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AC Window Vs Through the Wall. Is there a difference?

  “A window air conditioner is an affordable and easy to install option for cooling...
Window AC vs Through the Wall

AC Unit Freezing Up In Summer

Irony. That may too kind of a word for it.The hottest time of the year...
AC unit freezing up in summer

AC making noise? 13 Noisy AC Problems Explained

Is your AC making noise? Or does it make a loud noise when starting up...
AC Making Noise

AC Dehumidifier(Dry) Mode- What and When Do You Use It?

What is Dehumidifier (Dry) Mode in AC? High Humidity is the number one cause of...
AC Dehumidifier(Dry) Mode

A Humidifier vs An Air Purifier For Your Baby?

As a mother or a father, it goes without saying you want the best for...

A Humidifier for Nosebleeds and Dry Nose Relief?

At the time of writing this article, it is mid September, and the daytime high...
humidifier for nosebleeds

9 Features To Look For in a Dehumidifier

How do you pick a dehumidifier? Of course you want a machine that takes the...
What to Look For in a Dehumidifier

7 Simple Remedies to Get Rid of Dog Allergies

They say that dogs are man’s best friend. They certainly can be, but allergic reactions...

6 Common Mistakes People Make When Using a Humidifier

Humidifiers typically come out of the closet during the dry winter months when the heater...
humidifier common mistakes