Does Bleach Kill Fleas?
“Yes, Clorox bleach can effectively kill fleas due to its strong disinfectant properties. When diluted and used properly, bleach disrupts the fleas’ life cycle by killing adult fleas, larvae, and eggs.
However, it is essential to use caution, as bleach is also harmful to pets and humans if not applied correctly. The smell of bleach is much too strong for animals and can cause vomiting. Your pet will be tempted to lick it off as well. Clorox bleach is very poisonous if ingested.”
Growing up in a dry, windy town in West Texas, dealing with fleas was a regular hassle. Our dogs seemed to need endless flea collar changes, and once they brought fleas inside, We all had fleas. I remember trying to catch fleas as they jumped on me while I watched TV, only to be amazed at how they could survive even a good squeeze. They were unstoppable!
Looking back, it’s incredible to think how much has changed. Today, we have access to so many effective ways to get rid of fleas, all easily found with a quick search. It’s a world of difference from those days of constant, futile flea-fighting.
Here’s a list of home remedies to get rid of fleas. (We’ll also let you know what doesn’t work!)
Can bleach effectively eliminate fleas?
Yes, bleach is an effective agent against fleas due to its potent disinfectant properties. When properly diluted and applied, bleach can disrupt the lifecycle of fleas by killing the adult insects, their larvae, and eggs. This is because bleach contains sodium hypochlorite, a chemical that destroys the cell structure and proteins of fleas, leading to their death.
However, it’s crucial to approach the use of bleach with caution. Despite its efficacy in killing fleas, bleach is a harsh chemical that can pose risks to pets, humans, and the environment if used improperly. It can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system, and its strong odor can be particularly overwhelming for pets. Moreover, ingesting bleach, even in small amounts, can be extremely harmful.
To safely use bleach for flea control, it should be diluted with water and used only on non-porous surfaces where pets and family members do not have direct contact. It should never be applied directly to pets or used in their immediate environment due to the potential for harm. Additionally, proper ventilation is essential during and after the application of bleach to minimize inhalation of fumes.
Using Bleach for Flea Control
Aspect | Detail |
Bleach Concentration | Use a diluted solution (typically 1 part bleach to 10 parts water) to ensure effectiveness while minimizing harm. |
Application Areas | Suitable for non-porous surfaces such as floors, tiles, and countertops. Avoid use on fabrics and porous materials to prevent damage. |
Safety for Pets | Ensure pets are kept away from treated areas until completely dry. Bleach residue can be harmful if ingested or contacted. |
Safety for Humans | Wear protective gloves and ensure adequate ventilation to avoid inhalation of fumes and skin contact. |
Effectiveness | Bleach kills adult fleas, larvae, and eggs by disrupting their cellular functions. |
Limitations | Not suitable for direct application on pets or in outdoor environments. May damage certain materials and surfaces. |
Precautionary Measures | Test on a small, inconspicuous area first. Do not mix bleach with other cleaning agents, especially ammonia, to avoid toxic fumes. |
Environmental Considerations | Use sparingly and responsibly, considering the potential impact on household surfaces and the broader environment. |
Do you need to use color safe bleach to kill fleas?
Bleach is very strong and will take the color out of anything that it is sprayed on. It will not only take the color out, it will weaken the fabric so that it tears very easily if it is not diluted with water well.
It is important that you use Clorox color safe bleach and that you dilute it properly with water before you spray it on any fabric including your furniture or your carpet.
Before you spray any kind of do-it-yourself solution like bleach, find a spot that you inconspicuously spray it on to see if it’s going to change the color or weaken the threads.
How to kill fleas in the dryer
Killing fleas in the dryer will be effective if you first wash your bedding, clothes, what have you with color safe bleach on the hottest temperature your washer has.
Turn the dryer to the hottest setting also. The combination of water, Clorox, and high temperatures will easily overcome any fleas or flea larvae that have gone through the wash and dry process.
Will vinegar kill fleas?
Vinegar will not kill fleas but it is a strong deterrent for fleas. They cannot stand the smell of vinegar and will flee as fast as they can get away from it.
Vinegar combined with Dawn dishwashing soap can be a flea deterrent to the already effective Dawn dishwashing soap for flea method.
Adding vinegar to your dog’s bath is one way of leaving the smell of vinegar on your dog and helping keep fleas from wanting to be on the dog.
Another way is to dilute some vinegar with water in a spray bottle and spray it directly on your dog. The smell of vinegar on your dog will quickly make the fleas on him want to jump away from him.
Will lemon kill fleas?
Lemon will not kill fleas. Lemon is not poisonous, not even to fleas. But like vinegar, it is a strong deterrent for fleas.
For a lot of people, using vinegar to ward off fleas is not an option because they cannot stand the smell of vinegar.
