Will a Window AC Work in a Garage? 

The garage is one of the areas of the house they can be one of the most useful and at the same time be the hardest to keep at a temperature that makes you want to use it for anything other than parking your vehicle.

Finding an effective way to air condition a garage can be challenging. The question often asked is “will a window air conditioner work in a garage?”

Will a window AC work in your garage?

Yes, a window AC unit can work in a garage.

However, there are a few things to consider before you make the leap to purchase one.

1. Do you have a window in the garage?

It may sound like a silly question but there is a lot of inquiries on the internet about whether you can use a window air conditioner without a window.

And while technically there are many people that have come up with some clever ideals to use a window air conditioner without a window,

A window AC unit will work much more efficiently when it’s used properly. Not to mention there are other options available rather than modifying a window AC or the space that it’s in.

Window air conditioners are meant to be installed in a window.

The primary reason that window air conditioners need a window is that they exhaust heat from the rear.

If they are not sitting in a window with the rear of the air conditioner outside of the room, then the heat that the unit expels we’ll basically mix with the cool air that it creates and cancel it out.

So number one, a window air conditioner can work in the garage if your garage has a window to put it in.


2. Insulation


Garages are typically not insulated.


Window ACs work well when they are sized appropriately for a room that is insulated.


If your garage is not insulated, then you are not going to have the success you want out of any type of air conditioning in the garage.


Unfortunately, insulating the garage is the first step to being able to cool it or heat it.


3. Properly sized unit


As mentioned before, window ACs can work very well when they are sized correctly for the area that they are cooling.


But there are several examples of where you may need a larger window AC than simply calculating the square footage and comparing it to the AC packaging.


A hot kitchen or room with high ceilings to name a couple.


Garages fall into that category.


Not only are they not usually insulated or very well insulated,


Garages are typically used for parking your car. Which means that they have a huge door that gets opened and closed.


So you may need to factor in the fact that every time the door is opened and closed, you are either letting a huge amount of cool air out in the summer, or heat in the winter.


But remember also that it is possible to get a unit that is too big depending on your space.


And a window air conditioner that is too big will short cycle and not effectively reduce the humidity enough to cool efficiently.


4. Properly maintained


Garages are not the cleanest area on the property.


They are much more dusty and dirty than the rest of the house.


That means that the window AC will be that much more dusty and dirty as well.


So keeping a window AC in the garage clean has a higher priority on it than a unit that is sitting in a bedroom window for instance.


The filter in a window air conditioner that is sitting in a garage window will collect us much faster.


5. Power


Window air conditioners use a lot of energy. Space heaters also use a lot of energy.


Couple that with the fact that many garages do not have more than one circuit that is powering multiple outlets,


You could easily find yourself in a situation where you are blowing breakers.


In some circumstances it may be a requirement for you to have an electrician come in and run another electrical circuit to your garage to keep up with the extra load.

But overall, a window AC unit can work in a garage, as long as you consider these facts first.


Air Conditioning Options for the Garage.


Fortunately window air conditioners are not the only types of air conditioning that can work in the garage.


There are a few other types that you can install that may be a better option for you.


Portable air conditioners


Portable air conditioners can be a decent option for the garage because they can be moved around.


They still require a window or attic entry, etc to exhaust the heat.


But if you were not trying to cool off the entire garage, and maybe you just need air conditioning in your specific corner of the garage, a portable air conditioner is a good option.


Mini-split systems


Mini-split air conditioners consist of an indoor unit mounted on the wall and a outdoor unit which is comprised of the compressor.


They are not as easy to install and they usually take a dedicated circuit to power them.


But they do a very good job of cooling and do it very quietly since the compressor is separated outside.


The expense of purchasing and installing a mini split air conditioner system in your garage is not worth it if your garage is not insulated.


Evaporative coolers


Also known as swamp coolers, evaporative air coolers are a good choice for dry climates.


They work by circulating air over a wet pad, which cools the air as it evaporates.


Kind of a breeze blowing over a pool or river kind of feeling.


Very easy to install but they require continual maintenance in the form of filling them with water.


