What Happens If You Don’t Vent a Window Air Conditioner?
When it comes to staying cool during the hot summer months, many people rely on...
What Does The UV Light On An Air Purifier Do?
A UV or ultraviolet light , when it is targeted directly upon it, can effectively...
What Does Ozone Smell Like In An Air Purifier?
What Does Ozone Smell Like? Ozone or also known by it’s scientific name, Trioxygen (molecular oxygen that...
What Does Ion Mean On A Fan? The Surprising Truth About Ionizing Fans
A fan is a pretty simple device. It blows air and it osculates. It has...
What Does An Ionizer Do? 5 Methods-9 Uses
Ionizer is a term that you have probably heard a lot while shopping for a...
What Does An Ioniser Do?
Ionizers are one of those good, bad, and ugly subjects to discuss. For the amount...
What Does An Air Purifier Do?
The ideal of an air purifier sounds amazing. A device to purify the ambient air...
What Does a Diffuser Do in a Room?
what does a diffuser do? The diffuser is a device that breaks down and disperses...
What Does a “Pedestal Fan” Mean?
Have you ever been to a historical museum? If you have, then you know that...