The Disadvantages and Side Effects of an Air Cooler

Using an air cooler can be a great alternative to refrigerated air conditioning.

  For one it does not use nearly the amount of electricity a refrigerator air conditioner does. And it does not require a way to exhaust the heat.

Which can be a huge advantage when you have spatial constraints like say a personal office space or even the garage and most people’s houses.

And if you live in a dry region, evaporative air coolers do an excellent job of keeping the air cool and comfortable.

But air coolers do have their disadvantages.

disadvantages of air coolerSome of the disadvantages and side effects you can expect from using a air cooler include:

  • Are not as cool as traditional air conditioning
  • Cannot be set to a specific temperature
  • Don’t work well and humid regions or circumstances
  • Can be a source of excess humidity
  • Require routine draining and cleaning
  • High and low settings are fan speeds
  • Noisy
  • Can be a source of asthma triggers and allergens
  • Only work well and ventilated areas
  • Attract mosquitoes


How does an evaporative air cooler work?

Evaporative coolers work by drawing warm air through water soaked pads and blowing it out the other side.

When the air comes out the other side of the pads it is cooler in the same way that air blowing over a lake or body of water is cooler.

The mix of warm air and cool air cause evaporation to happen as a result.

1.Do not work in humid regions or circumstances

Evaporative coolers transform dry warm air into cool air by adding humidity to the dry air.

An evaporative cooler is essentially a large fan that blows air through a water soaked pad.

Since the air is dry, the moisture from the pad cools off the air and the indoor environment.

But if the air is already humid, adding more humidity to it will not cool it off.

But instead will cause the air to be more humid.

2.Can cause excessive humidity

Excessive humidity can make the outdoor temperature feel much warmer than it actually is.

When the humidity outdoors is already humid and you attempt to cool the air by using an evaporative air cooler, the result is not cooler air, but extra indoor humidity.

Excessive humidity not only feels warmer, it makes a room feel swampy and comes with some undesirable side effects like frizzy hair.

So you can see that using an evaporative cooler in a humid region can actually make the air feel warmer.

the disadvantages and side effects of an air cooler


3.Do not cool as well as traditional air conditioners

There was a time not so long ago that evaporative cooling was the primary way people cool off their homes and businesses.

These days, refrigerated air conditioning by way of central heat and air or window and portable air conditioners have become the norm.

  The truth is, evaporative air cooling does not provide indoor comfort of using a refrigerated air conditioning system.

The traditional AC is much cooler and can be controlled. Which leads to the next point.

4.You cannot set an evaporative cooler to a specific temperature.

Most of us are familiar with turning the thermostat up or down to control how warm or how cool we want it inside of the house.

If we walk into a room and the temperature is too hot, we simply turn the thermostat down and wait a little bit, in the AC adjust to revive the temperature that we dialed in.

That is a luxury you do not get with an evaporative cooler.

Just like you cannot control the specific temperature with a fan, evaporative cooling has no way of dialing in a specific temperature either.

5.Settings on evaporative cooler are fan settings

The high and low settings on an evaporative cooler control of the fan only.

6.Require a routine draining and cleaning

Air coolers require quite a bit more maintenance than a conventional AC.

Where conditional ACs require you to change a filter once a month or so, evaporative air conditioners require you to drain and change the water fairly often.

This is because standing water can be a source of airborne bacteria, mold spores, and other allergens.

Legionnaires’ disease can be fatal especially in people with weakened immune systems.

Legionnaires disease is caused by inhaling airborne bacteria that has grown on water.

Its origin has been traced back to industries and businesses that had left their rooftop evaporative coolers full of water where it stagnated and became full of bacteria.

7.Attract mosquitoes

Another point related to the importance of keeping the water in an air cooler drained when it is not in use is the fact that mosquitoes hover around stagnant water.

Mosquitoes can also carry disease.

8.Not good for asthmatics

Humid air is thick and can be harder to breathe. Asthmatics can find breathing humid hair air difficult.

Humid air is also known for being a source of nutrition for dust mites and mold spores. These allergens thrive in conditions of high humidity.

Both are asthma and allergy triggers.

noisy fan


Since evaporative coolers are essentially large fans, the noise level for them are relevant to what setting you have the fan on.

A fan on high speed is noisy.

Some coolers are louder than others and if you have your cooler on the roof then the sound of the fan is not an issue.

But if you’re using a portable evaporative cooler in your room, then the noise level can come into play.

10.Require ventilation

Air coolers work best when you can open up the windows on the other side of the house for air flow.

When you use an air cooler in a room with no ventilation, the air can become muggy and not provide the level of cool air that is needed.

Air coolers are a great alternative for cooling the air.

Refrigerator air conditioners require that you exhaust the heat coming from the unit outdoors.

Sometimes you just do not have an access point to be able to do so.

  In situations where you need cool air but cannot facilitate a hose, the evaporative cooling is a great alternative to look into.

But they do have their issues.

Evaporative coolers have a lot of disadvantages and side effects that you need to know about before you dive into purchasing one.

Namely they do not work in humid conditions, and they do require the extra maintenance of draining and keeping the water clean.

They also do not have the luxury of being able to set them to a specific temperature.

And for people who are sensitive to allergens, air coolers can raise the humidity inside of the home to an unsafe level that can make the air uncomfortable to breathe and be a source of allergy and asthma triggers.

Should I Turn Off My Humidifier in the Summer?

Should I turn my humidifier off in the summer?

Humidifiers are mostly associated with the dry months of winter. But anytime you are experiencing low humidity, regardless of whether it be winter, spring, or summer, a humidifier can add the necessary moisture back into the air to alleviate the problems they can be caused by low humidity.

Low humidity symptoms

When the air is excessively dry there are plenty of telltale signs.

  • Dry and cracking skin
  • Bloody noses
  • Dry throat
  • Cold symptoms
  • Acne
  • Static electricity
  • lowered immunity

Are just a few things that you can experience when the relative humidity drops below 40%.

It is late April in Texas at the time that this article is being written.
So far in the city that I live in, there has been one afternoon that had a decent shower.

  The air has been so dry that we are constantly shocking each other because of the level of static electricity.

Combined with the dust and the wind, the lack of moisture is not only makes it hard to make a yard look green,

  It’s also been the source of constant congestion, bloody noses, and sore throats around here.

And mind you this time last year, there was so much rain that condensation was pouring out of the air conditioners.

It makes the point that even though the humidifier usually gets ran more in the dead of winter, when the doors are shut and the heater is blasting,

That’s not always the case,  and this year even though it is the middle of spring, we are still having to run the humidifier constantly.

But that’s in Texas.

The Eastern side of the United States has been pounded with snow and record rainfall for a couple of months now.

Humidifiers or not specific to any season. But yes they are typically more useful in the winter, there are times in the summer when the humidifier can alleviate the symptoms of dry air too.