One particular downside of evaporative coolers is that they do not do well in humid climates.


Shop fans.


Though a fan does not have the same cooling as air conditioning, creating airflow with a big shop fan can’t make a significant difference in the way your garage feels.




Using a window air conditioner in the garage is a good idea when you have a garage that has a window and is insulated.


But remember that garages may fall under the category of needing to oversize your AC to keep up with the amount of cold air that exits when you open the garage door.


Having a power source that can keep up with the extra energy is also a key aspect.


If your garage does not have more than one electrical circuit, then you may have to have a electrician install one to be able to run the AC without it blowing breakers

Do Window Air Conditioners Overheat?


A Window AC unit can overheat for a variety of different reasons. A a dirty air filter, condenser coils that are clogged or covered , and a malfunctioning thermostat are the most common.

There is a segment of working-class people who work in shops that have less than desirable air conditioning. I know, because I was one of them for a very long time.

The shop I worked in had a entire wall made of glass doors which magnified the Sun shining on the building and making it nearly unbearable.

And on top of that none of the walls were insulated.

So a solution to get some air conditioning ( admittedly not a very good one) was to take a window air conditioner and install it with the heat blowing inside of the wall. When I say inside of the wall, I mean the air would exhaust into the space between the inside wall and outside wall.

The idea was that the heat could exhaust into the wall because there was no insulation.

And if you got it right, it worked well enough to get some cool air into your little area of the shop.

But on the other hand if you press the air conditioner too far into the wall, it would not cool and the air conditioner would overheat fairly quickly.

Why was that? After some experimentation I realized that the unit simply did not have enough area to exhaust the heat from the rear. So the heat that the window AC was making naturally was causing the unit to overheat. Since the heat had nowhere to go.

Can window air conditioners overheat?

AC units, including window units, can overheat if they are not maintained regularly, or if there is an issue with the unit itself.

What happens when a window air conditioner overheats?

When a window air conditioner overheats it will usually run for a little bit but won’t get cold. Then it will shut off. Or it will blow the breaker.

To turn it back on you will either have to push the reset button which is normally located on the plug of the window air conditioner, or locate the breaker and flip back on.

But if you haven’t figured out while the AC is overheating and fixed it, it will overheat and turn off again.

And will potentially damage the unit.

How do you prevent a window AC from overheating?

The usual culprits when a window AC is overheating are:

1. A dirty air filter

2. Clogged condenser coils

3. Malfunctioning thermostat

4. Wrongly Sized 

1. Air Filter

The air filter is the first thing to check on a window AC or any other type of air conditioner when you are having a issue with it cooling properly.

It’s not uncommon for someone to call a air conditioning technician to come to their home or office to fix a air conditioner that is not cooling. Only to have the repairman change the filter for you, and charge you the $80 an hour fee plus the price of the filter that has been marked up with profit.

If that is happened to you, you were not alone.

But it is a valuable lesson.

If your air conditioner is not cooling or overheating, check the filter and make sure it’s clean first.

It’s also not uncommon that a person that has no experience with air conditioners, and does not know to keep the air filter clean,

let the air filter get so dirty that the machine cannot get any air flow and will simply overheat and shut off.

2. Clogged Condenser Coils

The condenser coils located in the rear of the window air conditioner can gather debris over time and get to the point that they are so clogged that the air conditioner will not cool and eventually overheat.

I have seen a window air conditioner that was so covered in debris that birds had built a nest on it.

Cleaning the debris off of and out of the rear of a window air conditioner can be as simple as taking the garden hose and spraying it out.

It’s rare that it can get so dirty that you have to take the air conditioner apart, but in extreme cases, it may have to be taken out of the window and disassembled to clean it properly.

Before going down that road, hosing it down or taking an air compressor to blow the debris out is a much simpler route.

And remember that window air conditioners were made to have air flow in the rear where they sit outside. So don’t put them in a place where they can’t exhaust the heat, or cover the rear up with blankets or something that does not allow the heat to dispel like it should.

3. Malfunctioning thermostat

In rare cases, The thermostat itself can malfunction and simply not allow the air conditioner to cycle on and off, which will cause the window AC to keep running till it overheats.

