Are Propane Heaters Safe to Breathe?

Propane gas is a very clean burning gas that at the right levels is very safe. But at high levels it can produce carbon monoxide.

That’s why propane heaters are sold both as indoor heaters and as outdoor heaters separately.

Indoor propane heaters are specifically designed to be used indoors.

And outdoor propane heaters are designed to be used outdoors.

Indoor propane heaters come with extra safety precautions that protect against any threat of carbon monoxide poisoning occurring because of the propane that is being burned.

Outdoor propane heaters are not required to have the same level of safety precautions as indoor heaters because any carbon monoxide that is produced while the heater is being used, dissipates very quickly and easily.

Are propane heaters safe to breathe?

Yes propane heaters are safe to breathe around.

Indoor propane heaters are outfitted with extra precautions to ensure safe breathing indoors,

And any carbon monoxide that is produced by an outdoor propane heater, quickly dissipates because of wind and airflow it comes with being outdoors.

Carbon monoxide detectors

In a perfect world, appliances work forever and never break down.

The same goes for a propane heater or any other type of heater that you have in the house or outside.

Heaters eventually go out.

And it’s for that reason , Carbon monoxide detectors are always a good idea when using a propane heater indoors.

And yes it is true that propane has a chemical additive called Mercaptan that causes propane to have a very sour smell similar to rotten eggs or a rotting corpse,

And it is put there precisely for you to be able to smell it and identify it if a leak were to occur.

But that also puts you in a position of having to rely on your sense of smell even when it’s not functioning at full capacity.

Space heaters are generally used in the winter when the outdoor temperature is cold. That also happens to be the time of the year when colds and viruses are at their peak.

And viruses are one of the big reasons that people lose their sense of smell.

That’s just one example of why relying on your sense of smell alone is not a good idea when it comes to carbon monoxide.

Carbon monoxide detectors will alert you if your propane heater has a leak whether or not you can smell the propane or not.

You can also purchase carbon monoxide detectors that are bundled in with other types of detectors like a propane detector as well as other natural gas and explosive gases. Click here.


Are propane heaters safe to breathe?

It is safe to breathe around a propane heater provided that you are using a propane heater that is specifically rated to be used indoors, or you are using it outside where any kind of carbon monoxide will easily dissipate.

Propane is a very clean burning gas but at high levels can produce carbon monoxide.

That’s why propane heaters are rated as either an indoor propane heater or an outdoor propane heater.

The difference is that indoor propane heaters have extra precautions to keep you safe against any threat that would cause you not to be able to breathe.

But even though that is the case, it’s always suggested that you use carbon monoxide detectors anytime that you are using a fuel burning stove or heater indoors. That includes the chimney that you are burning wood in.

Do Little Buddy Heaters Produce Carbon Monoxide?

Do Little Buddy Heaters Produce Carbon Monoxide?

The Little Buddy is a popular brand of indoor propane heater and propane heaters can release carbon monoxide if it is burned in too high of volume or if there is a malfunction in your heating appliance.

  And carbon monoxide is poisonous and can result in making you sick or even death if not detected and rectified.

The Little Buddy propane heater does not burn propane in high volume and is a properly working appliance. But like any other appliance, if there is a malfunction with the heater, then there is a chance of the heater producing carbon monoxide. 

As a propane heater intended for indoor use, it comes with the standard oxygen depletion sensor that will shut the heater off if it senses that the oxygen in the surrounding area is lowering.

A very nice feature since the absence of oxygen is the introduction of carbon monoxide.

Propane is actually a very clean burning gas that is very safe to use to heat a room or even a house. That is as long as the heater, like the Little Buddy, is rated for indoor use.

What’s the difference between an indoor and an outdoor propane heater?

Because rooms that are inside a house are normally tightly sealed,

Indoor propane heaters come with extra precautions to guard against the threat of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Oxygen depletion sensors automatically shut the machinery off if they sense the oxygen level going down in the room.

Outdoor propane heaters are not required to have the same standard of safety precautions because any carbon monoxide that is created while burning, dissipates very quickly outside.

Carbon Monoxide detectors

And while using a indoor propane heater like the little buddy is not dangerous and the threat of carbon monoxide poisoning is very low while using it,

Carbon monoxide detectors are inexpensive and should be employed anytime that there is propane gas, natural gas, or even wood burning in your home to produce heat.