  Refrigerated air conditioning is one of the common sources of dry air in the Summer. It is because the AC condenses and extracts the humidity in the air as a byproduct of exchanging and cooling the air.

  An air conditioner can remove up to 20 gallons of water out of the air.

But there are times when the temperature is very hot outside and yet the humidity is relatively low.

But you still turn the air conditioner on to cool the air. Unfortunately there’s no way to run a refrigerated air conditioner without it dehumidifying as part of the process.

So you can definitely reach a point where the air conditioner is drawing out too much moisture from the air and leaving your indoor air bone dry.

And the symptoms that you mostly associate with winter like chapped lips, bloody noses, headaches and dry throat all come cropping up right in the middle of Summer.

  The lack of moisture in the house can also cause airborne allergens like pollen and mold spores to have free rein to travel throughout your house where they can be inhaled and make your homestead a sneezing fest.

Not to mention the fatigue and headaches that can come along with indoor allergies.

That’s when running a humidifier in the summer actually makes sense.

Because regardless of the time of year, the role of humidity should be kept between 40 and 60% to avoid health problems that are associated with humidity.

  The dry air caused by a central heat and air system not only can cause physical symptoms in your body, it can dry out wood in your house.

Going from a hot day with little humidity one day to a hot and humid day the next day can mess with all kinds of things in the house.

The guitar you left sitting tuned on the stand, will be drastically out of tune when you pick it up the next day.

The wallpaper might start peeling and the windows and doors will swell and be a pain to open.

So how do you know what the relative humidity in your house is?

  The best way to know your actual humidity level is to measure it with a hygrometer. Hygrometers usually come coupled with a thermostat and are fairly inexpensive. Under $20.

  But well worth the money to be able to keep tabs on the relative humidity level inside of your house. Especially when you’re going from extreme to extreme in the summertime.


Should you turn off the humidifier in summer?

Humidifiers are definitely known for being winter appliances. And winter is when we typically experience lower humidity outdoors and indoors.

  But winter is not necessarily dry all season long, and by the same standard, summer is not necessarily humid All summer Long.

Spring and summer can be very dry months. Some regions are naturally dryer and sometimes Summer is just dry wherever you are.

And another aspect of Summer that can create excessively dry air, is the refrigerated air conditioning systems that dehumidify as they cool the air.

As a result of running these systems, the indoor air can become very dry and cause low humidity symptoms like chapped lips and dry throat as well as allergies.

Which in turn makes running a humidifier inside of the house in the summertime a necessity sometimes.

The bottom line is that a humidifier is useful anytime of the year when the relative humidity has dipped under the 40% range.

Humidifiers may not be needed nearly as much in the summer, but they are still useful.

How Do I Know if I Need a Humidifier?

Do I Need a Humidifier?

The most sure way to know whether or not you need a humidifier is to measure the humidity in your room. The hygrometer is a gauge that will measure your humidity and tell you what the relative percentage of moisture you have in your air.

What should the humidity be in your home?


The ideal relative humidity range is between 40 and 60% according to the National Library of Medicine.

Most publications including Martha say that the ideal humidity is between 30 and 50%.

So going off on average, you should be sitting good at 45% relative humidity.

Don’t Have a Hygrometer Handy?

Don’t worry there are plenty of telltale signs that indicate your humidity is too low and that you need a humidifier without having to have an actual humidity meter.

do i need a humidifierSymptoms of Low Humidity in the House

1. Chapped lips

If you have noticed that your lips are extra dry and you are pulling out the Chapstick more often than usual, that’s a pretty good indication that the air is dry.

Dry air is like a sponge that draws moisture out of every possible thing it can.

When your lips get irritated and dry, they will eventually start cracking. And most of us just put more and more Chapstick on.

  But the underlying condition is a lack of moisture in the air.

2. The Bloody Nose

Bloody noses are one of the more popular indications that air is too dry.

Whether you blow your nose and there’s blood on the tissue or your nasal passages have gotten so dry that they crack and bleed, there is one culprit that may be going unnoticed.

And that is the low relative humidity in your space. Increasing the moisture in the air will moisturize the inside of your nose and give you some much-needed relief.

3.  Dry, Itchy, and Cracking Skin

Dry skin is one of the main telltale signs that dryness has taken over the ambient air.

And it is also one of the biggest reasons people seek out a humidifier to give them some relief with dry skin.

Dry skin is not only annoying, it can also cause your skin to break and allow airborne bacteria to burrow down into your skin and cause outbreaks of rashes and acne.

Replenishing the moisture in your air for the humidifier is one of the best skin moisturizers you can buy.

4.  Dustiness

Dust is a problem when there’s not enough moisture droplets in the air to weigh down dust particles so that they fall to the surface.

Dust is also very greedy for any available moisture in the surroundings. That’s why dust dries your face and skin out so bad.

The humidifier will add the necessary humidity droplets to attach to wayward dust particles and keep them from floating.

5.  Viruses

Along the same lines of using a humidifier to alleviate dustiness, is the need for moisture in the air to keep viruses from being able to spread as far.

When there is a lack of moisture, allergens, viruses, and airborne bacteria are free to float and travel further throughout a room or house.

When the proper moisture is added back into the air, humidity droplets attach themselves to the viral particles and cause them to be too heavy to float or travel.
Which reduces the chance of exposure to the viruses.

6. Asthma

Asthma is another problem that can be triggered by airborne particles.

Particles that are allowed to flow freely throughout the air because of a lack of moisture droplets to weigh them down.

Many asthmatic episodes can be avoided by keeping the moisture level in the home in the 40 to 60% range.

7.  Acne

Acne is not a condition that you normally consider being an issue with humidity.
But acne can actually be a dry skin problem.

Dry skin can break open and allow the bacteria that is causing the acne to get a deeper root inside of your skin.

Moisturization in the form of humidity can keep your skin from drying out and being a richer plantation for acne to grow.

low humidity symptoms8. Static Electricity

Static electricity is one of the first indicators that the moisture in the air has dipped.

Walking around, shocking each other, discharging on every metal object you touch is a huge neon sign blinking ” your humidity is too low!”

And just like every other humidity problem, it seems to go on weeks before you ever make the connection between the static electricity and the humidity level.

9.  Dry Throat.

Just like the nasal passages, the throat needs proper moisture to function.

When the humidity is dropped, you will often start to get a sore, itchy, and dry throat.

And often just turning on a cool mist humidifier for a few hours will magically relieve the soreness.

10. Wood Cracking.

When the air is too dry it causes wood to shrink. The shrinking can eventually cause the wood to crack. And if it’s your furniture, not so good.

  The lack of humidity also  causes stress on an acoustic guitar which can make it buzz. And warp the neck to the point that the strings are hard to press down.
And it will eventually crack.

