Aluminum Tin Foil on Windows? What’s the Purpose?

Why do people put aluminum tin foil on Windows?

If Id have to be honest, the first thing I think about when I see a house that has the windows covered in aluminum tin foil is there must be something nefarious going on inside of the house. Drug dealers, crack cocaine, they’re doing something, I know it.

But that hardly makes sense. Why go to the trouble of attracting attention to yourself by blacking out the windows with aluminum foil if you were actually involved in criminal activity.

There are a lot better reasons that actually makes sense to cover your windows and aluminum foil.

Here are a few good reasons people put aluminum foil on Windows.

1. Darkens the room for sleeping

Aluminum foil is completely airtight without any way to see through it at all.

Putting tin foil on the Windows is an effective way to black out your room for sleeping.

There are plenty of professions and jobs that require people to work at night and sleep during the day.

And a lot of people, including myself need a dark room to be able to sleep soundly.

A dark room for developing film also requires complete blackness.

2. Does tin foil reflect Heat?

Easily the most common reason people put tin foil on the window is to reflect the heat coming in from the Sun.

This is not a new ideal.

Aluminum backed Radiant barriers are sold as insulation wrap for your attic to reflect the sunlight pounding the exterior the roof thereby cooling off the Attic and helping lower the energy bill.

Attic and wall insulation can also be purchased with an aluminum foil backing with the same ideal of placing the insulation with the foil side to the inside to reflect the heat.

NASA has long used this technique to to  reflect the Sun from transferring heat into the space shuttle.

Another example is a windshield shade for your car. Many times you we’ll see a shade that has aluminum foil backing on the outside to help reflect the Sun.

Putting foil on the windows follows this logic.

But aluminum foil on its own is not the most reflective of surfaces.

Adding the tin foil to a layer of cardboard before putting it in the window will create a much better  Radiant barrier reflector then tin foil alone.

And it’s an easy DIY recipe to help reflect and block the Sun from heating up your room.

3. Privacy

Most people just shut the blinds when they want privacy but if you need absolute privacy with no chance of anyone peering around the edges of your curtains, aluminum foil on the Windows is an effective way to block anyone from looking into your house.

4. Keeps the glare off the windows

Glare coming off the windows can not only be annoying because it reflects off of the TV or your computer screen making it hard to read or watch TV, it actually makes the sun feel like a magnifying glass peering down on you.

Aluminum tin foil on the windows, whether it be your taste or not, is an effective way of keeping glare from coming through your windows.

Why do people put aluminum tin foil on Windows?5. Reduces the energy bill

Aluminum foil on the windows can keep the sun from coming in and heating the house which causes the AC to kick on. By effectively blacking out the windows with aluminum foil, you could save on your energy bill because of the lesser need of the AC.

Is it safe to put aluminum foil on Windows?

It is absolutely safe to put aluminum foil on the windows, after all we are talking about a product that is made to put on your food and cooked in the oven.
There is no chance of toxins or radiation being released from the foil in the windows.
Tin foil is made to withstand extra high temperatures while keeping your food from burning.

Is Aluminum foil on windows illegal?

There are no laws against blocking out your windows so that people cannot look inside of your house. After all many people live in apartments where there is no possibility of being able to look into your home anyway

Can aluminum foil catch on fire?

Aluminum foil does not catch fire. It is one of the most durable ways to heat food up on a campfire without ever having to worry that it will incinerate.

Tin foil on Windows shiny side in or out?

When you put aluminum foil in the windows, the shiny side of the foil should be pointed towards the outside of the house. It is the most reflective side of the foil and has the best chance of reflecting sunlight.


Does aluminum foil reflect UV light?

Ultraviolet light is another term for sun light.
The shiny side of the aluminum foil is often used as a UV reflector on different products.

Does aluminum foil reflect radiant heat?

Perforated aluminum foil insulation is a popular product that is used to reflect radiant heat coming in to your attic. It is used in many products and applications to reflect radiant heat whether it be your home, for your vehicle.

Aluminum foil on Windows in winter

Does aluminum foil reflect the cold?

Aluminum foil does not keep things from getting cold. Tin foil is often used to wrap and store food in the freezer. If it reflected the cold, the food would not be able to freeze.

Likewise, putting foil on the windows to reflect the cold in the winter will not do anything to keep the cold from transferring through the window.

Aluminum foil on the windows in winter is still useful for other reasons.

The blacking out your windows is not just about keeping the heat out, it’s about blocking the sunlight from coming in when you need your room completely black for sleeping for developing film, etc.

It will also keep the glare from coming in from the windows as well as give you absolute privacy from people staring into your house.

Of course putting foil on the Windows is not everybody’s cup of tea, there can be no denying that there is actually some good benefits to doing so.

Does tin foil reflect HeatAlternative to tin foil on Windows 

Still not convinced.

Aluminum tin foil on the Windows is not the only game in town.

There are alternatives to putting tin foil on the windows.
1.  Blackout curtains

Blackout curtains are what they sound like. They are curtains that are made to block out any light coming in through the window. Plus they do have the added benefit of creating a thermal barrier. See More Here

2. Blackout shades

Blackout shades have a similar effect as blackout curtains and many people prefer shades over curtains.
They often have the added benefit of being able to control their movement with a remote control. See Here

And if you are hooked up to Alexa or Google Assistant, you can control their movement by simply telling them to lower or rise.

3.  Window film

Window film is usually the go-to product when you’re trying to lessen the amount of sunlight coming in to your windows. Whether you’re talking about a vehicle, your home windows or a 100 floor skyscraper, adding UV and heat rejection film is typically the first product that is used. View Here

4.  Awnings

Awnings and eaves are a traditional way of keeping the Sun from pounding into your home through your windows. If you don’t need a complete blackout solution, awnings can add a dash of Elegance to the exterior of your home also. More Here

5.  Heat resistant film

Some people do not want to black out their windows in any way but still want to reduce the amount of heat being transferred into the room by the sunlight on their windows. See here

Heat resistant film is a thick plastic product that can be purchased and cut to cover your windows. This product is a insulator that you can see through. Is it as effective as blocking out the Sun? probably not. But it will reduce the amount of heat, though however marginally.


How to put aluminum foil on Windows.

Things you will need:

  • Double sided Scotch tape
  • Aluminum foil
  • Razor blade or a sharp razor knife
  • Cardboard
  • Spray adhesive

1.  Apply some double-sided Scotch tape to the outside perimeter of the window pane. The closer you can get it to the frame, the easier time you will have cutting the aluminum foil.

2.  Tear you off a piece of tin foil big enough to cover the entire glass. Leave the tin foil big enough that there’s an overhang to cut off

3. Stick to tin foil to the window using the double-sided to keep it up while you take a sponge or a washcloth and gently press it flat and into every crease and corner, be careful not to tear the foil.

4. Take a sharp razor blade and carefully and slowly cut the tin foil around the crease of where the window meets the window frame.

How to make an install a radiant barrier using cardboard and aluminum foil.

1. Measure the window pane exactly.

2. Using a straight edge and a framing square, cut the cardboard to the exact size of the window.

3. Put the cardboard in the window and test it out to make sure you got a good fit.

4. Take a big enough piece of aluminum foil to cover the whole piece of cardboard and leave enough overhang to be able to cut off.