In most states it’s actually the law to have a carbon monoxide detector in your home if you use any sort of gas or have a fireplace.

And though the little buddy propane heater is well built and precautions have been added to ensure your safety, appliances can break.


Do Little Buddy Heaters Produce Carbon Monoxide?

Little buddy heaters are indoor propane heaters that are properly rated for indoor use.

That means that they have precautions built-in to help ensure that carbon monoxide poisoning does not ever happen.

There is very little threat of carbon monoxide being released while using a little buddy propane heater.

But like any appliance, propane gas heaters can malfunction for any number of reasons.

A malfunctioning propane heater can definitely be a threat of carbon monoxide poisoning. 

For this reason, before using a indoor propane heater or any other type of heater that burns fuel or wood,

You should install carbon monoxide detectors in your home or business.

Carbon monoxide detectors are fairly inexpensive and are often combined with Propane and other natural and explosive gas detectors in the same unit.

And since installing Carbon monoxide detectors is actually the law in most States, you probably already have them.

And this article may just be a reminder to make sure that they are working and that the battery is fresh.

Do You Need a Carbon Monoxide Detector with a Propane Heater?

Carbon monoxide can be an issue anytime that there is fuel being burned as a source of heat.

It’s for this reason that almost every state has a law in place that requires carbon monoxide detectors in some capacity whether it be in homes or daycares.

At the very least it is highly encouraged to have a carbon monoxide detector in your home.

Carbon monoxide is invisible, tasteless, odorless, and is a hazard to your health.

Carbon monoxide poisoning can even result in death. It’s not be toyed with obviously.

   A properly functioning propane heater will produce nearly zero carbon monoxide.

But a malfunction in a propane heater can cause incomplete combustion. Which will lead to the presence of carbon monoxide.

And could lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.

Do you need a carbon monoxide detector with a propane heater?

Carbon monoxide detectors are  inexpensive and should be employed anytime you are using a propane heater. For any heater that uses gas.

And since the probability of you already having carbon monoxide detectors installed, it’s always a good time to make sure that they are working and that the battery is good.

Other Propane Heater safety measures

Oxygen depletion sensor (ODS)

Propane heaters that are meant for indoor use come with an oxygen depletion sensor as a standard protection mechanism.

This is a safety feature that causes the heater to shut off when the oxygen around the heater becomes depleted.

This is important because when the oxygen becomes low, it creates a void where carbon monoxide will fill it.

If the oxygen depletion sensor shuts down the heater, although there is a good chance of carbon monoxide, the ODS sensor will not detect it.

Another reason that a carbon monoxide detector is a must when using a propane heater indoors.

Propane additives

Propane is completely odor free at its origin. For that reason, a harmless chemical called Mercaptan is added to let you know when there is a leak.

The smell is similar to rotten eggs or a dead animal. So there is no mistaking when you smell it.

But relying on the sense of smell is not full proofed. One of symptoms common to cold and flu season is a reduced sense of smell.

For that reason, it is highly suggested that in addition to a carbon monoxide detector that you use a propane gas detector.

Multi function detectors like the Kidde Nighthawk Carbon Monoxide Detector & Propane, Natural, & Explosive Gas Detector

will add a higher level of protection from the threat of a propane leak or any other natural or explosive gas and serve a carbon monoxide detector in one.


Do you need a carbon monoxide detector with a propane heater?

A Carbon monoxide detector is highly suggested with the use of a propane because even though a propane heater may come with an oxygen depletion sensor, it does not have a carbon monoxide detector on board.

Carbon monoxide poisoning can be deadly and is not something worth risking since the price of a carbon monoxide detector is fairly inexpensive.

  Many people opt for multi-detectors that can measure carbon monoxide as well as gases like propane and other natural gases. And sound a loud alarm when they are detected.

Can You Use a Propane Heater Indoors?

If you are like me, you would probably say that a propane heater should not be used indoors.

It would seem pretty obvious. A heater that burns dangerous gas in the house? I’m thinking no.

But I would be wrong.

A little research reminded me that natural gas is used inside of the house in some fashion every single day.

