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Is There a Fan that Blows Cold Air vs. Just Air?

Is there a type of fan that blows cold air versus just plain air? Not...
fan that blows cold air

Is Sleeping in the Basement Bad for Your Health?

When I was younger I played  lead guitar in a band that practiced in a...
Is Sleeping in the Basement Bad for Your Health

Is Pink Mold in Humidifier Dangerous?

Is Pink Mold in Humidifier Dangerous? Mold can be of three types and among them...
Is Pink Mold in Humidifier Dangerous

Is It Safe to Sleep with a Propane Heater?

Indoor heat is a necessity in the winter. There is no getting around it. And...
is it safe to sleep with a propane heater

Is it Normal for AC to Run All Day in Summer? Understanding the Circumstances

 “It’s normal for AC to run all day in summer if there’s a proper insulation...
Is it Normal for AC to Run All Day in Summer

Is it Dangerous to Leave a Candle Burning?

Is it dangerous to leave a candle burning? There’s a lot of talk about whether...

Is it Bad to Sleep with a Fan Blowing on You?-Pros and Cons

Is it bad to sleep with a fan blowing on you? That can be a...
Is it Bad to Sleep with a Fan Blowing on You

Is it Bad to Keep Turning AC On and Off? Here’s What You Need to Know

As the temperatures rise, many people become increasingly reliant on their air conditioning units for...
Is it Bad to Keep Turning AC On and Off

Is Inhaling Vinegar Steam Good For Sinuses?

Vinegar Steam Inhalation: A Sinus Relief Miracle or Just Folklore? Inhaling vinegar steam is a...
inhaling vinegar steam