Too much humidity can eventually saturate the wood causing expansion and adhesives to give loose.


You may need a humidifier if you have any of these symptoms.

But for all the benefits that keeping the proper humidity level in your house can offer you,

It’s important to remember that humidifiers are maintenance heavy by nature.

They require thorough cleanings often.

Most of the symptoms above would be negated if you were to use the humidifier wrongly.

And by wrongly, I mean if you were to operate the humidifier after it has had stagnant water sitting in it with bacteria growing.

The bacteria that grows on water can be very dangerous. That is why it is very important to understand that humidifiers must be kept clean.

Why Does my Humidifier Have White Dust Around It?

Why does my humidifier have white dust around it?


The white dust that you often see around a humidifier comes from mineral deposits in the water used in the humidifier.

Hard water calcium deposits are often noticeable around your faucet and shower heads. Humidifiers that use the same water can also develop the same white calcium deposits.

The dust is not considered harmful but it can become airborne and inhaled.

  The high mineral content from the water can also be responsible for accelerated bacteria growth inside of the water basin of the humidifier.

How to clean the white dust off of your humidifier?

Hard water stain removal is an easy process that you can do with items that you generally have in your home already.

You will need a cloth towel, a bottle of apple cider vinegar, and some Dawn dish soap.

1. Completely soak the cloth towel with apple cider vinegar.
2. Cover the white calcium deposited areas on and around your humidifier with the vinegar soaked towel.
3. Allow it to sit for about 3 hours
4. Take the cloth off
5. Use the Dawn dishwashing soap to completely wash the area
6. Rinse the towel and wipe the area dry.

What can be done about the white dust that gets on your humidifier?



1.  Clean the humidifier more often

This step we have already gone through, but it cannot be stressed enough that a humidifier must be kept clean.

  Humidifiers can begin to grow bacteria inside of the water in as little as 48 hours. Operating a humidifier that has had standing water sitting in it can turn the device into a health hazard.

And water that has a lot of minerals in it can provide food sources for mold and bacteria to take root inside of the humidifier.

  Simply breathing and inhaling the mist from a dirty humidifier can result in illness and cause pneumonia-like symptoms.

  Legionnaires disease and Pontiac fever are serious conditions that occur from inhaling bacteria that has grown on water. Legionnaires can be deadly.

So stressing the importance of keeping your humidifier cleaner and done more often, not only helps keep the white dust away, it is honestly imperative that it is done.

2.  Switch the type of water 

The white dust deposits around your humidifier are there because of the high mineral content in your water.

Tap water and drinking water are full of minerals. Spring water even more so.

Even water that is processed by osmosis has minerals added back into it for consumption.

So what kind of water should you use in a humidifier?

A. Distilled water

The only water that is near perfect to use in a humidifier is distilled water.

It is because distilled water goes through a process that removes the minerals and particles from it.

Distilled water can even lengthen the life of your humidifier because  it eliminates the likelihood of mineral buildup inside of your machine. Build up that will eventually diminish the effectiveness of it.

B.  Boiled water

Boiling water will also separate the minerals of the water. If you have ever seen a pan that is used for boiling water over and over, then you probably noticed the white rings that develop on the pan.

If the pan is used specifically for boiling water, it will develop a layer of white calcium deposit that will eventually flake off.

But the main issue with using boiled water for the humidifier is filtering the clean part of the water into the humidifier without the big build ups of sediment getting into the humidifier with it.

Also it’s a huge ordeal to have to boil water every time you need to fill your humidifier.

( Notice we said boiled water and not boiling water, don’t pour boiling water into the humidifier. You will probably damage the humidifier beyond use and you will also risk getting burned badly in the process.)

C.  Filtered water

Water filters do not take out 100% of minerals and particles from tap water. But they do remove a huge portion of them. Using filtered water is better than using tap water but it is still not as good as using distilled water.

D.  Vaporizer/ warm mist humidifier

Warm mist humidifiers or vaporizers have a built-in advantage when it comes to keeping the water inside of the humidifier clean.

The advantage is the heat that they produce. Since these machines heat the water to a boiling point to produce steam, they also inadvertently kill bacteria and germs before they become an issue with your humidifier or your health.

Boiling water also separates minerals in water which are removed through the humidifiers filter.

Warm mist humidifiers have a lot of benefits and advantages over using cool mist humidifiers.

But they do have the downside of making a room feel steamy. Which can be great for a little while, but not so much when you’re trying to sleep. Especially if you’re sick.

They also have the danger element of containing scalding water. This is why every warning label you’ve ever seen about vaporizers says that they should not be used around or put in children’s rooms.



For most people, the prospect of purchasing gallons and gallons of distilled water for humidifier use will get less than an enthusiastic response.

  But cleaner water doesn’t just amount to just purchasing water that is already been treated.

There are products that you can purchase that will distill water for you, and or purify and filter your water.

And though some of these items may be more of an upfront cost, it is a cost that can end up saving you money in the long run.

1. Hard Water Filter

Hard water filters can be screwed right on to the end of a faucet or shower.

And if using the shower to fill your humidifier is an option for you, there is a much wider range of hard water filters you can purchase for the shower.

And since the shower head and the filter usually have the same size threads, you can easily put a filter on a shower.

More so than on a kitchen sink.

Hard water filters do not filter out 100% of all minerals from tap water but they do filter a majority of particles from the water.

And the price of one filter that can last you 6 months and even up to a year is a huge savings that will also help lengthen the life of your humidifier.

AquaBliss High Output Revitalizing Shower Filter

MULTI-STAGE sediment filters, redox media, calcium sulfite, activated carbon and ceramic beads deliver MAXIMUM WATER FILTRATION

2.  Home water distiller

Distilled water machines can be installed right on your kitchen counter.

These machines will distill up to six gallons of water per day. They not only remove minerals but completely eliminate any harmful chemicals that have been used to clean your water.

CO-Z 1 Gallon Water Distiller

This tabletop water purifier by CO-Z purifies water, filters out impurities, and dissolves VOCs at 0.3 gallons per hour

3.  Water purifier

You can take your water to a new level by purchasing a water purifier that will put your water through a vigorous four stage filter and reverse osmosis process with ultraviolet light.

Water purifiers can remove up to 99% of viruses bacterias and chemicals as well as heavy metals chlorine and fluoride.

Interested and having clean water available 24/7, not only for your humidifier, but having clean uncompromised drinking water, water purifying may be the way to go.

APEC Water Systems ROES-50 Essence Series Top Tier 5-Stage

Premium long-lasting filters remove up to 99% of contaminants such as chlorine, taste, odor, VOCs, as well as toxic fluoride, arsenic, lead, nitrates, heavy metals and 1000+ contaminants.