The Central heat and air system burns gas, the oven in the stove uses gas (unless you have an electric stove top). Gas burning dryers are also very popular.

So it is definitely not a new thing to use gas to heat and cook inside of the house.

Propane is no different.

Can you use a propane heater indoors?

Propane heaters can be used indoors provided that they are specifically marked and rated for indoor use.

Indoor propane heaters have extra precautions to guard against carbon monoxide poisoning.

Propane is actually a very clean burning gas and with the right precautions, it is a very economical way to heat a room.

But remember, Not all propane heaters are built the same and they are not all intended to be used indoors.

What’s the difference between an indoor propane heater and an outdoor propane heater?

Indoor propane heaters come with tighter safety precautions to prevent CO2 poisoning.

Oxygen Depletion sensors monitor the air quality as the heater is operating. If the oxygen level in the room becomes too low, it  causes the heater to automatically shut off.

You probably have carbon monoxide detectors already in your house.

Because it is the law.

Household carbon monoxide detectors are required in any room that has a fireplace or heater, as per the carbon monoxide safety act.

Smoke detectors are also required.

This may be a reminder to check the batteries and make sure all your CO2 detectors are fully functioning.

Propane gas itself also has an extra layer of protection because of the way it is sold.

Because Carbon monoxide is odorless and tasteless, additives that create a smell like rotten eggs are added to propane so that a leak can be easily identifiable.

   The smell will alert you to turn the propane heater off immediately so you can identify where it is leaking and have it fixed.

Outdoor propane heaters are meant to be used in open air surroundings.

It is because propane dissipates very easily in the open air.

And because of this, there is no possibility of CO2 build up.

Can you use an outdoor propane heater indoors?

It is not recommended to use an outdoor propane heater indoors ever.

Outdoor propane heaters do not have the same safety precautions to protect you against CO2 poisoning that indoor heaters do.

They are all so much more powerful and hotter than you need to have inside of the house.

Just a brief look at the amount of BTUs that each uses makes it pretty obvious.

The average indoor propane heater is around 5,000 to 30,000 BTUs whereas an outdoor patio heater is around the 46,000 BTU mark. Forced air propane heaters can get up there in the 60,000 BTU range.

Quite a significant difference in the amount of power between them.

Should you use an outdoor propane heater in the garage?

You definitely start to get into a gray area when you are talking about using a propane heater in an area that is typically more open than the inside of the house. But it is not so open that it qualifies for being outside.

Propane heaters are not one size fits all. And neither are garages.

If you have a small garage and intend to keep it closed while you are working, then using an indoor propane heater will probably suffice and be a much safer option.

If you have a larger garage, then having a larger heater is going to be a better option. But remember as the size of the heater increases, the more ventilation that you will need will increase.

And having a heater so big that you have to keep the garage door open to use it is probably not the result you were looking for either.

And it’s important to remember that garages often double as storage areas where paint cans and other types of combustibles like gas and oil are often kept.

Keeping these items away from a heater is the utmost of importance.

But if you have a large garage that is well ventilated, there are certainly options available for you.

Forced air propane heaters can heat up a room as large as 3000 square feet.

Ceiling mounted propane heaters can also be a great option to keep the heater off of the floor and away from debris and combustibles that are often found in shops and garages.

Propane heaters can literally be found in just about every size for everyone’s needs.

Can you use an outdoor propane heater indoorsSummary

Can you use a propane heater indoors?

Propane heaters can be used indoors as long as they are marked for indoor use.

Indoor propane heaters are outfitted with safety precautions to help prevent carbon monoxide poisoning that outdoor heaters are not.

Indoor propane heaters that are intended to be used inside of a house are much smaller and do not create nearly the heat as an outdoor heater would.

An outdoor propane heater is specifically intended for use in the open air. And it does not come with the same carbon monoxide precautions.

But there is a grey area.

Propane heaters are very popular for use in garages.

Garages tend to be more open and have better ventilation than inside of the house.

But they are not so open that they do not warrant any type of safety precautions.

Garages are not all one size and neither are garage heaters.

And as the heaters get bigger and hotter, there tends to be less information provided on the CO2 safety side.

There seems to be a built-in acceptance that you are smart enough not to put too big of a heater into, too small of a space.

Ventilation is the key.

