Why Does Air Conditioning Make Me Cough?
Why does air conditioning make me cough? Coughing around an air conditioner...
What Are the Side Effects of HEPA Air Purifiers?
What are the side effects of HEPA air purifiers? HEPA (High Efficiency...
What Is Best Type Of Air Purifier For Allergies?
If you’re looking for an air purifier for your home, to help control...
What Is an Ionizer Fan?
When you’re talking about a fan ionizer, you have to differentiate...
Do HEPA Filters Remove VOC’s?
HEPA filters are the number one choice for air purification across most...
What is a Cold Plasma Air Purifier?
Finding a Layman’s definition of a cold plasma air purifier is not...
Advantages of Air Purifiers Without Filters
Most people realize as soon as they start shopping around for an air...
What Does Ion Mean On A Fan? The Surprising Truth About Ionizing Fans
A fan is a pretty simple device. It blows air and it osculates. It has very...
20 Ways to Lower the Humidity in Your House
Are you wondering how to lower the humidity in your house? You are not...
Best Ways of Removing Pet Hair From Air
I love my animals. Two dogs and two cats. One of the dog stays outside 90%...
Do Air Purifiers Make the Room Cold?
It can be confusing sifting through all the products and appliances that...
5 Breathing Techniques that Reduce Anxiety and Help you Calm Down
We’re always being told how powerful and effective breathing...
Do Air Purifiers Remove Odors?
No one likes a stinky smell. But when you think about it, that is kind of...
A Humidifier vs An Air Purifier For Your Baby?
As a mother or a father, it goes without saying you want the best for your...
Our Top 6 Gutter Cleaning Hacks
As the seasons change, it’s time to take care of the home and undo...