5. Spray the cardboard and the dull side of the aluminum foil with spray can adhesive.

6. Once tacky, put the tin foil onto the cardboard and press it down gently with a sponge or towel till it is completely flat on the cardboard.

7. Place the cardboard with the aluminum foil face down onto a surface that you can cut into. If you used a cardboard box for the cardboard, the leftover cardboard from the box is an excellent area to cut on.

8. Take your razor blade or sharp razor knife and cut around the cardboard through the aluminum foil. Be sure to go slow and be gentle as to not tear the foil.

7. Put some strips of double-sided clear tape on the window pane.

8. Press the aluminum foil backed cardboard into the window pane with the aluminum foil  facing inside.

This also works well as a temporary way to black out your windows.

Humidifier Safety Checklist: What Every User Needs to Know

Humidifier Safety: Top Tips at a Glance

Humidifiers are invaluable tools for enhancing indoor air quality, offering relief from dry air by adding essential moisture to your environment. While they come with a host of benefits, ensuring their safe and effective use is paramount to avoid any potential hazards.

To help you get the most out of your humidifier while maintaining a safe home, here are the top humidifier safety tips listed in order of priority:

  1. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance: Prevent mold and bacteria growth by cleaning the humidifier regularly.
  2. Use Distilled or Filtered Water: Minimize mineral buildup and microbial growth by using purified water.
  3. Maintain Proper Humidity Levels: Use a hygrometer to keep humidity within the ideal range of 30-50%.
  4. Safe Placement of the Humidifier: Place on a stable, waterproof surface away from children, pets, and electronics.
  5. Choosing Cool Mist Humidifiers for Child Safety: Opt for cool mist models in homes with children to eliminate burn risks.
  6. Caution with Essential Oils: Only use essential oils if your humidifier is designed for them to avoid damage.
  7. Auto Shut-Off Feature: Choose models with auto shut-off to prevent overheating and energy waste.
  8. Electrical Safety Precautions: Ensure safe operation by plugging directly into a wall outlet and keeping hands dry.
  9. Regular Inspection for Wear and Tear: Check the humidifier regularly for any signs of damage or malfunction.

Stay tuned as we dive deeper into each of these safety tips, providing you with comprehensive insights to make informed decisions about your humidifier use.

Hydrogen Peroxide in Humidifier1. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

The golden rule with humidifiers? Keep them clean. It might seem like a chore, but regularly cleaning your humidifier is the cornerstone of safe use. Here’s why: standing water is a playground for bacteria and mold, and when your humidifier spews out mist, it’s not just water but potentially all the microscopic party-goers along with it, straight into the air you breathe.

So, how do you keep the festivities in your humidifier’s tank clean and safe?

  • Daily Dance: Empty and rinse out the tank with fresh water every day. Think of it as giving your humidifier a little daily refresh to keep things running smoothly.
  • Weekly Deep Clean: Once a week, roll up your sleeves for a deeper clean. Disconnect the humidifier, remove any filters, and clean the tank and any other removable parts with a mix of water and white vinegar or a mild disinfectant. This will help kill any lurking bacteria or mold spores. Rinse everything thoroughly with clean water to make sure no cleaning solution is left behind.
  • Dry and Assemble: Make sure all parts are completely dry before you put the humidifier back together. This step is crucial because it ensures that you’re not unintentionally adding moisture to places it shouldn’t be.

Quick Clean and Maintenance Schedule

Frequency Action Purpose
Daily Empty and rinse tank Prevent microbial growth
Weekly Deep clean with vinegar/water or disinfectant Remove mineral deposits and kill bacteria/mold
As Needed Replace filters (if applicable) Ensure efficient operation and prevent microbe spread

2. Use Distilled or Filtered Water

Tap water might be fine for watering the plants or taking a shower, but it’s not always the best choice for your humidifier. Why? Because it can contain minerals that contribute to the buildup inside your humidifier and even disperse into the air as white dust. Not to mention, these minerals can provide a feast for unwanted bacteria.

Here’s how using distilled or filtered water can make a difference:

  • Mineral Buildup Be Gone: Distilled or filtered water is much lower in minerals than tap water, significantly reducing buildup in your humidifier and the need for frequent deep cleaning.
  • Cleaner Mist: Using purified water helps ensure that the mist your humidifier releases is free from mineral deposits and bacteria, making the air in your home cleaner and healthier to breathe.

3. Maintain Proper Humidity Levels

Keeping the humidity in your home within the sweet spot of 30-50% is crucial for both comfort and health. Too much humidity can turn your home into a breeding ground for mold, mildew, and dust mites, while too little can aggravate respiratory conditions and dry out your skin and nasal passages.

  • Stay in Range: Use a hygrometer to keep an eye on your home’s humidity levels. It’s a small investment that can make a big difference in helping you maintain the right balance.
  • Adjust as Necessary: If you notice humidity levels rising above 50%, it might be time to give your humidifier a break. Conversely, if the air feels too dry, don’t hesitate to turn it back on.

Ideal Humidity Levels

Room Ideal Humidity Level Notes
Living Room 30-50% Balance comfort and health, avoid condensation on windows
Bedroom 30-50% Promote better sleep and respiratory health
Plant Room/Greenhouse 40-60% Specific plants may require higher humidity

4. Safe Placement of the Humidifier

Where you place your humidifier can impact its effectiveness and safety. A good location ensures the mist is distributed evenly without causing harm to your furniture or creating a slip hazard.

  • Stable Surface: Choose a flat, stable surface where the humidifier is unlikely to be knocked over.
  • Protect Your Furniture: Keep it away from wooden furniture and floors to prevent moisture damage. A waterproof mat or tray can provide an extra layer of protection.
  • Keep It Out of Reach: Especially important if you have kids or pets, place the humidifier in a spot where they can’t accidentally tip it over or get too close to the mist.

Humidifier Placement Do’s and Don’ts

Do Don’t
Place on a stable, waterproof surface Place directly on wood or carpet
Keep out of reach of children and pets Use near electronics susceptible to water damage
Ensure there’s enough space for airflow Block the mist outlet

5. Choosing Cool Mist Humidifiers for Child Safety

When it comes to selecting a humidifier for a home with children, cool mist varieties are generally safer than warm mist or steam humidifiers, which can pose burn risks.

  • Cool Mist Benefits: Besides being safer, cool mist humidifiers are also effective in easing respiratory symptoms without the risk of hot water accidents.
  • Placement Matters: Even with a cool mist humidifier, it’s still important to place the unit out of reach of children to prevent any curious tampering.

Cool Mist vs. Warm Mist Humidifiers

Feature Cool Mist Warm Mist
Safety Safer around children, no burn risk Risk of burns, not recommended for children’s rooms
Respiratory Relief Good for congestion, allergies Can feel more soothing for colds/flus
Maintenance Easier to clean, less mineral buildup Requires regular descaling and cleaning
Energy Use Generally uses less electricity Uses more electricity to boil water

6. Caution with Essential Oils

While the idea of adding essential oils to your humidifier might seem appealing for extra aroma and potential health benefits, it’s important to proceed with caution.

  • Check Compatibility: Only use essential oils in a humidifier if the manufacturer states it’s safe to do so. Otherwise, you risk damaging the humidifier or releasing potentially harmful compounds into the air.
  • Consider Alternatives: For aromatherapy benefits, consider using a separate essential oil diffuser designed for that purpose.