4. Demineralization cartridges

Demineralization cartridges are drop-in additives that you place into the water of an ultrasonic humidifier that binds particles together and causes them to stay on inside of the water tank.

  An excellent product for minimizing the amount of white dust that collects around a humidifier. But unfortunately they only work in ultrasonic humidifiers.

HoMedics Demineralization Cartridge for Ultrasonic Humidifiers

Eliminate Buildup: Ultrasonic humidifier demineralization cartridges help reduce the potential for white dust


What is the white dust that accumulates around my humidifier?



  The white dust that accumulates around a humidifier is mineral deposits.
It comes from tap water and more specifically, hard tap water.

Though it is not dangerous as far as being poisonous, it is capable of becoming airborne where it can be inhaled and cause a respiratory reaction.

The high mineral content in tap water can also Foster the growth of mold and bacteria faster in a humidifier water tank.

It is very easily cleaned. Apple cider vinegar is an excellent DIY product that you can soak a towel in and leave it on the hard water deposit stains.

After a couple of hours for 3, take the towel off and the stains will be virtually gone. Clean the rest with a little bit of Dawn dishwashing soap and water.

  One of the easiest things you can do to eliminate the problem of white dust and hard water deposits around your humidifier is to switch the type of water you are using.

Distilled water is the best for humidifiers because it goes through a process that eliminates the minerals from the water.

And though distilled water can get expensive there are ways to minimize the cost.

Home water distillers can be purchased and installed right on your kitchen counter.

One distiller can distill as much as 6 gallons of water a day. Plenty of water for a humidifier.

Purified water systems can eliminate 99% of all chemicals and minerals and create a system of safe water, not only for your humidifier, but for everyday drinking use.

Hard water filters are another product that you can attach to your shower head and remove most minerals and particles from your water.

Not on the same par as distilled water or purified water, still a great way to reduce the mineral content in your water for a small price.

Demineralization cartridges are also a disposable product that you can get as much as 6 months use out of that will help bind minerals together inside of your ultrasonic humidifier tank before they become a problem on the outside of your tank.

The biggest downside with these cartridges is that they only work with ultrasonic humidifiers.

The biggest thing you can do to minimize your exposure to any white dust or mold and bacteria that can form in your humidifier is to have a strict cleaning regimen for your humidifier.

Humidifiers can be very beneficial when used correctly. But when they are allowed to sit with standing water and then turned on, they can become a health hazard by emitting dangerous airborne bacteria into the air where it is inhaled.

Warm Mist Humidifier – Benefits and Impediments

The humidity in your home has so many direct benefits to your respiratory and skin health but you don’t even notice till the air is dry.

And regardless of the temperature of the humidity, moisture is moisture and you will reap the benefits of a humidifier all the same.

But is there any advantage to choosing a warm mist humidifier other than a cool mist?

What are the benefits of using a warm mist humidifier?

1. Kills bacteria and mold
2. Relieve nasal congestion
3. Good for additives like Vicks and eucalyptus
4. Will warm up a cool room
5. Silent
6. Less hard water buildup and fewer particles released into the air

1.  Kills bacteria and mold

Warm mist humidifiers have a built-in advantage to keeping bacteria and mold from forming in and around the humidifier.

What is it?
Heat. Since the water and a warm mist humidifier or vaporizer is heated to a boiling point to create steam, bacteria and mold are a much smaller problem than with a cool mist humidifier because they simply cannot survive the heat.

Does that absolve them of regular cleaning? Not exactly. Any appliance like a humidifier, diffuser, dehumidifier, or air cooler that has a chance for water to be left standing inside it for even a small amount of time can and do have a tendency to grow bacteria in the water.

The chance for bacteria becoming a problem in a warm mist humidifier maybe smaller but it still exists and should not be taken lightly.

2.  Relieve congestion

If you have ever sit in a sauna, then you know the feeling of steam opening up your airways.
For many people, steam has a relieving feeling on their nasal passages and opens up their airways nicely when they are stopped up with congestion.

3.  Good for Additives like Vicks and Eucalyptus

The combination of warm mist and Vicks congestion medicine can make you feel so much better when you are down sick that there is a whole line of Vicks warm mist vaporizers that have been created and sold just for that.

Other essential oils like eucalyptus and peppermint can also be used in conjunction with warm mist and steam to help break up phlegm and open up your airways to breathe better.

4. Warm a Room Up


Warm mist humidifiers will warm up a space and make it more comfortable when the temperature is chilly.

5.  Silent


Warm mist humidifiers and vaporizers are completely silent.

6. Less hard water buildup and particles released into the air



Boiling water has the advantage of separating minerals out of hard water. Which can mean that there is less hard water buildup around your humidifier and less mineral particles that can be emitted into the air when you are using the humidifier.

warm mist humidifierWhat’s not to love?

Well there are a few things…

Disadvantages of warm mist humidifiers


1. Creates a swampy atmosphere
2. Not everyone experiences nasal relief from steam
3. Can be dangerous

1.Create a Swampy Atmosphere


  Warm mist humidifiers can make a room feel swampy. Humidity is not always the most comfortable feeling especially when the temperature is hot.

And when you’re feeling sick, that steamy feeling is not always welcomed.

2.  Not everyone experiences relief from steam.



When the air is dry, adding humidity to the air regardless of the temperature of the humidity will moisten your nasal passages as well as your skin and so forth.
But cool mist can offer more relief sometimes than warm.
Mayo clinic indicates that cool mist can be more of a relief for a cold than warm, but more research is needed.

3. Can Be Dangerous

  Warm mist humidifiers heat water to a boiling point as a means of creating steam to humidify the room.

That means that the water would be scalding hot if it were to spill on someone.

That’s why you will find a universal warning on vaporizers that they should not be used in the baby or children’s rooms.

Hot and Cold Combination Humidifiers

There is really no reason to pit a warm mist humidifier up against a cool mist humidifier. There are specific advantages to using both and they both have their disadvantages.

There are many times when you need a vapor machine to help you breathe better immediately, but don’t need the vapor on throughout the night.

There’s also times when the warm mist feels good, but that doesn’t mean you want to sleep in a steamy room.

Modern humidifiers like the Levoit 6L give you the advantage of being able to use the humidifier as a warm mist or cool.

Being able to diffuse essential oils with these humidifiers is a basic feature anymore.
They can be filled from the top, set on auto and left alone, and
They also have the capacity to schedule and turn them off and on via a smart app that can be used with Alexa or Google Assistant.

Humidifiers like Air Innovations are made from mold resistant materials and can also have ultraviolet lamps that target the water to keep mold and bacteria from ever becoming an issue.

warm mist humidifier disadvantageRecap.

Warm mist humidifiers have specific benefits that you do not get with a cool mist humidifier.