I think that the smart money is on using carbon monoxide detectors anywhere that you have a propane heater burning.

Regardless if it’s a small indoor heater, a full size outdoor heater, or a heater that you are using in the garage.

What is the Advantage of a Tower Fan?

Fans come in a lot of different shapes and sizes. And you can argue that each style has specific characteristics that make them better than others.

And each type of fan has a type of room that it is better paired with.

For instance, a drum fan that works well in a shop or garage area is not exactly what you want in a living room.

And though there are many fans that are basically utility fans that are not meant to look like anything special,

When it comes to your living room or your bedroom, you probably want something that fits better in with your furniture and decor.

  A tower fan may be just what you’re looking for.

Let’s take a look at a couple of the outstanding characteristics of a tower fan that make it more useful for a living room or bedroom area. Of

What is the advantage of a tower fan?

Tower fans have more than one advantage including:

  1. Aesthetically pleasing
  2. No exposed blades
  3. Take up less room
  4. Blade design that moves a lot of air.

1.  Aesthetically pleasing

Compared to other types of fans like a box fan or a pedestal fan, tower fans are designed to look like they fit in with the décor of a room.

Compared to the usual large circular frame that many fans use, a tower fan is a simple, straight up and down and  aesthetically pleasing fan.

2.  Take up less room

Similarly to the aesthetic look of a tower fan is the capacity to hide for tuck away a tower fan.

The small narrow size of a tower fan does not only allow it to blend in easy, it allows it to be tucked away in a corner much easier than another type of fan.

Most tower fans are only about 3 and 1/2 ft. tall at about 6 in around.

3.  No exposed blades

The blades on a tower fan are hidden completely behind a vent grill that is very hard to get your hands or fingers into.

This one feature adds a dimension of safety that makes it a clear contender when you are searching for a fan style that is safe for baby or toddler to be around.

Tower fans also come in completely bladeless styles that make it impossible to ever get a finger into a fan blade as it is moving.

4. Moves more air

Tower fans come in a couple of main styles.

One that has a long cylinder blade and one that has no blade at all.

Both styles are very safe and move a lot of air.

The style with the long cylinder blade is the more popular. The length of the cylinder blade means that you have more air moving along a longer length than you get with other types of circular fans.

This type of tower fan is very popular for bedrooms because the height of the fan makes it a very good option for a fan that you can sleep with.

The other type of tower fan is the bladeless fan. These fans are the most technologically advanced fans available but they have not yet reached the level of popularity of the standard tower fan.

These fans are also called air multipliers because of the unique technology that pulls air into a ring and redistributes it 360°.


What is the advantage of a tower fan?

Tower fans have a lot of advantages over other kinds of fans.

They are aesthetically pleasing and easy to tuck away.

They are also safer than other fans because of their hidden and bladeless fan designs,

  And they move air in both a straight line or depending which style you purchase, a 360° air flow.

What is the Advantage of a Pedestal Fan?

Pedestal fans are among the most popular styles of fan. What exactly gives a pedestal fan an edge over other types of fans 

The main advantage of a pedestal fan is the adjustable height and the option to adjust the osculation horizontally and  the fan itself vertically.

If you look up the definition of a pedestal, it is defined as a base or support on which a statue, obelisk, or column is mounted.

That kind of gives you an ideal of what you’re getting with a pedestal fan.

  • It is a fan that is mounted to a pedestal.
  • But in the case of a fan, the pedestal is adjustable.

    What is the advantage of a pedestal fan?

Pedestal fans have the unique advantage of being the only style of fan that you can adjust the height on.

Another unique advantage that you will only find on a pedestal fan is the ability to adjust the direction of the fan vertically.

So you can set the fan to oscillate from side to side pointing straight up or pointing straight down. You’ve got the option.

Pedestal fans come in a lot of unique styles also.

Nowadays a pedestal fan is any fan that has an adjustable stand. You could put a tower fan on an adjustable stand and call it a pedestal fan.

You will not get the ability to adjust the fan vertically, but there is a lot to be said for being able to adjust the height of a tower fan.

Pedestal fans are simply the most adjustable of any type of fan.

But they do have their disadvantages.

They are bulky. Think about it. The bigger the fan, the larger a base you will need to support the fan.