7. Auto Shut-Off Feature

A humidifier with an auto shut-off function is a valuable safety feature, as it turns the device off automatically when the water level is too low.

  • Prevents Overheating: This feature can prevent the humidifier from overheating, which is crucial for safety, especially when the device is not under direct supervision.
  • Energy Efficient: It also helps conserve energy by ensuring the humidifier only runs when necessary.

Humidifier Features Checklist

Feature Why It’s Important Recommended For
Auto Shut-Off Prevents overheating and energy waste All users, especially if using overnight
Adjustable Humidity Settings Allows precise control over humidity levels Homes with sensitive individuals, like babies or those with respiratory issues
Filter Indicator Alerts when the filter needs changing or cleaning Users who prefer minimal maintenance
Quiet Operation Reduces noise, especially important in bedrooms Light sleepers, bedroom use

8. Electrical Safety Precautions

Humidifiers, like all electrical devices, require certain precautions to ensure safe operation.

  • Direct Plug-In: Always plug your humidifier directly into a wall outlet rather than using an extension cord or power strip, which can overheat.
  • Dry Hands: Ensure your hands are dry before touching the plug or the humidifier to avoid electric shock.

9. Regular Inspection for Wear and Tear

Regularly inspect your humidifier for any signs of wear or damage, as these can affect its performance and safety.

  • Look for Damage: Check the cord for fraying, the tank for cracks, and ensure all components are functioning properly.
  • Replace as Needed: Don’t hesitate to replace parts or the entire unit if you notice any damage or consistent performance issues.

Wrapping It Up: Humidifier Wisdom for Healthy Air

Humidifiers can significantly improve the comfort and healthiness of your home’s air, especially during dry seasons. By following these safety tips, you can enjoy the benefits of your humidifier without worry. Remember, the key to humidifier safety lies in regular maintenance, proper use, and a bit of common sense. Happy humidifying!

Additional Resources

For further reading on humidifier care and safety, consider visiting the websites of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). These resources offer valuable information on maintaining indoor air quality and product safety standards.


Can a Humidifier Help With Bronchitis? Tips for Maximizing Relief at Home

Can a Humidifier Help With Bronchitis Symptoms?

Yes, using a humidifier can provide some relief for certain bronchitis symptoms by adding moisture to the air and making breathing a little easier.
The inflammation and irritation associated with bronchitis often leads to thick, sticky mucus that can be difficult to expel from the lungs. The dry air commonly found in most homes during colder months can make this mucus even thicker and harder to clear.

By adding humidity back into the air, a humidifier can help thin out the mucus secretions, loosen chest congestion, and soothe irritated airways, allowing for easier breathing and coughing.

According to the American Lung Association, proper air moisture levels can help keep the bronchial tubes lubricated and make it easier to clear mucus buildup. The moisture provided by a humidifier essentially reconstitutes dried mucus, turning it from a sticky gel back into a thinner liquid that is less likely to clog the airways.
While a humidifier cannot cure bronchitis or address the underlying inflammation, it can be a useful add-on therapy to help temporarily alleviate some of the frustrating symptoms.

standing humidifier

Easing Bronchitis with a Humidifier: A Breath of Fresh Air?

Have you ever felt the discomfort of bronchitis, where each breath feels like breathing through a narrow straw? It’s not just you; many share this struggle, especially in the biting cold of winter months. But here’s a ray of hope: a simple device like a humidifier might just be the unsung hero in your battle against bronchitis symptoms.

The Struggle is Real: Bronchitis and its Sticky Foes

Imagine your bronchial tubes as highways for air in and out of your lungs, now clogged with thick, sticky mucus. This mucus is like the traffic jam from your worst nightmare, especially when the air is as dry as a desert. That’s where the humidifier steps in, adding moisture to the air, much like rain clears up those highway jams, making the mucus less clingy and easier to clear.

Picture this: a cozy room, the air filled with a gentle mist from your humidifier, making each breath smoother, lessening the cough that’s been keeping you up at night. It’s not magic, but it’s close; the American Lung Association backs this up, noting how the right moisture levels can make those bronchial tubes less like a battleground.

Bronchitis 101: The What and The Why

Bronchitis turns your airways into irritated, inflamed channels, making you cough up what feels like your body weight in mucus. It comes in two main flavors: acute, which is like a terrible guest that leaves after a few weeks, and chronic, a more unwelcome tenant that refuses to leave, often thanks to irritants like smoke or pollution.

Humidifiers to the Rescue: How Do They Help?

So, how does a humidifier fit into this picture? It’s all about the air. Dry air makes mucus thick and sticky, but with a humidifier, that mucus becomes thinner, less sticky, and easier to cough up. It’s like the difference between trying to spread cold butter on toast versus melted butter; one is a struggle, the other, effortless.

Picking the Right Humidifier: Your Bronchitis Ally

When choosing a humidifier, think of it as choosing a teammate: you want the right fit. Cool mist humidifiers are often the MVP here, reducing the risk of burns and avoiding the bacteria playground that warm mist humidifiers can become. Look for one with adjustable settings to keep your room at that ideal 30-50% humidity sweet spot.

Types of Humidifiers and Their Features

Humidifier Type Pros Cons
Warm Mist
  • Warms room, which may be comforting in winter
  • Can help reduce some microbes in the water
  • Risk of burns, especially with children
  • Higher energy consumption
  • May encourage growth of bacteria and mold if not cleaned properly
Cool Mist
  • Safer, no risk of burns
  • More comfortable in warm climates
  • Can be noisy
  • Needs regular cleaning to avoid mold and bacteria
  • Quiet operation
  • Fine mist is easily absorbed into the air
  • Can leave white dust if using hard water
  • Requires distilled water to avoid mineral dust

Humidifier 101: Tips for Optimal Relief

To make the most of your humidifier, treat it well. Keep it clean to avoid turning it into a petri dish for bacteria. And remember, too much of a good thing (humidity, in this case) can lead to issues like mold, so keep an eye on those levels.

Symptom Relief Comparison

Bronchitis Symptom How a Humidifier Helps
Coughing Adds moisture to the air, reducing throat irritation and helping to loosen mucus, making it easier to cough up.
Thickened Mucus Increases air humidity, which thins the mucus, making it less sticky and easier to expel.
Wheezing and Breathlessness Moist air can soothe irritated airways, reducing inflammation and allowing for easier air flow.
Chest Tightness Eases congestion by loosening mucus, reducing the feeling of tightness and discomfort in the chest.

Beyond the Humidifier: A Holistic Approach to Bronchitis Relief

While a humidifier can be a game-changer, don’t forget other players in your bronchitis relief team: staying hydrated, using over-the-counter meds wisely, and avoiding irritants. Together, they can help you breathe easier and feel better.

Embarking on a journey with a humidifier to alleviate bronchitis can raise some questions. Here’s a compass to guide you through the fog, with answers to some common curiosities:

1. Can a humidifier really make breathing easier during a bronchitis flare-up?
Absolutely! By infusing the air with moisture, a humidifier can thin out the mucus, making it less sticky and easier to cough up, thus easing your breathing.

2. Is there a specific type of humidifier that’s best for bronchitis?
While several types exist, cool mist humidifiers are often recommended for their safety and efficiency, especially in preventing the growth of mold and bacteria.

3. How do I know if my humidifier is helping with my bronchitis symptoms?
You might notice easier breathing, reduced cough severity, and more comfortable sleep. If your symptoms don’t improve, it might be time to check the humidity level and ensure the device is working correctly.