Or cause the thermostat to turn on and off to frequently, which is referred to as short cycling.

If you have properly sized your air conditioner and it’s still running continually, the thermostat may be the problem and the reason the AC is overheating.

And on the flip side, If the air conditioner is properly sized but is turning on and off frequently, it can also indicate a problem with the thermostat.

4. Wrongly sized window AC

If you are using a window AC that is too small for the room that you are trying to cool, it will not only have a much harder time cooling the area, it will run much harder and longer to attempt to do so.

Which can result in a overworked window air conditioner that overheats and shuts off.

It’s important to properly size a window AC to the amount of square footage that you were trying to cool.

A window AC that is too small can overwork till it overheats.

A window AC that is too big will short cycle, which means it will turn on and off too frequently.

And reduce the air conditioner’s ability to dehumidify which is a major component of how a window air conditioner is able to cool an area.


Do window air conditioners overheat? A Window AC unit can overheat for a few different reasons.

Some of the most common causes of overheating include  dirty air filters, clogged condenser coils, and a bad thermostat.

A dirty air filter can restrict airflow, causing the AC to work harder and overheat.

Clogged condenser coils can prevent the AC from being able to exhaust the heat from the rear which will cause the heat to build up inside of the AC.

A malfunctioning thermostat can cause the AC to turn on and off too frequently, leading to overheating. A bad thermostat can also cause the compressor or not cycle on and off as much as it should.

It’s important to keep in mind that window ACs are designed to cool a specific square footage.

A window AC that is too small for The area that it is trying to cool can overheat by simply overworking.

A window air conditioner that is too big can overheat by short cycling, which is a term that means “turning on and off”, which can also lead to getting diminished results from an air conditioner and eventually overheating.


To prevent overheating,

It’s important to keep the AC unit clean and free of debris. Which includes pulling the filter out and washing it regularly.

That also means keeping the area around the unit clear of debris and dust, after all, a filter will Get less dirty when it has less to filter.

It’s also very important to keep the portion of the air conditioner that sits outside clean and free of debris as well as making sure that it is not covered to the point where the compressor cannot exhaust the heat efficiently.

Finally keep in mind that, that window AC’s are designed for a specific room size and if you use it in a larger room it will have to work harder to cool the room.



An AC unit can overheat for a variety of reasons such as a dirty air filter, clogged condenser coils, or a malfunctioning thermostat. To prevent overheating, it is important to properly maintain your AC unit and have it inspected by a professional if you suspect an issue.

Can You Install a Window Air Conditioner On Its Side?


Have you ever had a window air conditioner that was just too big for the window that you wanted to install it into if it were sitting horizontally.

But you realize that if you were to turn it on its side you can make it work.

But even though it seems like the perfect solution, there are a few reasons that make the solution not quite as genius as it seems.

Can you install a window air conditioner on its side?

Unfortunately No. The main problem with installing a window air conditioner on its side is the the compressor. The compressor is the main mechanical part that makes the air conditioner work. And It is meant to sit in a specific upright position.

Window air conditioners are designed to be installed in a specific orientation, typically with the front of the unit facing outward and the back facing inward.

Turning it on its side can cause the lubricating oil in the compressor to flow into the refrigerant lines,

which can cause damage to the compressor. And in turn, cause the window AC do not cool efficiently.

And even though there are window air conditioners that have compressors that can sit in any position,

If you were going to buy a new window air conditioner, there are different styles of window ACs that are meant to sit in their windows.

Another thing, is that window air conditioners create condensation which is made to drain out of a specific hole.

Turning the air conditioner on its side could potentially make the drainage system less effective, which also may result in water leaks and additional damage to the AC unit.

Is there any time you can use a window air conditioner on its side?

Some window air conditioners have compressors that are designed to be able to sit sideways.

If you were in the market for a window air conditioner, seeking out this type of air conditioner may be a good ideal.

But remember that there are different types of window air conditioners that are made for different types of windows,

And a vertically sliding window type of window AC would probably be a better solution if you have yet to decide which type of window air conditioner you want.