So a lot of pedestal fans are smaller fans that don’t move as much air as some other types of fans.

  The size and bulkiness of a pedestal fan make them less attractive than say a tower fan.

And though as I mentioned before, there are a number of different styles of pedestal fans available these days, but they primarily are circular fans that sit on a stand.

That means they are potentially dangerous to have around small children who can get their fingers through the blade grill.


What is the advantage of a pedestal fan?

A pedestal fan has the advantage of being the most adjustable of all types of fans.

You can adjust the height. You can adjust the direction of the fan vertically, and you can set the osculation to move from side to side all at the same time.

Pedestal fans also have one big disadvantage.

They require a large base to sit on.
The larger the fan, the larger the base that it takes to support the fan and its many oscillation and direction options.

That also means that the pedestal fan requires a stronger and heavier base as the power of the fan increases.

So what you find a lot with the big box store brands is a less powerful fan that takes a less heavier pedestal base. 

And they are typically the circular type of fan that have large enough fan grills that a baby or a toddler may be able to get their fingers into the blade.

Which Type of Fan Gives More Air?

Which type of fan gives more air?

What type of fan that gives more air is different for each situation.
Overall if you want to get the most air out of one fan, a bladeless fan or “air multiplier” will create the most airflow for one single fan.

Different needs

Finding the right fan for the right situation isn’t as cut and dry as you may think.

There are quite a variety of different styles of fans for many different purposes.

And for any situation, finding one that creates the best airflow is the central point.

Which type of fan gives more air?

Of course there is no one perfect answer because there are many types of fans that produce a huge amount of air that are made for commercial  and industrial settings.

For instance an air mover is the type of fan that delivers a powerful amount of air. Not only a lot of air but a lot of air with a lot of force behind it.

But you are not going to want to use an air mover inside of your home unless you do have a flooding problem.

The ceiling fan moves more air than a floor fan of the location where it is mounted.

You may argue that a ceiling fan would be a subpar fan if it were sitting on a table because it doesn’t blow as hard as some other types of fans.

So location is definitely one decider.

Drum fans are large floor fans that you may see in the garage or shop. They push a lot of air and are more powerful than the standard House fan but are not nearly as strong as an air mover. 

You may say they are light commercial. But definitely more powerful than a pedestal style fan.

House fans generally do not drive as much air because you don’t want that amount of air blowing on you usually when you’re going about your life at home.

Ceiling fans

The ceiling fan moves more air than a floor fan because of the location where it is mounted.

You may argue that a ceiling fan would be a subpar fan if it were sitting on a table because it doesn’t blow as hard as some other types of fans. Probably the same as a pedestal fan.

But because of how it is mounted in the center of the ceiling, one ceiling fan can give you more air than one fan of similar size blowing in one direction on the floor.

Tower fan

A tower fan is a strong fan that won’t blow you out of your seat but still give you a good amount of air.

typical tower fan has a long cylinder fan blade that creates a lot of air and fits in nicely with about any style of room in the home.

Bladeless Tower fan

A bladeless tower fan is also called an air multiplier. It has a completely different fan design then all other types of fans.

Air multipliers pull air into a fan and then redistribute it into a 360° air flow.

The direction of the air that comes from a bladeless fan creates a full room effect that you cannot get out of other fans.

Bladeless fans also lend themselves to being very efficient HEPA air purifiers.

Which type of fan gives more air?

Because of the unique design and technology of a bladeless fan, you can get more air out of one fan than any other type of House fan.

The air from a bladeless fan is distributed 360° to create a full room air flow effect.

A ceiling fan is also a fan that gives more air because of where it is located in the middle of the ceiling.

But if you are looking for a fan that you can get the most air out of for a shop or garage area, a drum fan or large commercial pedestal fan is going to be your best bet.

Finally, if you need the most air that you can get for an industrial or clean up situation, an Air Mover will provide the most power.

What Does a “Pedestal Fan” Mean?

Have you ever been to a historical museum?

If you have, then you know that It is commonplace to see the bust of a famous Greek philosopher or Roman emperor displayed on a column or podium as part of the historical attractions.

How does that have anything to do with a pedestal fan?

It is because those famous busts are actually sitting on what are called “pedestals”.