4. What’s the ideal humidity level to aim for?
Keeping indoor humidity between 30-50% is key. This range helps alleviate symptoms without promoting mold and dust mite growth.

5. How often should I clean my humidifier to keep it safe?
Daily emptying and drying, with thorough cleaning at least once a week, can prevent harmful microbial growth, keeping your air safe to breathe.

6. Can using a humidifier replace other bronchitis treatments?
While a humidifier can ease symptoms, it’s not a standalone treatment. It’s best used alongside other remedies and medical advice for comprehensive care.

7. Are there any risks to using a humidifier for bronchitis?
If not maintained properly, humidifiers can harbor bacteria and mold, potentially worsening respiratory issues. Always follow cleaning guidelines and use distilled or demineralized water when possible.

8. How close should the humidifier be to my bed for maximum benefit?
Placing the humidifier within 3-5 feet of your bed allows you to breathe in the moist air directly, offering relief especially at night.

9. Can I use essential oils in my humidifier to help with bronchitis?
It depends on the type of humidifier. While some are designed for use with essential oils, others can be damaged by them. Check your manufacturer’s recommendations first.

10. What should I do if I don’t notice any improvement in my bronchitis symptoms with a humidifier?
If symptoms persist or worsen, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized advice and treatment options tailored to your needs.

Let this guide be your beacon, helping you navigate the use of a humidifier for bronchitis relief with confidence and clarity.

How to Properly Store a Humidifier When Not in Use

Essential Guidelines for Proper Humidifier Storage

Properly storing your humidifier during periods of non-use is crucial to keep it functioning optimally and avoid microbial growth. Leaving residual moisture inside can allow mold, bacteria and fungi to accumulate over time, contaminating the water and releasing harmful spores into the air when used again.
Action Details
Deep Clean the Humidifier
  • Drain all water from tank, reservoir, hoses, and filters
  • Scrub tank with vinegar/bleach and rinse
  • Replace filters as recommended
  • Use descaling solutions for mineral deposits
  • Disinfect with antimicrobial cleaner
  • Air dry all parts before reassembling
Dry Out All Moisture
  • Empty tank water and wipe surfaces dry
  • Remove and air dry filters for at least 48 hours
  • Use absorbent pads inside to wick away moisture
  • Run the humidifier empty for 30 minutes to evaporate internal moisture
Store in a Cool, Dry Location
  • Good Locations: Closet shelf, dry basement, pantry
  • Bad Locations: Bathroom, damp attic, garage
  • Avoid temperature extremes to prevent damage
  • Cover with a breathable material to avoid dust buildup
  • Store upright to prevent water pooling in crevices
  • Remove batteries to prevent corrosion

The Importance of Complete Drying

Before you store your humidifier away, one crucial step stands above the rest: ensuring complete dryness. Any residual moisture left inside can become a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms like mold and bacteria. These not only pose a risk to the humidifier’s integrity but can also become significant health hazards when the device is next used.

Why It’s Essential:

  • Mold and bacteria thrive in moist environments. Even a small amount of leftover water can lead to contamination.
  • When reactivated, a humidifier with microbial growth can spread spores into the air, potentially causing respiratory issues and allergic reactions.

Practical Drying Tips:

  • Wipe Thoroughly: After cleaning, use a dry, clean cloth to wipe down every component of the humidifier, ensuring no water remains.
  • Air Dry: Allow all parts, especially the tank and filters, to air dry in a well-ventilated area for at least 24-48 hours. This step cannot be rushed.
  • Run Empty: Consider running the humidifier on an empty setting for about 30 minutes to evaporate any moisture trapped in hard-to-reach areas.

Monitoring for Mold Growth

Even with diligent drying and cleaning, it’s essential to remain vigilant for signs of mold growth in your humidifier, especially during prolonged storage periods. Mold not only poses a significant health risk but can also damage your humidifier, reducing its efficiency and lifespan.

Key Indicators of Mold Presence:

  • Visible Signs: Keep an eye out for any mold spots or fuzzy growths on any part of the humidifier.
  • Odors: A musty or mildew-like smell emanating from the humidifier is a strong indicator of mold growth.
  • Deposits: Cloudy or colored deposits around crevices, edges, or inside the tank can suggest mold or bacterial buildup.
  • Filter and Tank: Pay special attention to the filter and water tank, as these areas are particularly prone to mold growth.

Action Steps if Mold is Detected:

  • Immediate Cleaning: Upon detecting any signs of mold, thoroughly clean and disinfect the entire humidifier.
  • Part Replacement: Inspect all parts for damage. Replace any components that are heavily affected and cannot be fully cleaned.

Regular checks for mold are crucial, especially before and after storage periods, to ensure your humidifier remains safe and effective for use.

Preparing Your Humidifier for Next Use

After a period of storage, it’s important to ensure your humidifier is clean, functional, and ready for operation. Follow these steps to prepare your humidifier for its next use:

  • Inspect for Mold or Mineral Buildup: Before using your humidifier, inspect it for any signs of mold or mineral deposits. If any are present, refer back to the cleaning and disinfecting steps.
  • Check All Parts: Ensure that all components, especially filters and tanks, are in good condition. Replace any parts that show signs of wear or damage.
  • Run a Cleansing Cycle: Fill the tank with a mixture of water and a small amount of vinegar to run a cleansing cycle. This helps to remove any lingering odors or residues. Rinse thoroughly afterward.

Maintenance During Storage

Even while in storage, your humidifier can benefit from periodic checks and basic maintenance:

  • Dust Off: Every few months, take out your humidifier to dust it off. This prevents dust accumulation that could clog the vents or affect the device’s performance.
  • Battery Check: If your humidifier uses batteries for any functionality, ensure they are removed to prevent corrosion over time.
  • Storage Check: Periodically check the storage environment to ensure it remains dry and cool, without any drastic changes in temperature or humidity that could affect the humidifier.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often should I clean my humidifier before storage?
A: Clean and disinfect your humidifier thoroughly before storing it to prevent mold and bacteria growth. This should be done at least once every 3-6 months or after each use period.

Q: Can I leave water in the humidifier tank during storage?
A: No, it’s crucial to empty and thoroughly dry the tank and all parts of the humidifier to prevent microbial growth.

Q: What should I do if I find mold in my humidifier after storage?
A: Disassemble and clean each part with a mixture of water and vinegar or a manufacturer-recommended cleaning solution. Severely mold-infected parts may need to be replaced.

Q: How long can a humidifier be stored safely?
A: A humidifier can be stored indefinitely if properly cleaned and dried. However, inspect it every few months during storage for any signs of mold or damage.

Q: Is it necessary to replace the filter before storage?
A: Yes, it’s advisable to replace the filter before storage to ensure it’s fresh and clean for the next use. If the humidifier won’t be used for an extended period, consider storing it without the filter and replacing it when you’re ready to use it again.

Q: Can I store my humidifier in the attic or garage?
A: It’s best to avoid storing humidifiers in places with extreme temperature fluctuations or high humidity, such as attics or garages. Opt for a cool, dry location like a closet or pantry.

Q: How do I protect my humidifier from dust during storage?
A: Cover the humidifier with a breathable fabric or store it in its original box or a breathable storage bag to protect it from dust and debris.