In some cases, manufacturers may provide instructions for installing a window air conditioner on its side,

But it’s important to remember that this is not just an alternative to sitting it horizontally.

The air conditioner must be specifically designed to be able to sit it on its side.

So unless you have a specific type of window air conditioner with specific instructions on how to install it on its side,

The best money is not to do it. Because you will eventually be throwing away the money that you put into the window AC in the first place.


Can you install a window AC on its side?

Even though it would be a very convenient solution in many situations to be able to install a window AC on its side,

It is not recommended to do so.

The reason is, the compressor of a window air conditioner is meant to sit in a specific orientation. And the compressor is the main component of the AC.

If it is not sitting right, there is a chance that lubricating oil can get into the refrigerant lines.

That would diminish the ability of the window AC to cool and potentially damage the air conditioner.

Window air conditioners are designed to drain condensation specific way also.

Installing one on its side can potentially cause water leaks and other types of damage.

But if you were in the market for a window AC, there are a few that do allow sideways installation.

It may be worthwhile to consider purchasing this type If you foresee any kind of situation in your future where you may need it.

But if you are purchasing a new window AC for a narrow window, window air conditioners come in different styles for all types of windows.

The best money is to buy the right type of window AC for the type of window you have and not try to get away with installing it on its side.










Can You Use a Window Air Conditioner Without a Window?

Can you use a window air conditioner inside a room?

Yes,  you can use a window air conditioner without a window inside a room. Though there is not any type of professional conversion kit you buy, there are some very good DIY methods.

black and Decker portable air coolerRather just purchase a portable AC that you do not have to modify? Check out the Black & Decker 12000 BTU portable AC with you dehumidifier and fan Here.



A lot of people say that window air conditioners can not be used other than through a window.

But that’s not my experience.

I have seen them modified to work in shops, garages and basements.

The thing is you’ve got to know a little about how a window AC works before you can make it work without a window.

But it is actually not as difficult as you may think.

The main things you need to know are how to vent it and how to capture the condensate.

The first thing you need to know is that heat is generated and expels out of the entire back of the unit when it is running.

That means you are not going to be able to bring the unit in and put it on the table, then turn it on and have it cool off the room. I wish it were that easy.

The heat it creates will overtake the cool air coming out and you’ll end up with a hotter room everywhere except right in front of the air conditioner.

“You’re going to have to fashion a way to capture the heat coming out of the rear and vent it somewhere. Preferably outside or into the attic. A closet would even do if there isn’t any thing in it that the heat would effect.”

Sometimes using a window air conditioner without a window may be as easy as cutting a hole in the wall and setting up the window AC the same way you would if it were in a window.

That is probably a good option if you’re committed to keeping it there.

But if you want to preserve your walls, there are other ways.

How to Vent a Window Air Conditioner Without a Window

In the example here, a storage bin is modified to fit around the rear of the AC and flexible duct is used to vent the heat into the attic.

The lid is cut and duct taped around the opening to create an air tight seal.

The reason a storage bin works is that it gives plenty of room for heat the to go.

That’s important because if the heat gets trapped, the AC will overheat and will not cool down.

Another important thing to remember is to leave the side grills open.

The grills and the sides are basically there to allow fresh air in to help cool off the AC. So make sure that they are not drawing air from the vented heat.

Does a Window Unit Have to be in a Window?

On the bucket part of the storage bin, there is a vent box cut into and duct taped to the plastic.

That makes it easy to connect the flexible duct, but it’s completely optional. You can get away with taping the duct straight to the plastic.

Duct Box Taped cut and taped into Storage Bin

Duct Attached and taped to Duct Box

The duct is fished into the ceiling. Which is fine because it is a garage.

If you having to vent off into a closet or another room, you can use cardboard to  fill the space around the flex duct.

Flexible Duct fished into the attic

Flexible duct fished out the door or closet. (Alternate method)

As for the condensation,

Since the air conditioner is sitting on a wooden frame to elevate it to the level of the lid on the storage bin.

This leaves plenty of room to put something underneath the air conditioner to capture the condensation runoff.

It is also possible to rig up some sort of hose for the condensation run off to drip into.