The proper definition of a pedestal is “a base or support on which a statue, obelisk, or column is mounted”

 I think you see where we’re going with this.

What does a pedestal fan mean?

A pedestal fan is a fan that is mounted on an adjustable stand. It is unique to other types of fans in that the height can be adjusted and it can be vertically tilted.

The majority of pedestal fans are circular fans that sit on stands that have a large base to support it.

They have the unique characteristic of being able to adjust the height of the fan by adjusting the stand height.

They are typically oscillating fans that can be tilted vertically as well.

Though the majority of pedestal fans are circular, that is not always the case and is not necessary to be called a pedestal fan.

Technically you could put a tower fan on top of a stand, and you would have a pedestal fan.

Which is a good idea because tower fans are height challenged but they tend to be more directional in their air flow.

Pedestal fan shortcomings

Because of the chance that a pedestal fan has a becoming top heavy, the base on a pedestal fan has to be extra large to hold the fan steady as it blows and osculates.

That means that they inherently take up a lot more space then a tower fan would.

That also means that the stronger and larger that a pedestal fan is, the heavier and larger that the base has to be to hold the fan in place.

An added benefit to having a heavier base is that the fan is less likely to move out of place when it is blowing on high.

You may find that a lot of the plastic pedestal fans that you can purchase are not very strong blowers. 

Because of their light materials, they don’t have the strength to keep a more powerful fan motor solidly in place.

Wrap Up

What does a pedestal fan mean?

A Pedestal fan is simply a fan that is mounted to an adjustable stand with a large base.

A pedestal fan brings something to the table that other fans cannot.

That is that they are height adjustable.

This is a feature you cannot find on other types of fans.

Another feature that is extra valuable on a pedestal fan is that they have a heavy base and are not as likely to move out of place as easily as say a box fan can.

It is true though, because pedestal fans have to have a large base to support the fan, they tend to be more bulky and take up more space than other types of fans.

  And the lighter the materials that a pedestal fan is made out of, the lesser the amount of airflow you can expect to get out of one.

Are Tower Fans Safe?

Fan safety has come a long way from when I was a child.

I can remember having a pedestal fan in the house when I was a kid that you could get your whole hand into the blades. 

Seems crazy. Yet that wasn’t so long ago.

And till this day, a ceiling fan is wide open for anyone to come along and get hung up in it, if they’re having to do something high up.

But when you take a look at the range of fans being offered in any big box store or Amazon, one thing is for sure, fans are made much safer than they once were.

Although there are a few that I think could stand to tighten it up a bit.

But on the other side of the coin there are some types of fans that have made safety almost a non-issue.

Are tower fans safe?

Among the safest of fans that you can purchase is a tower fan.

For starters the blade inside of a tower fan is a long cylinder with very short blades.

And the grill that covers the blades is closed off tightly enough that fingers are not easily placed inside it.

A tower fan is as close to being a bladeless fan as you can get without actually taking the blade completely out.

But there is a type of tower fan that does just that.

A Bladeless fan, although not quite as tall as a regular tower fan, still qualifies for the tower fan moniker.

Bladeless fans are just what they sound like, a fan that does not have any type of fan blade at all.

The fan looks more like a circular tube attached to the top of a tower heater.

It is completely safe for anyone including babies, toddlers, or pets.

A bladeless fan is not only much safer than a regular fan, it is also much more efficient and much quieter than a standard fan.

The system behind a bladeless fan operates by pulling air into a base that redistributes the air 360° around the circular tube that I mentioned before.

This creates air flow around the entire room at one time instead of being directional or semi-directional oscillating.

Bladeless fans also make one of the best air purifiers you can purchase.

Since the design of a bladeless fan dictates that air moves through the fan, it’s a very logical step to pull the air through a HEPA and Carbon filter in the process.

A better, more efficient fan that also serves as one of the best air purifiers.

are bladebless tower fans safeSummary

Are tower fans safe?

Tower fans are among the safest fans that you can purchase.

They have a closed off grill that makes getting your hands or worse your children’s hands into the blade almost impossible.

The cylinder shape of the blade apparatus makes the need for long blades obsolete. And able to do less damage to something were to get into them.

But easily the safest type of fan that is also a type of tower fan is bladeless fan because it does not have any blade that you can get your hand into at all.