Q: What’s the best way to dry a humidifier before storage?
A: After cleaning, leave all parts disassembled in a well-ventilated area to air dry completely. Running the humidifier on an empty setting can also help evaporate residual moisture.

Q: Should I perform any maintenance on my humidifier during its storage period?
A: Periodically check your stored humidifier for dust and any signs of mold. Wipe it down and ensure it’s still in a suitable storage environment.

Q: What kind of cleaning agents are safe for my humidifier?
A: Typically, mild agents like white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide are safe and effective for cleaning humidifiers. Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for recommended cleaning solutions to avoid damaging sensitive components.


How to Reduce the Humidity in a Air Cooler?

Can you reduce humidity in an air cooler?

Evaporative air coolers have the advantage of being cheaper to run than a portable or window air conditioner because they don’t use as much energy.

Air coolers are a much simpler design in that they are basically a fan blowing over and through water.

And if you live in a very dry area, the extra moisture that evaporative air coolers create is welcomed. And evaporative air coolers do a very nice job of cooling a house when the air is dry.

But if you live in an area with a normal range of humidity, air coolers have the disadvantage of creating much more humidity in your house then you need.

And the result is the uncomfortable feeling of stickiness, as well his other symptoms like fatigue. Too much humidity can just put you in a bad mood.

So it’s not surprising that one of the first things people want to know about air coolers is how to reduce the humidity in the house when using one.

Unfortunately there is not one magic bullet to reduce the humidity created by an air cooler.

But… There are a few things that can help you reduce the humidity in your home caused by an air cooler.

high humidity remedies1.  Open Windows

There is a misconception that air coolers work best when a room is tightly closed. Not so.

Opening the window or Windows on the other side of the house actually helps pull the air through the house making the air cooler more efficient.

And the open windows let dryer air back into the house which can help lower the humidity caused by the air cooler.

2.  Extra Fans

Adding some extra fans in the house will help dry the air.

Anything that causes rapid air movement, including a fan, can evaporate moisture.

Though the amount of air being moved by a fan may not amount to much drop in the humidity, having air blowing directly on you will help reduce the feeling of humidity.

Think about it this way: if you were to sit in front of a fan with your hair wet, your hair would dry faster.

If your skin is feeling sticky from humidity and you sit in front of a fan, the humidity on your skin would dry out. Using fans along side an air cooler is a super easy and smart solution.

3.  Exhaust Fans

What do you do when after you take a steamy shower and the mirror and the windows are fogged over with condensation?

You turn on the exhaust fan.

Same thing in the kitchen. If the air is getting steamy from cooking and boiling, you flip on the exhaust.

Installing and running a few exhaust fans is an excellent ideal to pull some of the excess humidity caused by your air cooler out of the house.

4. Desiccant Dehumidifier

Desiccant Dehumidifiers are dehumidifiers that do not use a compressor and coil system. Instead they use a silica gel chemical absorbent to absorb moisture out of the air.

Silica gel is known as the little packets that are included in all types of products. Anything from shoes to electronics to help keep moisture out.

Desiccant dehumidifiers are full size units that are able to work spaces up to 480 ft.

And they also come in portable containers that you can place around your house.

Desiccant dehumidifierd are also completely silent because they do not use a compressor or a fan to reduce the humidity.

Can you a run a dehumidifier with an air cooler?

Technically you can use a standard compressor based dehumidifier to help reduce the humidity caused by an air cooler.

But you have to remember they do exhaust heat out of the rear. Which will compete with the cool air coming from the air cooler. And they are loud.

This is a more experimental approach to lowering the humidity caused by an evaporative air cooler. And it’s probably worth a shot if you happen to have a dehumidifier on hand.

But if you were thinking about purchasing a dehumidifier to lower the humidity caused by a evaporative air conditioner, then it begs the question:
Why don’t you just purchase a window air conditioner or portable air conditioner instead of an air cooler?

Other Natural Humidity Remedies

All natural dehumidifiers are a good way to reduce humidity in your house while running an evaporative air cooler.

Some of the most popular are:

  1. Charcoal briquettes
  2. Calcium chloride
  3. Rock salt
  4. Coffee creamer

1.Charcoal Briquettes

Charcoal is a naturally porous absorber that can be used as a do-it-yourself dehumidifier.

Simply filling some containers with about 8 to 10 charcoal briquettes and setting them throughout the house will have a dehumidifying effect that will help dry out your air.

2.Rock salt

Rock salt is also a well-known damp absorber.

The idea is to take two buckets. Drill holes in the bottom of one and put it inside of the other bucket was something in between the buckets to keep them apart. ( It doesn’t matter what you use, I use the lid off of a peanut butter jar that was in the trash)
Then fill the top bucket with rock salt.

3.Calcium Chloride

Calcium chloride is an all natural dehumidifier also.

The ideal here is to take a sock and fill it with calcium chloride then hang the sock somewhere with a bowl or a bucket beneath it to capture the condensation that will begin to drip from it.

4.Coffee Creamer

Cheap coffee creamer is a surprisingly good moisture absorber. And there is really no technique to using it.

Simply purchase the biggest container of cheap white coffee creamer that you can buy and pour it into a bowl.

The coffee creamer will draw moisture.

You’ll know to replace it when the coffee creamer gets too hard.

Dehumidifying Plants

Plants are natural dehumidifiers all on their own.

Anything that pulls moisture out of the air is going to be a dehumidifier and plants certainly qualify. Some plants more than others.

The best plants for dehumidification or plants that have waxy or hairy leaves with a large surface area.

Here’s just a few as an example.

1.  Cactus

Cactus flourish in dry regions because of their ability to draw moisture out of the air.
There’s not an easier plant to take care of than a cactus either.

2.  English ivy

English IVY is a super easy plan to take care of that’s also a great starter plant. It also is a great dehumidifier and thrives off of the humidity in the bathroom.

3.  Spider Plant

Spider plant is an easy indoor favorite. It grows easy and it grows quick in about any circumstance you put it in.

4.  Peace lily

Peace lily is a lovely plant that is not only a dehumidifier, is a air purifier too. This plant removes air pollutants like formaldehyde and xylene and is a addition to your home if you suffer from seasonal allergies or asthma.


Does air cooler increase humidity?

No doubt an air cooler increases the humidity in the space it is being used in.

Evaporative air coolers or basically a fan blowing over evaporated water as a means of cooling the air off as it’s blowing.

Essentially a giant humidifier.

Can an air cooler cool the room?

An evaporative air cooler can cool the room off nicely in the right circumstances. For instance, if you live in a dry area, then an air cooler can make a room feel very comfortable.

But if you live in an area that is already humid, then an air cooler will just pile on the humidity and add insult to injury.

Is there an air cooler with humidity control?

Unfortunately there’s not really an air cooler that has humidity control since the primary function of an air cooler uses humidity to help cool off a room.

But there are a few ways to help reduce the humidity caused by air coolers that are worth looking into.

Opening the windows on the opposite of the house will create air flow and help dry out the air at the same time.

Exhaust fans will also help pull the moisture out of the air.

Desiccant dehumidifiers or dehumidifiers that absorb moisture out of the air without the noise and the heat of a compressor.

They can be purchased as full size dehumidifiers or as containers of desiccants that you sit around the house.

There are also some nice do-it-yourself dehumidifiers that can do a good job.

Rock salt and calcium chloride make great moisture condensers.