Something you might see on evaporative cooler.

Convert Window AC to Portable

Basically the whole thing is a DIY conversion of a window air conditioner into a portable air conditioner.

Portable air conditioners run exactly like window air conditioners except for they already have the flexible duct connected and come with ready-made kits to vent them out windows and doors.

They also have a bucket to capture the condensation.

But most of the supplies you need to do your own DIY indoor window air conditioner are usually around the house or don’t cost too much

And if you’re on a budget a low in window air conditioner even with the DIY supplies to convert it is cheaper than the low in portable air conditioner.

Sitting in my shed.

You can find them in garage sales and tucked away in storage sheds quite often too.

Plus it’s pretty fun when you get it done and it works good.

Good luck.

Not for you?

Fashioning a way to use a window air conditioner without a window can be a lot of work.

And if you don’t have a window AC sitting around somewhere that needs to be used, it’s work that you may not want to do anyway.

Portable air conditioners already have everything you need built into the unit and apart from finding a place to vent it to, are ready to go.

Another option is ventless portable ACs.
This type of air conditioner does not require any type of vent to exhale the heat, but it does require adding water regularly.

Here are a few choices we recommend if you decide to purchase a portable AC rather than go through the trouble of converting a window AC to use inside a room or house.

MIDEA 3 in 1

This is a small portable air conditioner that combines a air conditioner, dehumidifier, and a fan. Also features a remote control and window conversion kit.
The unit also has a Eco sleep mode that automatically adjust the temperature while you sleep. Check out the MIDEA 3 in 1 Portable AC Here


DeLonghi 3 in 1

This portable AC unit includes a air quality sensor that they call “Eco Real Feel”. The sensor monitors and controls the functions of the AC including cooling and dehumidification to provide the ultimate comfort. Eco Real Feel can save you as much as 30% in energy consumption.
Click here for More Info on the DeLonghi 700 Sq Ft portable AC

ComfyHome 2 in 1 Evaporative Air Cooler and Fan

Evaporative cooler for a small to medium sized room.
Unique design without the standard air conditioning blades in the front. This Ventless portable AC comes with the remote and a timer that can be set up to 8 hours. ComfyHome Air Cooler – Click Here

Evaporative coolers function by blowing air over water which makes it work like a humidifier in the process.

This AC comes with ice packs to put in the water so that the air being blown it’s not just blowing over water, but ice cold water.


What Can Happen if a Window AC is Too Big For Your Room? 

If you’re in the market for a window air conditioner, making sure that you purchased the right size for your room it’s probably the most important information that you can have.

Sizing the air conditioner to your specific square footage will make all the difference.

But what happens when you have an old window AC in the shed that you’re wanting to pull out and use?

Is there any consequence to having the wrong size window AC?

The results of using a window AC that is not correctly sized for your room may actually have more impact than you would have thought.

What can happen if your window AC is too big for your room?

If your window AC unit is too big for the room it’s intended to cool, it can cause multiple negative consequences. Inefficient cooling, short cycling, higher energy bills, and increased wear and tear on the unit. It simply will not work at top performance and will cost much more up front and on your bill.

Here’s a little better breakdown:

1.Inefficient cooling:

An oversized AC unit will cool the room quickly, but it won’t remove enough moisture from the air.

This can leave the room feeling damp and clammy. 
And since humidity is usually one of the primary reasons the air is hot in the first place,

Using a window air conditioner that is too big can actually end up defeating the purpose.

2. Short cycling:

Short cycling is when a window air conditioning unit turns on and off frequently rather than running continuously.

This can cause you a few problems:

a. Inadequate cooling:

When the air conditioner short cycles, it doesn’t run long enough to properly cool the room.

b. Increases energy bill

Short cycling causes the unit to turn on and off more frequently,

Which means more power is being used, and more power results in a higher electricity bill.

c. Shortened lifespan

When the AC short cycles, it is frequently turning on and off.

Which can shorten the lifespan of the air conditioner simply by causing it to run much harder than it is intended to in the right space.

d. Dehumidifier doesn’t work well

Short cycling also means that the unit doesn’t have enough time to remove moisture from the air.