Pedestal fan vs Tower fan

Pedestal fan vs Tower fan Overview

Pedestal fans advantages

  • Air flow is directional both horizontally and vertically
  • Can be purchased as fold away units that can be stored easily.

Pedestal fan disadvantages

  • They have a large base so they take up more room than a tower fan.
  • Traditional circular fans that are more open and less safe for children.

Tower fan advantages

  • Blades are hidden and are very safe even for small children
  • Create a larger area of wind because of the length of the fan.
  • Smaller and easier to store.
  • Lend themselves more to being combined with a heater and an air purifier.

Tower fan disadvantages

  • Are not adjustable vertically.
  • Do not create as much air flow above the 40 inch height Mark.

A fan is one of those products that doesn’t seem too exciting to go on about really.

Everybody uses a fan from time to time and they are kind of just in the backdrop until you need to turn it on.

But if you haven’t taken any time to look at what’s been going on in the fan world lately,

  you may be shocked or at least surprised by the amount of innovation that has been happening out there.

I’m probably just old, but some of these new styles of fans are really cool. Pun intended.

And I might get a little long-winded talking about them. Haha

Pedestal fans

A Pedestal is a word that describes the column that a statue sits on in the art world. It’s also called a plinth. Imagine a bust of George Washington sitting on a Roman style column. That’s a pedestal.

In the fan world, it’s an elongated adjustable stand that gives you the ability to raise a fan up and down vertically.

For instance, a cyclone pedestal fan by Lasko can raise up and down anywhere from 38″ up to 54 and a half inches.

Which is pretty much the norm.

The typical pedestal fan is a circular fan on top of a stand that oscillates 90° horizontally.

And it has the added advantage of being adjustable up and down vertically about 30° so that the fan direction can be targeted even further.

Pedestal fans, because of their adjustability, are very useful and convenient.

But they do have a huge built-in disadvantage in that the larger the fan blade size, the larger the base at the bottom of the pedestal has to be to support the fan.

So naturally they are going to pick up a little more space.

But this is where some of the innovation I was talking about earlier is starting to shine through in the market.

Lately when you think about a pedestal fan, a circular fan on top of a stand with a large circular base is what comes to mind.

But technically as long as there’s a pedestal to place the fan on top of,

You can use a variety of different styles of fans on top of a Stand and still call it a pedestal fan.

For example take a look at the Everdure pedestal fan.

This fan has a look that resembles portable lighting on a Hollywood TV set.

The canister design looks really sharp but it also encloses the blades so that getting your fingers into the fan blades becomes impossible.

Very cool.

It also creates a more slender fan design that uses less space.

Fold away pedestal fan

Another cool innovation in pedestal fans is the ability to fold the fan up and use it as a travel fan.

  • Tripole is an example of such a fan.

And its fold away position only takes up 12″ x 6.5″.

No more having the fan in the middle of the floor because there is nowhere to put it.

The adjustability on this fan is insane.

It oscillates 70° horizontal and is adjustable 200° vertically. Essentially you can point the fan in any direction from one stationary spot.

This fan is also battery operated (optional). And can run 5 and 1/2 hours on a single charge. Great for camping.

Hybrid Pedestal Fan

Lasko has a pedestal fan that is essentially a tower fan that sits on a pedestal.


What’s the point?

Because of the smaller fan size, you can get about a foot taller than pedestal fans.

Tower fans generally fall in the 40 to 45″ height range. Which means that there’s not much direct cooling going on above that height.

Being able to adjust a tower fan up and down on a stand is actually a very usable feature.

For instance, if you have a very tall bed, a tower fan can be a little too short to blow any air directly on you.

But being able to adjust the height of said fan would make all the difference.

The obvious downside here is that even though it does oscillate horizontally, it can’t be adjusted vertically.

Tower Fans

This is a good spot to switch over and talk about some tower fans.

Tower fans are cylinder looking fans in which the blades are hidden. Because of this fact, there’s very little risk that anyone would ever get their fingers into the fan blades. Even a very small child.

And because even at the base they only come in around 12 in, they take up very little space.

The design of a tower fan lens itself is combined with a heater and as we get into some of the more innovative designs for tower fans, you’ll see that many of them lend themselves to being an excellent air purifier besides.