Charcoal briquettes and cheap coffee creamer are also great humidity absorbers.

And don’t forget about the house plants.

House plants are one of nature’s Best dehumidifiers and they add oxygen to your air. Some plants even purify the air as they dehumidify.

Can a Humidifier Cause Pneumonia? No but Yes?

Can a Humidifier Cause Pneumonia?

Using a humidifier can potentially increase the risk of pneumonia, but it primarily depends on how the humidifier is used and maintained. If not cleaned properly, humidifiers can disperse harmful particles or microorganisms into the air, which can be inhaled.

This includes bacteria and fungi that thrive in moist environments. These microorganisms can potentially lead to respiratory infections or exacerbate existing health conditions.

It’s essential to regularly clean and disinfect your humidifier to minimize this risk. Using distilled or demineralized water instead of tap water can also help prevent the buildup of minerals and the growth of microorganisms.

Take a look at a couple of these research statements.

According to NIH, the National Library of Medicine” the indoor size of allergenic mite and fungal populations is directly dependent upon the relative humidity”.

Also:  ” The majority of adverse health effects caused by relative humidity would be minimized by maintaining indoor levels between 40 and 60%.”

Another study from states” when you sneeze and cough those smaller infectious aerosols can stay suspended in the air for longer.

That increases the exposure for other people. When the air is humid and the aerosols are larger and heavier they fall and hit surfaces quicker”.

The fact is that the viruses, bacteria, and fungi that cause pneumonia and other airborne transmitted illnesses cannot transmit nearly as easily when the humidity is kept between the ranges 40% and 60%.

But as you may have noticed, we put the emphasis on “properly” and “accurately” and the opening sentences of this article.

Because there are instances where humidifiers can be responsible for transmitting germs and fungi that can cause pneumonia type symptoms.

hvac cough

When can a Humidifier Cause Pneumonia?

A humidifier that is not properly maintained and that is operated when stagnant water has been allowed to sit in the humidifier before using it can transmit bacteria into the air.

When that air is inhaled, certain bacteria and mold spores can cause pneumonia-like symptoms.

Legionnaires disease, Pontiac fever, and humidifier lung are all illnesses caused by inhaling bacteria growing in water.

The symptoms associated with these illnesses all look suspiciously close to the symptoms that occur with pneumonia.

Fever, achy muscles, headaches, post nasal drip, coughing and sneezing, to name a few.

The dichotomy is that the same device that can help prevent the transmission of bacterial viruses is also the same device that can cause them when used wrongly.

The important takeaway is that a humidifier must be cleaned thoroughly and often to avoid any risk of it becoming a catalyst for airborne fungi and toxins.

And the truth is, it is very simple to clean a humidifier.

We suggest soaking the humidifier in vinegar once a week or so to ensure that there is not a chance of bacteria and mold taking root and becoming a problem. You can step up the process by purchasing “cleaning vinegar” which is about 25% more acidic than distilled.

How to Thoroughly Clean a Humidifier.

The process is simple.

1. Disassemble the humidifier
2. Fill the basin with a cup of vinegar and water, swish it around well and then let it soak for at least 20 minutes.
3. Soak all the smaller pieces from the humidifier in a bowl of vinegar for 20 minutes also.
4. Rinse it all out with warm water and allow it to dry completely before use.

New Humidifier Innovations

Humidifiers have moved on past the standard basic misting units that we are accustomed to seeing in drug stores.

Humidifiers in the modern age come with everything from hygrometers to measure your humidity and the capacity to switch back and forth between a vaporizer and a cool mist humidifier. 

Luxuries like being able to fill the humidifier from the top as well as working as aromatherapy diffusers are also part of the norm of this new breed of humidifiers. Top Fill Humidifiers

And one of the most exciting features and innovations that is starting to creep up in the market is the use of different technologies to reduce the ability of mold and bacteria from growing in your humidifier.

A couple of these technologies are ultraviolet light and mode resistant plastic.

1. Ultraviolet light or UV for short is used in many industries to cool bacteria including targeting mold and fungi in aquariums and also as a way to disinfect Combs and scissors in barber shops.

The jump to humidifiers only makes sense. Some humidifiers that employ ultraviolet light like the Dyson model claim that they reduce mold and bacteria inside of a humidifier by as much as 99%. Pretty incredible.

2.Another exciting innovation being used in humidifiers is in the actual materials that the humidifier is made from. What I’m talking about is mold resistant plastic.

Imagine a humidifier made from materials that actually resist the formation of mold and bacteria. Also pretty Incredible.

3.Other innovations include additives that you place right into the water of a humidifier. Aqua stick is a product that you place right into the basin of your humidifier similar to putting a cleaning pod into the back of your commode.

Though it does not boast a 100% kill rate, it can reduce the chance of mold and bacteria from taking root in your humidifier for up to 90 days.

A good alternative to purchasing a new humidifier.


Can a Humidifier Cause Pneumonia?

“Yes a humidifier that is operated when standing water has been sitting in it can transmit bacteria and fungi into the air that can create symptoms of pneumonia.”

Diseases like Pontiac fever, humidifier lung, and legionnaires disease all originate from the inhalation of bacteria that is growing in water.

For this reason, keeping a clean humidifier is a must and should not be taken lightly.

On the flip side, a well maintained humidifier that is being operated when the condition of dry air ( below 40% humidity) is met can reduce the spread of the viruses, fungi, and bacteria that cause pneumonia.

Studies have shown that viruses are not able to travel nearly as far when the proper humidity level is kept.

According to PubMed, most species of fungi cannot grow unless the relative humidity exceeds 60%. Airborne transmitted infectious bacteria and viruses has shown that the survival or infectivity of these organisms is minimized by exposure to a relative humidity between 40 and 70%.


Frequently Asked Questions -Humidifiers and Pneumonia

  1. What is the ideal indoor humidity level to prevent respiratory infections?Keeping indoor humidity levels between 40% and 60% is generally recommended to minimize the risk of respiratory infections.
  2. Can all types of humidifiers increase the risk of pneumonia?Any type of humidifier can potentially increase the risk if not cleaned properly, as stagnant water can harbor harmful microorganisms. However, the risk varies depending on the humidifier’s design and maintenance.
  3. How often should I clean my humidifier to prevent bacterial growth?It’s best to clean your humidifier at least once a week and more frequently if it’s used daily.
  4. Can I use tap water in my humidifier?Using distilled or demineralized water is recommended over tap water to prevent mineral buildup and reduce the risk of microbial growth.
  5. What are some signs that my humidifier might be making me sick?Symptoms may include coughing, sneezing, congestion, or worsening asthma or allergies. If you notice these symptoms, check your humidifier for cleanliness and proper function.
  6. What is humidifier lung, and how is it caused?Humidifier lung is a type of hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by inhaling airborne particles from contaminated humidifiers, leading to inflammation of the lungs.
  7. Can ultraviolet (UV) light humidifiers reduce the risk of pneumonia?UV light humidifiers can reduce the risk by killing bacteria and viruses in the water, but they still require regular cleaning and maintenance.
  8. What should I do if my humidifier has a moldy or musty smell?Disassemble and thoroughly clean all parts of the humidifier. If the smell persists, it might be best to replace the unit or seek professional advice.
  9. Are there any health risks associated with overusing a humidifier?Overusing a humidifier can increase humidity levels above 60%, encouraging the growth of mold, dust mites, and bacteria, which can lead to respiratory issues.
  10. How can I ensure my humidifier doesn’t become a health hazard?Regularly clean and disinfect your humidifier, use distilled water, and monitor indoor humidity levels to ensure they remain within the recommended range.