Window air conditioners reduce humidity as they cool the room.

That is one of the primary ways that a Window AC works.

Which will result in the room feeling humid.

What happens if you use a window air conditioners that is too small for your room?

As you may have guessed, having a window air conditioner that is too small for your room is not good either.

In fact you will end up having some of the same consequences using a window AC that is too small as you would when you have one that is too big.

1. Not enough cooling power

A window air conditioner that is too small for a room simply will not have enough power to cool off the room and keep it at a comfortable temperature.

2. Overworking

And though it doesn’t cause short cycling as in the case of an air conditioner that is too big,

When an air conditioner is too small it will continuously run to try to keep up. Which will eventually shorten the lifespan of the air conditioner.

3. Higher energy bill

An undersized AC will consume much more energy because it will work so much harder to try to keep the room cool.


What can happen if a window AC is too big or too small for your room?

You may think that a window AC that is too big would actually cool off a room faster and work better.

Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way.

A window air conditioner that is too big will short cycle. Meaning it will turn the compressor on and off much more frequently.

The result will be that it will not dehumidify like it should and decrease its cooling capacity.

Not only will it not cool like it’s supposed to it will end up jacking up your energy bill because of the amount of power that it uses to turn on and off.

A window AC that is too small will simply not be able to cool the room because it doesn’t have the power.

And it will also raise your energy bill because it will continuously run trying to keep up with a demand of cooling off your room.

The best money is on sizing the room specifically for your square footage.

How Do I Make Sure My Window Air Conditioner is Secure?


Installing a window air conditioner is usually viewed as something that’s pretty simple to do.

The instructions that are included when you buy window AC usually make it seem pretty cut and dry.

But for a lot of people, installing a window air conditioner can be a huge ordeal that can leave them with a lot of questions.

Not to mention, window ACs can be quite heavy. And it should be said that if you can’t lift it confidently, then make sure that you have help before starting.

One of the most popular questions is “how do I make sure my window air conditioner is secure?”

No one wants their window AC to fall out and the truth is it can be hazardous if it does.

Especially in situations where the air conditioner is especially high up or in situations where there are a lot of children playing around.

How do I make sure my window air conditioner is secure?

1.First inspect the window.

If the window and the window sill have any rotted wood or damage, You were not going to be able to use that window to securely install a window AC.

The window and the window seal need to be solid in order to safely hold the window AC and give you a solid place to attach it to.

2. Screws

The easiest way to make sure that your window air conditioner is secure is to attach the window AC to window itself with screws.

The air conditioner itself should have a brace that connects to the top of the unit.

When you sit the air conditioner into the window and bring the window down on the air conditioner, The brace sits in front of the window.

Then you would simply screw the window air conditioner to the window with the provided screws and screw holes.

This is the tried and true way to ensure the security of a window AC. This is how it’s put forth in the majority of window AC installation instructions.

Other things that could help you make sure your window seal is secure.

3. Use a bracket or support bracket.

Brackets are generally angle shaped connectors that could be used to further secure a window AC.

Connecting a bracket on each side of the AC to the window frame would definitely add a lot of security window AC installation.

4. Extra security bars

If the air conditioner is in a window on a higher floor, you may want to consider installing some type of security bar or guard to to attach the AC from the rear.

It will also give you the security of knowing that the window AC will not be pushed out from the inside.

5. Chain or rope.

You can use a chain or a rope to attach the outside corners of the window AC to the house or building that the AC is being used in.

This would provide extra security to help hold the weight of the outside portion of the AC.

6. Locks

Locks can also be attached to a window AC to help burglarize your home.

Window ACs can be an easy target for thieves and in some circumstances you may not feel safe having a window AC sitting in your window with a few screws keeping someone from entering.

Installing locks on the air conditioner can prevent it from being tampered with or plain stolen.

It can also make it much harder for someone to get the AC out of the window and get in to your house through the opening.

7. Platform

In some situations, building a platform for the window AC to sit on can make sure that the window is sitting securely and the weight of it is not pulling directly on the window or window frame.

And this type of scenario it is important to remember that window ACs drain condensation out of the bottom of the unit.