They have the advantage of heating water to a temperature that automatically reduces any bacteria, germ growth or mold that can take root inside of a humidifier.

They also work very well for disseminating essential oils like eucalyptus and peppermint and work great with Vicks. So much so that Vicks has their own vaporizer meant to do just that.

And many people consider steam to be more of a relief to swollen and dried nasal passages with congestion then using cool mist.

And you can’t beat the fact that they are completely silent.

But on the flip side,..

Not everyone likes the feeling of hot humidity especially when they are sick and trying to sleep.

And there is the issue of being dangerous because of the temperature of the water that they create.

Warm mist humidifiers are never recommended for the children’s room where they can get bumped and accidentally spill.

Best of Both Worlds




Humidifiers like the Levoit 6l give you the advantage of being able to operate the humidifier as a warm or a mist humidifier.

There are times when using vapor to disseminate essential oils can be an awesome way to open up your airways but that doesn’t mean that you want to sleep in a steamy room.

Having the option to use the vapor and then turn the humidifier on cool for the rest of the night while you sleep is a great feature/benefit.

This new style of humidifiers also comes with built-in hygrometers and humidistats that allow you to set and leave your humidifier knowing that it will elevate the humidity and turn off when the appropriate humidity is reached.

Most have the option of being able to fill them from the top as well as operate them from your smartphone or an Alexa or Google Assistant.

Humidifiers like Air Innovations also have the advantage of being made from mold resistant materials that resist bacteria and create a much safer humidifier.

Can You Run a Dehumidifier with the Window Open?

Should you run a dehumidifier with a window open?


A dehumidifier requires that a room be sealed off, at least windows and doors closed to function optimally. Letting outside air in while the dehumidifier is running dilutes the process and introduces new moisture that increases the amount of energy it takes and decreases the effectiveness.

Opening the window in lieu of running the dehumidifier is an option if the humidity inside the room is higher than the humidity outside.

For instance, you’ve recently taken a steamy shower and you want to air out the room. Opening the window or turning on the extraction fan is a better option than running a dehumidifier.

Other similar indoor humidity problems can be related to running an evaporative air cooler or simply washing clothes and dishes.

These are usually temporary humidity problems that can be alleviated by letting some fresh air in.

But typically the indoor humidity is relative to the outdoor humidity. A rainy season outside will cause the indoor humidity to rise as well.

Hot humid temperatures outside will gravitate inside.

“Opening a window while you’re using the dehumidifier when the outdoor humidity is as high or more than the indoor humidity, you have zero chance of decreasing the humidity indoors with a dehumidifier.”

Indoor humidity problemsIn fact you will get a better result out of your dehumidifier if you take steps to seal up the windows and doors even further while you’re using a dehumidifier.

Most indoor humidity problems are related to the outdoor humidity affecting the indoor humidity levels.

Basements for instance, are usually built directly next to dirt that has a heavy moisture content. That is why the basement usually seems damp compared to other rooms.

Concrete walls can develop cracks where moisture can seep in from the ground and depending on your style a basement, pipes can be exposed and introducing moisture if there is any leakage.

Other areas like crawl spaces beneath the house can be continuously moist which has a direct effect on the moisture level inside of the house because of moisture coming up beneath the floor.

  A typical problem with crawl spaces is water in the yard that has etched out a ravine running to underneath your house. Broken gutters or dirty stopped up gutters can also be a cause of water seeping under the house instead of being directed out from the house.

Crawl space encapsulation is a process that uses a barrier to keep moisture from the ground from keeping moisture that is in the ground from humidifying your house through the floor.

Crawl space encapsulation can also include putting a large industrial dehumidifier beneath the house to extract the moisture.

But if the indoor humidity is much higher than the outdoor humidity, then you need to locate the source of the moisture and take steps to stop it.

Anywhere you have a leak, you have extra moisture in your home. A broken pipe, gaps in your windows or doors, or a leaky ceiling can all be a continuous source of humidity inside the home that if not fixed will cause the humidity to be high indoors.

  And running a dehumidifier even though it may be necessary to maintain a good comfort level in the meantime is only an expensive Band-Aid till you get the problem fixed.

Indoor humidity problems.


Humidity can do a number on the indoor structure of your house.

Window sills can warp and rot, wood flooring can expand as well as warp as well become creaky.

Ceiling texture can start cracking and flaking off and wallpaper can start coming loose.

And though very important, more important is the fact that your air quality can be compromised and cause allergies, headaches, fatigue, and even other more serious symptoms if mold has been allowed to take root and become part of your ambient air makeup.

How do you know?

How do you measure the humidity in your home?

Of course humidity is a relative term that means one thing to a person living in Arizona and quite another thing for a person living in Florida.

Certain climates especially if they are near the ocean are going to naturally have a higher level of humidity in the air.
And your personal comfortability meter is going to be a lot higher.

But if you are used to living in a dry climate and you take a vacation to the ocean, you may be completely overwhelmed by the humidity level.

So comfortability is not necessarily the best measuring stick for what is acceptable indoor humidity.

To be more exact and to keep an indoor relative humidity that is not only healthier but better for your home, you have to have a way to measure it.

The hygrometer is a gauge that usually comes in the form of a digital thermo hygrometer that you can install on a wall to be able to keep up with your indoor relative humidity level.

These little tools are inexpensive and can be placed in multiple locations throughout your house as a way to gauge where the higher humidity is coming from.

How do you measure the humidity in your homeWhat should the humidity level be inside your house?


The national library of medicine says that most health issues related to humidity can be curbed by keeping the indoor relative humidity between 40 and 60%.

The homeowners association says that the humidity should be between 30 and 60%.

So the ideal humidity to try to achieve inside the home is about 50%.

Dehumidifiers typically come with a built-in hygrometer and humidistat to gauge the indoor humidity so that the machine will run until the set humidity is reached.

Humidifiers can be purchased with built-in hygrometers and humidistats as well when the indoor humidity has dipped below 30 to 40%.


Can you use a dehumidifier with the window open?

To increase the effectiveness of a dehumidifier, close any windows and doors to the room that you are trying to reduce the moisture in.

Since the outdoor humidity is generally one of the main causes for excessive humidity indoors, opening a window with the dehumidifier running will only cause a never-ending cycle of extracting humidity from the air. And cause the energy hog dehumidifier to be even more expensive to run.

  If on the other hand, the fresh air outside is dryer than the air inside, then opening the windows in lieu of running the dehumidifier could be the better option.

Extraction fans in the bathroom and kitchen as well as the washroom will reduce the humidity without running a dehumidifier as a necessity also.

If the indoor relative humidity is consistently higher than the outdoor humidity, then you are more certainly looking at an indoor problem such as a leak from a pipe.

Fixing the issue is the only solution at that point.

