What is the Cheapest Way to Run AC

What is the Cheapest Way to Run AC? Money Saving Tactics

As the summer months approach, many homeowners begin to consider the cost of running their air conditioning units.

With energy prices on the rise, it’s important to find ways to keep your home cool without breaking the bank.

One question that often arises is, “What is the cheapest way to run AC?” In this article, we will explore some of the ways you can save money on your air conditioning costs.

What is the cheapest way to run AC?

1. Programmable Thermostat:

Use a programmable thermostat to set the temperature higher when you’re not home:

This allows you to control the temperature in your home even when you’re not there.

By setting the temperature higher when you’re not home or asleep, you can save money on energy costs while still keeping your home comfortable.

2. Ceiling fan:

Use a ceiling fan to circulate cool air:

A ceiling fan can help to circulate cool air throughout your home, making it feel cooler even if the temperature is set higher.

This can help to reduce the amount of time your AC unit needs to run, which can save you money on energy costs.

3. Insulation:

Seal and insulate your home to prevent cool air from escaping:

By sealing and insulating your home, you can prevent cool air from escaping through gaps and cracks in the walls and windows.

This can help to keep your home cool without having to run your AC unit as much, which can save you money on energy costs.

4. Shade

Use shading to block the sun’s rays from entering your home:

Shading can help to block the sun’s rays from entering your home, which can reduce the amount of heat that builds up inside.

This can help to keep your home cool without having to run your AC unit as much, which can save you money on energy costs.

5. Maintenance

Keep your AC unit in good working condition by regularly changing the filters and scheduling professional maintenance:

Regular maintenance of your AC unit can help to keep it running at optimal efficiency, which can reduce the amount of energy it uses to cool your home.

This can save you money on energy costs in the long run.


In conclusion, there are several ways to keep your home cool without spending a lot of money on energy costs.

By using a programmable thermostat, ceiling fan, and shading, you can reduce the amount of time your AC unit needs to run.

Additionally, sealing and insulating your home can prevent cool air from escaping.

Regular maintenance of your AC unit can also keep it running at optimal efficiency.

Published by

Dennis Reed

Dennis Reed Owner and Author @ BreatheBetterAir.org