So any type of platform that the AC is sitting on will need to have an opening large enough for the water to drip out.

That’s especially true if you make the platform out of wood.


The general instructions for securing a window air conditioner are to connect the AC to the window using screws to attach the provided upper window brace to the window itself.

In most cases this is the most security that you will need.

But another circumstances, you may consider extra braces, using bars are guards in the rear, attaching the rear with chains or rope to the house, or even building a small platform for the AC to sit on that is attached to the house.

And remember locks can also be installed to your window AC to keep the window air conditioner from being stolen or being removed to provide an entry to your home or establishment.


Do Window AC Units Vibrate? A Few Things To Look For

Recently I noticed the window AC that  installed last year was making noise. Vibrating the window sill. I immediately was irritated because it was such a pain to install in first place.

But I guess on the bright side, its also an opportunity to find out why and fix it. yay.  And an opportunity to pass it on.

Do window AC units vibrate?

Yes, window air conditioning units can vibrate. Due to a number of things. Things like an uneven installation, a  fan motor going out, or just plain dirt that has built up on it.

How do you Reduce Vibration on a Window AC?

There are several ways to reduce vibration in a window AC.

Here’s some things to think about.

1. Proper installation:

Make sure the unit is installed level and on a stable surface. This will help to prevent vibrations caused by an uneven installation.

This was the one for me. The whole AC seem to turn just a little, which made it seem extra loud.

2. Use anti-vibration padding:

Padding can be placed under the unit to help absorb and dampen vibrations.

Im not sure this is something you can buy specifically, but even a wash towel or something similar would work.

3. Tighten loose parts:

Check to make sure all bolts and screws are tight, and that the fan blades are securely attached to the motor. Loose parts can cause vibrations.

4. Clean the unit regularly:

 A build-up of dirt and debris can cause vibrations and can also damage the unit over time. Specifically, a dirty filter will make the unit run extra hard and cause vibrations.

5. Check the fan motor:

A malfunctioning fan motor can cause vibrations. If the motor is not running smoothly, it may need to be repaired or replaced.

6. Balance the unit:

 If the unit is still vibrating after trying the above methods, it may be unbalanced. Make sure its level a sitting solidly.

7. Support bracket check:

 Make sure that the support bracket is tight and secure, if the bracket is loose, it will cause the unit to vibrate.

By following these steps, you should be able to reduce the vibration and noise caused by your window air conditioning unit.

Conclusion: Do window AC units vibrate?

Even a properly installed Window AC will vibrate a little. But if it has become very noticeable, then something is not quite right.

The first thing to check when any air conditioner is not working right or vibrating, making noise , etc. is the filter. 

 Air conditioners need good air flow and without it, they can offer up a whole host of symptoms.
And its such an easy thing to check first before you going down the rabbit hole.

How Good is the Heat on a Window Air Conditioner? Pros and Cons

Window air conditioners with heat pumps are a popular choice for a few different reasons, they are convenient and they save space.

 But how good is the heat on a window air conditioner compared to other heating options?

In this article, we will examine the heat output, offer a comparisons to space heaters, and talk about noise levels of window air conditioners.

How Good is the Heat on a Window Air Conditioner?

1. Heat Output

A. General Rule of Thumb

Window air conditioners can provide sufficient heat for a small room. But don’t expect it to work on the level of a central heat system. A better comparison is a standard sized 1500W space heater.

B. Room Size

For a small room up to about 150 ft, a window air conditioner can provide enough heat to keep the room comfortable.

For a large room, a window air conditioner may not be enough to heat the entire room evenly, and you’ll probably need some kind of backup plan like a extra space heater.

2. Comparison to Space Heaters

A. Heat Output

Window air conditioners can provide more heat than a space heater of the same size.

However, a larger space heater may provide more heat than a window air conditioner.

B. Energy Efficiency

Window air conditioners are typically more energy-efficient than space heaters.

So you should expect to see lower energy bills when using the heater on a window AC compared to a space heater

C. Portability

Window air conditioners are not portable, as they are designed to be installed in a window.