If the outdoor humidity is continuously high then reducing the exposure indoors by sealing the house and fixing any issues with moisture and water humidifying from beneath the house is the key.

Maintaining an indoor relative humidity between 40 and 60% is the main objective.
You can use a hygrometer and even place them throughout your house to measure your humidity and gauge where the higher humidity levels are sitting in your home.

Can I Use Boiled Water in a Humidifier?

There is quite a bit of confusion when it comes to knowing what type of water you should put in a humidifier.

Some people say it doesn’t matter and some people are emphatic that it must be distilled and nothing else.

  But what is the primary issue with using any type of water regardless of how it is processed?

Mineral content is the answer.

Water that has a lesser mineral content is going to be easier on your humidifier and not have as much white calcium dust buildup and a lesser chance of mold.

Can I use boiled water in a humidifier?

Boiling water is a way of taking hard water and turning it soft. In other words it removes the minerals. Or at least separates them. The idea is to boil the water and when it cools, the minerals will collect on the bottom of the pan.

We are talking about water that has been boiled and allowed to cool and not water that is boiling. Don’t make the mistake of pouring boiling water into your humidifier. It will more than likely melt the humidifier and could cause a terrible injury if you had an accident with it.

“Boiled water is good to use in a humidifier because boiling separates the minerals and causes them to settle.”

But the real trick of using boiled water in a humidifier is filtering out the settlement from the rest of the water. 

If you can do that successfully, then you have good clean soft water that will work well in your humidifier.

If you can’t filter it well, then the water will have bigger chunks of sediment then otherwise, which would leave you worse off than you were then if you hadn’t boiled it in the first place.

Ideally, distilled water is the best water to put in a humidifier because it has gone through the process of removing the minerals. But when you know how much water a humidifier can actually go through, purchasing distilled water to use exclusively in a humidifier will get expensive.

So boiling tap water is an okay solution if you’re absolutely concerned about the content of your local water or if you just have hard water in your area. And mostly you just don’t want to pay for water.

There are a few products you can purchase though that are a little expensive up front can and I’m saving you down the road. Even if we’re just talking about your time.

One set of products is purchasing a hard water filter and placing it either on your kitchen faucet or your shower.

  A Search on Amazon brings up quite a few more shower filters that kitchen filters when you do a search for a hard water filter. And if it’s all the same where you fill up your humidifier, the price for shower filters is a little better than putting a filter on the kitchen sink.

AquaHomeGroup 15 Stage Shower Filter

  • EFFECTIVE shower filters to remove chlorine and fluoride, heavy metals and other sediments. 
  • Clean, soft water means no more issues with lime scale build-up on the shower head or fixtures and no hard water spots.

Another solution, although a little more expensive up front, the purchase of a water distiller. You can set up a water distiller in the kitchen for less than a couple of $100 and never have to purchase distilled water for your humidifier ever again.

CO-Z 1 Gallon Water Distiller

This tabletop water purifier by CO-Z purifies water, filters out impurities, and dissolves VOCs at 0.3 gallons per hour

The third product is made by pure guardian technologies and it’s called the aqua stick.
It is an additive that you place into your humidifier similar to a cleaning pod that you place in the back of a commode.
The aqua stick will keep mold from growing in your humidifier for up to 90 days.
So it is a recurring purchase.

But if mold occurring because of hard water is your primary concern, aqua stick can save you a lot of time and money versus purchasing distilled water all season.

Guardian Technologies GGHS15 Aquastick Antimicrobial Humidifier Treatment

Pure Guardian GGHS15 Aquastick humidifier water cartridge helps reduce the growth of mold and odor causing bacteria in the water of a humidifier tank 

Clean your humidifier often.

Another solution which in truth should be your first solution is to clean your humidifier with an acidic vinegar cleaner more often.

Vinegar cleaner is 25% more acidic than regular white distilled vinegar and it will remove hard water deposits if you allow your humidifier parts to soak in it for 30 minutes or so whenever you clean your humidifier.

Bacteria and mold can take root in the water basin anytime the water is allowed to stand even in as little as 48 hours.

If you turn the humidifier on after there has been standing water in the humidifier then the bacteria will become airborne and can cause illness when inhaled.

Very serious diseases like legionnaires disease and Pontiac fever are caused by inhaling bacteria that has grown on water.

The symptoms are very similar to pneumonia.

So even though using the right water will help provide longevity for your humidifier and keep humidifier dust to a minimum, cleaning the humidifier thoroughly and often is a must.


When it comes to choosing the right water for your humidifier there is a lot of back and forth on the subject.

And a lot is made of being very careful not to use tap water because it is considered hard water and full of minerals.

  And naturally that brings up the practice of boiling water before using it in a humidifier. Should you do it?

“Using boiled water in a humidifier is fine because it does separate the minerals and cause them to settle.

The only problem is filtering the sediment out of the boiled water so it doesn’t get into the humidifier.”

  Otherwise, purchasing distilled water will save you the time and you will not have to worry about filtering the boiled water perfectly.

And if the cost of distilled water over the humidifier season is too expensive, then there are other purchases you can make that even though there is an up front expense, could end up saving you in the long run.

Hard water filters are available for your faucets. For around 50 bucks you can filter the minerals out of your tap water and not worry about it till it’s time to exchange the filter.

Another solution is to buy a water distiller and make your own distilled water. The upfront cost is a little more expensive but it will pay for itself and save you down the line.

Aqua sticks are humidifier additives that will keep your humidifier from getting moldy for up to 3 months.A reoccurring price but cheaper than buying gallons of distilled water from the supermarket.

Finally, and like I said before, and should be the first option, is keeping your humidifier cleaner by soaking your humidifier in vinegar more often.


Can a Warm Mist Humidifier Make You Sick?

Humidifiers in the winter are a genuine lifesaver when it comes to healing dried out nasal passages, bloody noses, congestion, and keeping viruses at Bay.

But the same humidifier that can give you such amazing relief when you are  feeling congested can also be the source of illness when it is not maintained carefully.

Yet there is one type of humidifier that is inherently safer than other types of humidifiers.

Warm mist humidifiers or vaporizers have a built-in protection mechanism against mold and bacteria growing in them.

The safety feature they possess is that they bring water to a boiling point to create steam.

Bacteria cannot survive the temperature of boiling water. So Warm mist humidifiers actually clean the humidifier as they are operating.

The typical problem that humidifiers possess is that they can become full of bacteria when they are not cleaned often enough.

That results in the humidifier becoming a source of airborne mold, fungi, and bacteria. Attaching themselves to humidity aerosols floating and waiting to be inhaled.

Anytime that water has been left inside of a humidifier for over 48 hours there is the potential of mold and bacteria already starting to take root in the machine.

