifiers Worth the Money? An In-Depth Look at the Benefits
The truth is most of us have to think long and hard about what we’re...
Does a Dehumidifier Cool a Room?
Does a dehumidifier help to cool a room? Yes and No. A dehumidifier does...
What Are Some Benefits of Having an Air Purifier in the Bedroom?
What Are Some Benefits of Having an Air Purifier in the Bedroom? Air...
Is Sleeping in the Basement Bad for Your Health?
When I was younger I played lead guitar in a band that practiced in a...