Space heaters, on the other hand, can be moved from room to room as needed.

3. Noise Levels

A. In General

Window air conditioners can be noisy, especially when the fan is running on high.

This can be a problem if you need to use the heater in a bedroom or other quiet space.

Some space heaters can also be quite noisy but there are options like radiator heaters that make little to no sound.

B. Solutions to Noisy Window ACs

Look for a window air conditioner with a low decibel rating, which will be quieter.

Consider installing soundproofing materials around the air conditioner to reduce the noise levels.

Rockwool insulation and rubber or two well-known soundproofing materials that can usually be purchased at your local Home Depot or hardware.

In conclusion,

 How Good is the Heat on a Window Air Conditioner?

Window air conditioners can provide sufficient heat for a small room and can be more energy-efficient than space heaters.

However, they are not portable and noise levels can be a concern, and larger rooms may require supplemental heating.

So consider the size of the room , the specific heating output of the AC in question, and noise levels when choosing a window air conditioner for heating.

Will a Window AC Work in a Power Outage? The Electrifying Truth


Thunderstorms are very popular where I live, during the summer months, it’s not unusual to monitor the weather throughout the day because of the threat of lightning and tornadoes.

And unfortunately it’s not unheard of that the power grid has been struck by lightning and we get to sit in the dark for a while till it gets turned back on.

That also means that the air conditioning is not running either.

Will a window air conditioner run in a power outage?

Unfortunately no. Window air conditioners will not run during a power outage. They are electrical devices that require electricity to work.

Backup power

However, a window air conditioner can work during a power outage, if it’s connected to a backup power source, like a generator.

If you have a generator, it can supply electricity to the AC and keep it running.

This way, you’ll stay cool and comfortable even during a power outage.

It’s important to note that not all generators are powerful enough to run an AC. You’ll need to check the specifications of your generator and make sure it can handle the power needs of your AC.

If it can’t, you’ll need to get a bigger generator…

In summary,

Will a window air conditioner run in a power outage? A window AC can work during power outage, but it needs a backup power source like generator or portable AC that runs on battery, which is not going to last long.

If you don’t have a generator, or any other kind of backup power, The window air conditioner will not work during a power outage.


Can I Use an Extension Cord With a Window Air Conditioner?

Can you imagine having to live without extension cords and power strips? These days, it seems like there is a power strip on every plug to accommodate every thing that needs power.

  But there are times when extension cords should not be used.

Can I Use an Extension Cord With a Window Air Conditioner?

Sure, you can use an extension cord with a window air conditioner. But, it’s important to make sure you use the right kind of cord and that it’s in good condition.

A heavy duty cord in good condition that is rated for a window AC are the main points here.

Do you have the right cord?

1. The Right Wattage

You want to make sure the extension cord is rated for the wattage of your air conditioner.

The wattage should be listed on the air conditioner or in the manual. Make sure the cord  you buy can handle that amount of power.

2. Quality

 you want to use a heavy-duty extension cord. This means the cord should be thicker and made of durable materials.

This is important because the air conditioner will be pulling a lot of power, and a regular cord may not be able to handle it.

A heavier gauge cord will go hand in hand with the wattage that it is able to handle but it’s worth hammering the point home.

3. Good Condition

You want to make sure the cord is in good condition. This should go without saying.

 But a cord that is in good condition means that there are no frayed wires, no bare areas where you can see the wires, or damage to the plug.

If the cord is damaged in any way, it can be a fire hazard.

4.Tripping Hazzard

 Extension cords can be tripping hazards. You want to make sure the cord is long enough to reach the outlet and the air conditioner.

 But if you have an extension cord that is too long drawn out across the room, you can bet someone’s going to trip over it.

In conclusion,

Can I use an extension cord with a window air conditioner?

Using an extension cord with a window air conditioner is possible, but it’s important to use the right kind of cord and make sure it’s in good condition.

Use heavy-duty extension cord, and make sure to check that the wattage of your air conditioner and cord match.

And make sure that the cord is in good condition with no areas where you can see wires, and remember that if there’s a extension cord drawn out across a room, you can bet someone’s going to trip over it.ar