According to health professionals including the national library of medicine “the relative humidity inside a home should be kept between 40 and 60% to avoid humidity related issues”


But though warm mist humidifiers may have the advantage when it comes to staying cleaner, they do not lend themselves to being a system for humidifying a large area for very long.

The problem is that they are hot ,steamy and Sticky. 
A good solution when you want to use a product like Vicks or an essential oil like eucalyptus to clear out your nasal passages, but not such a good solution when you’re entire house is dry and you’re trying to raise the moisture level.

Warm mist humidifiers and vaporizers tend to make the area swampy and uncomfortable when you are feeling sick.

So even though they are less likely to be responsible for getting dirty and making someone sick, they are also uncomfortable to be around when you are sick.

They also have a big disadvantage of being scalding hot if they happen to spill on you.

Most vendors make a point of warning that warm mist and steam humidifiers should not be used in the kids rooms or the baby’s room for that exact reason.

warm mist vaporizerWhat to do…

Humidifiers in the 2000s are not the same humidifiers that you purchased at the local pharmacy in 1985.

The amount of features that humidifiers have these days can suit just about everyone’s humidification needs.

One of those features like you can find on the Levoit 6l large room humidifier is the capacity of the unit to be used as a warm mist humidifier or a cool mist humidifier.

This is a great solution for people who want to be able to use the steam setting to help open up their airways but don’t want to have to try to sleep in a sauna atmosphere.

Humidifiers like that same Levoit model or also loaded with the latest Wi-Fi smart technologies to allow you to control and schedule your humidifier directly from your phone or your Alexa device.

  It also allows you to set and leave your humidifier without the concern of it ever over humidifying or running out of water without you knowing it.

Other advances in humidifiers are concentrated on reducing mold and bacteria growth inside of the humidifier water.

An example is the…. Humidifier that uses antimicrobial mode resisting plastic and it’s construction.

Another example is the… Humidifier that features an ultraviolet light that targets the water container so that bacteria is stopped before it has a chance to take root.

Which only makes sense since UV has been used for aquariums and barber shop disinfecting containers for as long as I can remember.

Though UV is also something you probably do not want in the children’s rooms either because it can damage your eyes if you stare into it.

warm mist humidifierSummary

In this article we tried to make the point that warm mist humidifiers can actually be safer because they raise the temperature of the water to a boiling point which is a bacteria killer.

Humidifiers for all their benefits also have a dark side.

Which is, they can grow mold and bacteria in the water when they are not cleaned often enough.

The result is that the mold and bacteria inside of the water becomes part of the air you breathe when the humidifier is turned on.

Inhaling airborne bacteria that come from water is the cause behind the horrific legionnaires disease.

Which can cause death primarily in people with low immunity such as the elderly.

Pontiac fever is a milder version of legionnaires that produces symptoms closer to pneumonia and is not usually fatal.

But although you can make the case that vaporizers and warm mist humidifiers are safer because they produce less bacteria, there is also the other side of the coin which is that vaporizers can create a swampy atmosphere which is uncomfortable when you are sick, and especially when you are trying to sleep.

What’s the alternative?

Thankfully humidifiers have continued to get better over the years and now you can purchase humidifiers that function as both warm mist and cool mist humidifiers.

There is also a new breed of humidifiers that is tackling the problem of humidifiers creating bacteria by building their units out of antimicrobial plastic that resists mold and targeting ultraviolet light on the water inside the basin to kill any bacteria before they become airborne.

But if purchasing a new humidifier is not in your immediate future, then there is the old elbow grease method combined with some acidic vinegar to keep your humidifier clean and protect you from bacteria growing in your humidifier and becoming airborne.

What is the Ideal Humidifier Setting in Winter?

What is the Ideal Humidity Setting in Winter?


It seems that humidity and humidification are a subject that are gaining interest as people are becoming more aware of the impact that moisture levels in the home, School, work or otherwise, can have not only on dry noses and cracking skin but even more importantly the transmission of viruses.

“The ideal humidity setting on a hygrometer or humidifier is 50 Percent. According to the National Library of Medicine: “the majority of adverse health effects caused by relative humidity would be minimized by maintaining indoor levels between 40 and 60%.”

When conditions are dry, airborne viral particles become smaller and or able to travel much further.

Humidity makes the particles wider and weighs them down so they are not able to float, which reduces the particles located in the ambient air (the air you breathe) and inhibits their capacity to spread.


It’s interesting that simply adding moisture to the air can create indoor conditions where viruses and bacteria along with other dust particles can reduce respiratory illness.

humidifier settings in winterHumidity levels in the winter are typically exceptionally low. The lack of moisture in the air creates all types of havoc with your body including:

  • Dry skin
  • Lowered immunity
  • Raw and bloody noses
  • Dry throat
  • Acne
  • Congestion
  • Static electricity
  • Frizzy hair

But you may be asking how do you know what your humidity actually is in the house?

That’s all good and fine knowing that humidity can affect your health but if you don’t know what your humidity is or how to correct it, what’s the use?

Humidity is measured with what’s called a hygrometer.

Hygrometers can be purchased as standalone devices but you will mostly find them as digital units combined with thermometers these days.

A thermohygrometer coupled with a humidifier to add moisture to the air is all the tools you will need to increase your relative humidity when conditions are too dry in your home or workplace.

This method works by using trial and error and increasing or decreasing the output of your humidifier as needed.

But even though it works, it’s not the most convenient as it will take a lot of monitoring between the humidifier and the hygrometer to achieve and maintain the proper humidity level.

humidifier winterLucky for us, humidifiers have raced into the new age and are among the upper echelon of appliances that come equipped with smart technology to auto control your humidifier, but it turns on and off as needed according to censored hygrometer technology.

In other words, it increases and decreases humidity automatically.

Smart humidifiers not only can be controlled using Alexis and Google Assistant, they can also tell you your home humidity levels directly from an app on your phone and let you control it as needed.

Smart technology is only the beginning of where this new generation of humidifiers get started.

For instance the Levoit 6 l whole house smart humidifier can be utilized as either a warm mist or a cool mist humidifier.

It is equipped with sleep mode, essential aromatherapy oil ready, and is ultra quiet.

And one of the smartest features of this new breed of humidifiers is that they are top fill.

Which means they are much easier to put water in than the old plastic pharmacy style humidifiers that had to have the tank taken off and turned upside down underneath a faucet to fill it.

Other advances in humidifiers include methods of keeping humidifiers cleaner longer.

Technologies like UV light and antimicrobial plastic or advancing humidification to a new level. see: Self Cleaning Humidifiers

It’s no secret that humidifiers are among the most maintenance heavy devices.

Humidifiers must be kept clean to avoid germs and bacteria from growing inside of the water.

Unfortunately the same device that can reduce your chances of getting sick in the winter can also make you sick if it is not maintained properly.

That’s what makes these new technologies like ultraviolet light and antimicrobial materials so exciting.