The blade design on a traditional tower fan (this Lasko, for example) creates more airflow than a pedestal fan. The effect is more of a line of air; the cover has much more space directly in front of the fan than a pedestal fan.

And if there has been some outstanding innovation in the pedestal fan arena,

Innovations in the tower fan category are nothing short of amazing.

Bladeless Tower Fans

Bladeless fans are pretty much the future of tower fans. Since Dyson came out with the Air Multiplier over a decade ago, it has seemed to spark the imagination of what could be done with a tower fan.

Take the “Airmate tower fan” for instance.

This tower fan is a fully working HEPA filter as well as a powerful fan.

In the appliance world, when you start to combine different technologies, you don’t always get the best from either technology.

Not so with the Airmate tower fan and air purifier.

The bladeless design of the Airmate pulls air into the fan and then redistributes it to get a much wider airflow than the standard tower fan.

And since the air is already being pulled into the machine as a means of creating air flow,

The logical next step is to clean the air in the process by filtering it through a HEPA filter.

This combination makes for one of the best fan designs and one of the best air purifier designs.

It also has a very cool, futuristic look. A little bit of Stormtrooper in the white version or Mando in the grey version. (Yep, those are Star Wars references)

The noise level on this fan is exceptionally low also. The majority of people say that you cannot even hear it working on the low setting.

This fan really begs the question of why you would ever go back to an old school floor fan. It’s that innovative.

Yeah… but does it have a heater function?


Just when I thought I had seen the most modern tower fan, I found one that exceeded the capabilities of anything else I have seen.

The Modere tower fan is a three-in-1, fan, heater, and air purifier.

This fan has an answer to one of the biggest drawbacks that most Tower fans have.

And that is that they do not adjust vertically.

The bladeless design on this fan does give you the option of adjusting it vertically.

That in itself separates this fan from the pack.

But that is only the beginning.

This fan is also a fully functional space heater and air purifier.

The air purifier uses a pre filter for larger debris, a HEPA h13 filter for particles as small as 001 microns. And a UV light to sterilize the filter and fan as the air is moving through it.

The heater can be adjusted up to 86°. And it has the standard tip over protection that turns the unit off if it is knocked over.

And it is all connected via Wi-Fi. Which means it can be voice controlled with Alexa or controlled with a touchscreen via the downloadable app. But it also has a remote control and on board buttons.

Dyson Cool Link

It’s kind of hard to talk about innovations in any type of appliance without talking about Dyson.

Yes, Dyson products tend to be expensive. But the above fans probably would not exist if Dyson never came out with the original Air Multiplier.

The Dyson cool link hpo2 is the original air multiplying technology combined with a heater and air purifier.

Though the fan is nothing short of amazing, there is no question that it is being copied by other fan manufacturers.

The bladeless design not only increases air flow exponentially, it makes fan blade safety a non-issue. The unique airflow technology combines it with an air purifier, also a no-brainer.

The real dazzling component of this combination fan, heater, and air purifier is the air purifier.

This air purifier has censoring technology that automatically adjusts the air flow to remove indoor air pollutants as needed.

Pretty wild..

The filtering on this air purifier also includes a carbon filter to remove gases and odors.

Dyson is not only the most innovative, they also pour in the most features to ensure that you get your money’s worth. Wi-Fi, directional speeds, ultra quiet, you name it.


Comparing a pedestal fan to a tower fan comes down to a couple of unique benefits and advantages that each have over the other.

Pedestal fans are fully oscillating fans that have the added advantage of being able to adjust them not only up and down on the stand, but the blade direction can be adjusted vertically also.

Tower fans are not adjustable vertically but they do tend to create more airflow because of their long fan blade design.

Tower fans do have an advantage over pedestal fans in that the blades are closed in and there is much less risk of ever getting your fingers into the blades.
Even when we’re talking about small children.

And also, innovations in the tower fan world have begun to blaze a new trail in what a fan really is and what it can actually do.

Bladeless designs or able to create a whole different level of airflow than previously known.

They are also able to incorporate fully functional air purifiers and heaters without diminishing any of the technologies that are combined.

Bladeless fans are absolutely safe and take the possibility of one of your children ever putting their hands into a spinning fan blade completely out of the equation.