Unveiled Secrets of Plug-in Air Purifiers: What You’re Not Being Told

Plug-in Air Purifiers: What’s Being Left Unsaid?

Plug-in air purifiers are small hand sized devices that plug directly into your wall and stay there via the plug.

Similar to how a night light works.

The thing about plug-in air purifiers is they are really not air purifiers in the traditional sense.

If you were to do a search on Amazon right now for air purifiers, you would come across a variety of different brands and different sizes of air purifiers.

But they would all have one thing in common.

They all use filtration to clean the air.

The standard air purifier is a HEPA filter, a carbon filter and a pre-filter to capture the big stuff.

But when you get into the plug-in air purifier area, you find that they also have something in common, they are all ionizers. See Here.

Ionizers do not filter the air. They clean the air through ionization.

How does ionization work?

The basic premise is that the ionizer emits negative ions into the airstream.

The negative ions attach themselves to the contaminants in the air, which causes them to be too heavy to float and they fall to the surface.

Welcome to the Grey Area.

What is the grey area?


Ionizers create ozone as a byproduct. And ozone is a lung irritant.

But the thing is, these small plug-in air purifiers / ionizers do not emit enough ozone to be dangerous. Do they?

That’s where the grey area begins.

Most of the plug-in air purifiers that you find listed on the internet do not say a single word about their products creating ozone.

And why would they?

As an analogy,

The grocery store is stocked full of processed foods that contain 10 types of sugars hidden behind all kinds of jargon and are labeled as fat free on the packaging.

It’s all semantics.

Most people don’t care about that stuff anyway. But at least the ingredients are listed if you cared enough to look them up.

It seems that a lot of ionizer air purifier products are leaving some of the ingredients off of the packaging.

Or they are hiding behind clever jargon.

For instance,

They can technically say that they clean air with oxygen because ozone is oxygen with an extra molecule.

Remember it’s just semantics.

Interesting dilemma.

Should they be required to say that they have a chance of creating ozone even if it is a safe level in most circumstances?

Is leaving it out actually hiding it? 

After all, ozone is a scary word, and why mention it if you don’t have to?

And there is the point that ozone is a naturally occurring part of the atmosphere. Cleaning the air without any of my input. And maybe we aren’t owed an explanation for it anyway.


There are a couple of companies that are completely up front with their advertising. And I appreciate it.

Guardian technologies offer full disclosure in the literature. As well as EdenPURE

Eden pure even says in their description of how they’re air purifier works that it uses ozone molecules to clean the air.

Not to mention that they are also using the “Thunderstorm” moniker in the title of one of their air purifiers.

“After a thunderstorm freshness” used to be a big advertising slogan in the days when ozone machines were sold as air purifiers.

So EdenPURE is not trying to hide it.
It’s almost like they’re using reverse psychology or something.

Need a Small Travel Size Air Purifier that will out perform any micro plug in air sanitizer?
The GermGuardian Elite 3-in-1 Air Purifier is the way to go: see it here

Unlock the Compact Power of Plug-in Air Purifiers

What Are Plug In Air Purifiers?

Plug in air purifiers are small cordless air purifiers that plug directly into a  wall outlet. The closest comparison size wise is a glade air freshener that sits on the wall plugged directly into a receptacle.
They reduce indoor air pollution like pollen, allergens, airborne bacteria and viruses, as well as odors and VOCs (environmental pollutants like aerosols for instance).

They are designed to work in small areas 150 square feet and under.

This makes them very convenient as travel air purifiers and office cubicles.

They’re also very handy for keeping plugged in near you while you are sleeping so that you can breathe and rest easier.

Plug in air purifiers work just like any air purifier except for on a small scale.

As long as it is understood that they are only effective in small areas, then the result you get from a plug-in air purifier should be satisfactory.

The problem that most get themselves into when it comes to plug-in air purifiers is that they believe that they will clean the air in a much bigger room or area then they are intended to.

How long do plug-in air purifiers last?

Plug in air purifiers use a variety of different technologies to clean the air.

Some rely on ionization, others contain HEPA and carbon filters, while others use ultraviolet lamps with titanium oxide coatings.(photo catalytic oxidation)

Each type of technology lasts for a different duration.

A plug-in air purifier that has a HEPA and carbon filter generally will last about 3 months before the filters have to be changed.

A UV lamp can last up to 6 months before having to change it out.

An ionizer alone can last 1 to 3 years.

Since these small plug-in air purifiers are generally priced somewhat cheap, they can be bought in packs so that they can be placed around the house or they can simply be replaced every 6 months or so.

But if they are properly cleaned they should last you much longer than that.

Here are some of the best plug-in air purifiers on the block.



The Clarifion is the most popular one.
This air purifier uses negative ions generated by electricity and disperses them from the unit.

Because ions attract and are heavier than the dust particles including allergens and pollens, when the ions combine with the airborne pollutants, the newly formed particles become too heavy to float and fall to the surface.

This keeps the air that you breathe (the ambient air) free from pollutants.

This air purifier does not contain any type of filter to collect dust. The surfaces around the plug-in air cleaner will have to be wiped down often for the air purifier to work efficiently.


Clarifion DSTx

Clarfion DSTx is also a negative ionizer but it does have a HEPA filter with a carbon layer included.

HEPA filters are known for their ability to filter contaminants as small as 03 microns and carbon filters are known for their ability to trap gases and odors.

The replacement filters are meant to be replaced every 3 to 6 months for the unit to work efficiently.


Clarifion ODRx

This unit uses a UV light to eliminate airborne germs and neutralize odors.

The lifespan of the UV light is around 8 months. See More Here.

Germ guardian GG 1100 w 7 ”

The germ guardian pluggable air purifier uses ultraviolet light with a titanium oxide coating.

The technology is called photo catalytic oxidation and it is very effective at reducing VOCs, airborne mold, germs and bacteria, as well as light odors.

There are no filters to replace but there is a UVC lamp that needs to be swapped out once every 10 to 12 months.

Gideon plug in ionizer

Gideon plug-in air purifiers offer a 3 in 1 solution that includes an ionizer, ultraviolet light, and a fan.

Unlike most of the other plug in air purifiers documentation, this air purifiers flyer says that it uses active ozone.

That’s because ultraviolet light creates a small amount of ozone and so does negative ions.

Albeit it’s not enough to be concerned about or even measurable enough to be labeled as an ozone generator,

It’s still there.

And personally I believe that it’s a very honest way of approaching this technology.

Because all ionizers or UV light air purifiers create a little bit of ozone.

And for most products, especially a small plug-in ionizer, the level of ozone is well under the federal limit of .05 parts per million.

But most air purifier companies, at the least, will not bring it up.
And there are a few that I know of that outright lie and say that they don’t generate ozone at all.

So good on you, Gideon..


GreenTech pure air 50

This is a plug-in air purifier that covers up to 325 ft. That’s the most square feet covered that I have seen in an air purifier that size.

This air purifier also lists ozone as a technology that they use to clean air..
Along with HEPA and carbon filtration and ionization.

Interestingly enough, even though the air cleaner uses HEPA and carbon filtration, there are no filters to replace.