You can imagine that in the future we are going to see humidifiers that alert us when they are in danger of developing bacteria and humidifiers that simply clean themselves.

We’re not quite there yet. But it’s definitely on the horizon. (Vaporizers use boiling water to create steam. Since the water is brought to a high temperature, bacteria is not able to survive)


What Humidity Setting Should You Use in Winter?

According to PubMed, 40 to 60% relative humidity in the home, School, or workplace is the ideal humidity to minimize adverse health effects caused by humidity. 

Humidity can adversely affect your health when it is too low or too high.

Though most people generally pull out the humidifier when they start getting bloody noses and congestion, humidifiers can relieve all types of conditions including dry and cracking skin, dried out nasal passages, acne, viral spread, and lowered immunity.

Though they can be purchased separately and used in conjunction with your humidifier, hygrometers, which are the tool that is used to measure humidity, come built in to humidifiers as a standard feature these days.

Smart humidifiers can automatically increase or decrease the humidity level inside of the house to maintain the optimal humidity of 40 to 60%.

They also give you the advantage and convenience of being able to control and schedule your humidifier with your phone or using an Alexis device or Google Assistant.

This new breed of humidifier offers features like the capacity to use the humidifier is either a warm mist or a cool mist device. Antibacterial features like ultraviolet light and antimicrobial plastic, and one of my favorites, the ability to fill it from the top.

Top fill humidifiers take a huge amount of hassle out of using a humidifier.

It hasn’t been that long since humidifiers only came with basins that had to be taken off and turned upside down in order to fill.

Top fill humidifiers can be filled with a water pitcher.

Humidifier Smells Musty- Red Flag! Important

If you look in the dictionary, the word musty is defined as having a “stale, moldy or damp smell”.

If your humidifier smells musty then you more than likely have a humidifier with stagnant moldy water.
This is a red flag and you should turn the humidifier off till you have thoroughly cleaned the humidifier with vinegar and allowed it to completely dry.

  Though the benefits of a humidifier are many , operating a humidifier that has stagnant water will turn the humidifier into a germ machine that will fill your air full of mold spores and airborne bacteria.

At that point it’s not just an issue of smelling bad, it can actually be dangerous to your health.

Did you know that the symptoms of mold allergies often look very similar to the symptoms of the flu or pneumonia?

Sneezing, runny nose, post nasal drip, fatigue, itchy and watery eyes, can all occur from breathing in mold.

Legionnaires disease is caused by inhaling bacteria from water or soil.

Symptoms related to legionnaires include fever, muscle aches, shortness of breath and gastrointestinal symptoms including nausea vomiting and diarrhea

A lesser version of legionnaires is called Pontiac fever which also creates symptoms that resemble the flu and pneumonia.

As you can see that a musty smelling humidifier is not something to take lightly.

Don’t panic.

Just take the appropriate steps and clean your humidifier thoroughly before using it.

How to Clean a Musty Humidifier

Cleaning a musty humidifier requires one main ingredient and that is “vinegar”. And though you can get away with using white distilled vinegar, you can purchase ” cleaning vinegar” . It is actually about 25% more acidic and will do a better, more thorough job for you.

The steps are simple:

1. Take your humidifier apart (these are just the parts that are made to come apart easily, I am not talking about taking a screwdriver and breaking the machine down to its bare components or anything like that)
We’re just talking about taking the basin off, removing any lids, gaskets, etc.

2. Dump the water out of the basin

3. Pour a cup of cleaning vinegar into the basin and swish around

4. Take the other parts and soak them in a bowl of  vinegar. Nothing too amazing just make sure that everything is soaking enough to ensure that no mold or bacteria is left untouched.

5. Poor enough vinegar into the bottom half of the humidifier to ensure that all the areas are covered.

6. Wipe any area with vinegar that does not lend itself to sitting in a bath of vinegar to ensure that everything has been disinfected.

7. Let it sit for at least 20 minutes.

8. Wipe everything down. There shouldn’t be too much scrubbing unless it’s just been a very long time since the humidifier has been cleaned.
  You should find that all the mold and grime is easily removed after having let it sit for 20 minutes.

9.  Rinse everything with very warm water.

10. Let everything completely dry before putting it back together

Humidifiers have actually taken a very positive turn in the world of appliances.

These days humidifiers can be purchased that are very sophisticated and will monitor your humidity levels and alert you when you need to increase or decrease the humidity in your house.

Some even have sensors that will turn the humidifier on and off as needed.

Other advances in humidifiers are geared towards making humidifiers safer so that they do not have as much of a chance of becoming a germ farm.

Though there is yet to be a humidifier built that you could call 100% germ-free, there are technologies that some brands of humidifiers use that come awfully close.

Some of these technologies include:

1.  Ultraviolet light

Ultraviolet light is a technology that has been used to kill germs and bacteria for a very long time.

All types of industries use UV as a method of disinfection. Air purification, aquariums, and barber shop supplies just to name a few.

It only makes sense that ultraviolet light would be incorporated with humidifiers to keep bacteria from being able to grow inside and eventually becoming part of the air you breathe.

2. Antimicrobial plastic

Another really cool technology being incorporated into the construction of humidifiers is antimicrobial plastic.

This is plastic that actually resists the growth of mold and bacteria. Building a humidifier out of materials that resist mold and bacteria is very innovative and exciting and one that you can actually find in some brands of humidifiers right now.

3.  Antibacterial additives

Anti bacterial additives are another great ideal that can help keep your current humidifier cleaner and free of bacteria for longer amounts of time.

Some of the main brands of antibacterial additives is aqua stick.

4. DIY additives

You don’t necessarily have to go purchase a new humidifier or buy commercial additives.

Distilled vinegar can be placed right into your water and help keep your humidifier cleaner for a longer period of time.

Colloidal silver is something that many people have on hand that can be added to humidifier water that will kill bacteria and benefit the person breathing the colloidal silver misted water immensely.

Hydrogen peroxide is another easy additive that will help keep the water and the humidifier disinfected and is also a great additive to reduce germs and bacteria in the air.


A musty smelling humidifier is the definition of a moldy humidifier.

If your humidifier smells musty, then you should take it as a red flag to immediately turn it off and to thoroughly clean it with vinegar.

You should not take this lightly because there can be serious consequences to inhaling water that has bacteria growing on it.

Symptoms can resemble pneumonia and can include everything from sneezing and watery eyes to more severe symptoms like fever, achy muscles, and vomiting or diarrhea.

Cleaning your humidifier thoroughly with vinegar will disinfect the humidifier and get you back to enjoying the benefits of the humidifier.

As an added protection, you can purchase additives to place in the water to keep it fresher longer.

You can also purchase humidifiers that use technologies that will help your humidifier stay germ-free longer.