Lemon juice can be diluted with water and used as a spray to deter fleas on your pets without the smell of vinegar.
Is it as strong a deterrent for fleas as vinegar, probably not. But it will still work pretty well for those who do not want to mess with vinegar at all.
On the other hand
Lemon juice can be combined with your vinegar and water spray solution to make a doubly strong flea deterrent and it will take the edge off of the vinegar smell to make it more bearable.
Will Rosemary kill fleas?
Rosemary is a spice that is known to be an awesome flea deterrent but it is not an insecticide and will not kill fleas.
Rosemary however has a pleasing smell compared to vinegar, similar to the smell of incense.
Ground Rosemary can easily be sprinkled around the home, on the furniture, behind the pillows, the carpet and rugs, anywhere there is the likelihood of fleas.
Combining Rosemary with lemon juice and water we’ll also make a very strong solution that you can spray directly on your animals without worries of poisoning them or irritating their skin.
Combine Rosemary, Lemon Juice , and Vinegar in a water diluted spray.
You now have three cord strand that will keep fleas at bay and smell Great.
There are some DIY solutions that simply amount to dehydrating fleas. Fleas tend to flourish in warm moist environments. Using a product to dehumidify an area will rob fleas of their need of moisture, which will kill them and chase them away to find moisture.
Salt kills fleas by drying them out and damaging their fragile exoskeleton. Salt is one of the easiest desiccant products that you already have around the house.
Salt is a natural dehumidifier that also has an abrasive quality to it. The combination of dehydration and navigating through the rough terrain that salt presents to fleas, leaves the fleas with no chance of survival.
To use this method, grinding the salt to a powder will work better using household salt right out of the container.
The method is to dust your carpets and furniture with the finely ground salt. Wait a couple of days then thoroughly vacuum. Unfortunately, it is not a one-time, winner takes all, solution. You’re going to have to use this method every 2 to 3 days to be satisfied that the fleas are gone.
Will baking soda kill fleas?
Baking soda will kill fleas by drying them out. It is very similar to salt in that it has a dehydration quality that will dry out a fleas exoskeleton and leave them with no chance to survive.
The method of using baking soda is exactly like the method of using salt to get rid of fleas.
Dust your carpet and furniture with baking soda, allow to sit a day or so, then vacuum it completely up.
Remember to dump the vacuum canister outside in a dumpster or outside trash can. Preferably away from your house. If your vacuum has a bag, take it to a dumpster also.
You will need to do this process every few days till the fleas are under control.
Salt and baking soda can be mixed together to make a doubly strong desiccant for getting rid of fleas.
Will Borax kill fleas?
Borax is also a natural dehumidifier that will dry a flea out sufficiently that it cannot survive.
The only problem with using borax compared to other flea dehydration methods is that borax needs to be used a lot more carefully so that it doesn’t get on your skin and in your eyes.
That also means that it should not get into your pets eyes or onto their skin. So you will have to barricade the area before using borax to get rid of fleas.
How to kill fleas on dogs
A simple solution to getting fleas off of your dog is Dawn dishwashing soap. It will coat any fleas on the animal and keep them from escaping when you’re washing the dog.
Simply dilute the dawn with some water to make a homemade shampoo.
Then bathe the dog using the dawn dishwashing soap diluted shampoo that you made and let it sit on the dog for a good 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing him or her off.
Fleas are notoriously bad swimmers so having your dog submerged in water with Dawn soap lathered on them is a sure way to trap and kilk any fleas that are on the dog.
Want to take it a step further?
How to kill fleas instantly?
Killing fleas instantly is not as easy as it seems. But there are many commercial flea killers that have the capacity to do just that.
There are many commercial flea killers available like Vet’s best flea and tick spray, that will get the job done.
Most people will prefer to get flea drops like K9 Advantix flea and tick prevention and just put it on the back of the neck of the dog.
Commercial insect Killers for fleas and ticks that you put directly on your yard also can be much faster and do a quicker job of getting rid of fleas than going the do-it-yourself route.
Ortho Home Defense and Black Flag Flea and tick are both very popular products to keep fleas from becoming a problem in your yard and transferring themselves to being a problem inside of your home.
Take Away
This article is a few popular ways to get rid of fleas using household products.
Clorox Safe Bleach is one of the only household products that will actually kill fleas.
Remember that bleach will deteriorate and take the color out of any fabric if it is not diluted properly. To make sure that you do not do anything to damage your furniture or carpet, only use color safe bleach and spray it on an inconspicuous area first to ensure that it is not too strong to have an effect on your personal items.
Most do it yourself; flea solutions are used as a repellent. Which also has its place. Items like vinegar, lemon and rosemary, as well as essential oils all can work to repel fleas on your animals very well.
Methods that use dehydration like salt and baking soda are also very popular and many people use them with great success.