Apparently it’s a wipeable filter.

This is a good option for you if you are looking for a plug-in ionizer that is a little more powerful and can clean a little bit larger of an area.

And they are completely honest about the ozone. Which like the Gideon ionizer, is not enough for them to even have to mention it.

I’m buying for honesty. See it Here

Plug in air purifier as seen on TV

There is a as seen on tv plug-in air purifier that is called the “breathe pure portable plug-in”

It looks identical to the Green tech pure air 50.

My guess is that they are identical air purifiers branded under two different names.

Is there an ozone free plug-in air purifier?

Plug in air purifiers are primarily negative ionizers and UV light sterilizers.

There are a few that have Hepa and carbon filters, but these are usually a side note on this kind of air purifier because of the size of the filters.

Negative ionizers and UV light sterilizers both create a small amount of ozone.

The amount of ozone that an air cleaner as small as a plug-in air purifier creates is very minimal and does not exceed the federal limits for ozone.

I have yet to come across a plug-in air purifier that relies 100% on filters.

And to have an ozone free plug-in air purifier, that’s what you would have to have.

Do plug-in air purifiers work?

The fact that plug-in air purifiers are so small that they plug directly into the wall without the use of a cord leads some people to believe that they must be gimmicky and not really do anything.

But plug in air purifiers are genuine air purifiers that use real proven air purifier technologies to rid the air of pollen, germs and allergens, etc.

But they do so on a very small level.

Most plug-in air purifiers are rated for 150 square feet and under.

And just like full size air purifiers they have changeable filters and UV lights that can be replaced to make the plug-in air purifier last a very long time.

But on the other hand, they are priced at a low enough point that you may want to simply throw it away and pull out a new one after a few months.

Plug-in air purifiers make a great travel bag air purifier to plug in when you get to your hotel or use in the car as you are traveling there.

They also make a great companion to keep in your office cubicle or next to you while you are trying to get some rest at night.

How to clean a plug-in air purifier

The majority of the plug-in air purifiers use negative ion technology to keep the air surrounding the air purifier clean and allergen free.

Negative air ionizers work by creating negative ions and emitting them into the air.

Because of polarization, the negative ions bind with the positive ions in the air, which are considered the air pollution.

The newly formed particle becomes too heavy to float and falls to the surface.

But the surface can also be the plug-in air purifier itself and the surrounding wall.

  To clean a plug-in air purifier ionizer

“Never use compressed air or a can of air to blow into the purifier. Many of these devices have a titanium oxide coating that can come off if air pressure is applied.”

Same goes with any type of vacuum that has high suction power.

The best practice is to just:

a. Unplug the device
b. Wipe the dust off with a microfiber cloth. (Including the wall and outlet plate)
c. Use a Q-tip with rubbing alcohol on it to get into any stubborn spots that you can’t get the dust out of.

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips for Plug-in Air Purifiers

Do’s Don’ts
Unplug and use a microfiber cloth Use compressed air or high suction vacuum
Use a Q-tip with rubbing alcohol Assume internal parts need cleaning
Regular cleaning for efficiency Neglect surface and surrounding area cleaning

The plug in air purifier will last much longer if this is done a couple of times a week.

It will also be much more effective because an ionizer that is covered in dust does not allow for the ions to be emitted away from the device.

These small plug-in air purifiers and ionizers typically do not have a way of taking them apart so there is no need to be concerned about cleaning any of the internal parts.

Even if there is a way to get it apart, the internal parts will not need cleaning.

Tower Humidifiers: Elevating Comfort with the Ultimate Selection Guide

Humidifiers are a necessity for regulating indoor humidity and maintaining health and comfort during the dry season.

But humidifiers are not exactly the most convenient device to find a place for.

The constant refilling and cleaning that humidifiers require make placing them in an easy access area and one that is not susceptible to moisture damage important.

One option for placing a humidifier is to pick a “standing floor humidifier” or commonly called “tower humidifier”.

A Tower humidifier is a large humidifier that resembles a tower fan or a tower heater.

Why would you choose a tower humidifier over other types of humidifiers?

Simple. The convenience of being able to put it where you want it.

Other types of humidifiers require a good spot on a table or bed stand,

and they are usually sat on a towel or something that can easily soak up any leakage that you can get from just filling and refilling a humidifier.

Features and Benefits of Tower Humidifiers

Feature Benefit
Tower Design Freestanding and easily movable, saves space on tables/shelves.
Top Fill Option Simplifies the refilling process, making it less cumbersome.
Large Tank Size Reduces the frequency of refills, convenient for continuous use.
Wide Coverage Effective for large rooms, reducing the need for multiple units.
Adjustable Humidistat Automatically maintains desired humidity levels for comfort and health.
Essential Oil Tray Allows for aromatherapy, adding a pleasant scent to the air.
Smart Features Compatibility with smartphones and smart homes for ease of control.
Quiet Operation Ensures minimal disturbance, especially important in bedrooms.
Antimicrobial Materials Reduces mold and bacteria growth, ensuring cleaner mist output.

Tower humidifiers can easily be placed where you want them and then be easily moved out of the way when you don’t need it there anymore.

For instance you may want to place it closer to your bed at night when you sleep, but don’t want it in the middle of the floor during the day.

Choosing a tower design humidifier makes humidifying very convenient because you can easily move the humidifier anywhere in the house without having to find a table top spot to put it.

And if you want to add another seriously convenient feature to add to the humidifier,
you could pick a tower humidifier that has the option of filling it from the top.

Top fill humidifiers are simply humidifiers that have the fill hole located on the top of the humidifier.

This gives you the option of being able to carry the water to the humidifier and pouring it in rather than taking the humidifier apart and putting the basin underneath the running water in the sink.

The typical humidifier requires you to take the water tank off, turn it upside down and fill it up from the bottom.

Then turn it back over, full of water, and place it back into its spot on the humidifier.

It’s a somewhat complicated process that is designed to get water everywhere in the process.

Top fill humidifiers eliminate that entire process by giving you the option of filling it from the top.

Very convenient.

It’s no mystery that humidifiers suffer from the stigma of being high maintenance appliances.

After all they have to be filled and refilled and then cleaned often.

So It’s really no wonder that humidifiers typically don’t get run as much as they should seeing how they require so much work to use them.

That is precisely why a standing floor, Tower humidifier that you can fill from the top can make humidifying much easier and take much of the hassle out of dealing with one.

What is the Best Tower Humidifier?


In our opinion, the best Tower humidifier is the Govee 6 Liter.

It not only can work with your smartphone and with Alexa, it has a super huge tank that can go for 60 hours without refilling and cover up to 600 square feet.

It’s easily filled and cleaned from the top and it can be used with any type of essential oils on 9 different 360° mist settings.
And it has a night light.

What’s the Worst Tower humidifier?

In our opinion, there shouldn’t even be a tower humidifier that you can’t fill from the top. The AirCare D Series has a lot going for it but they’re refilling configuration puts it at the bottom of the list for Tower humidifiers.

The 11 Top Tower Humidifiers

Click here to see the Aircare D Series tower humidifier

Aircare D Series

This humidifier holds a lot of water but it’s in two tanks that have to be completely removed to refill.

I love the way the person in the video gets water all over the tank when he’s filling it up.

It completely illustrates some of the problems that refilling a humidifier can give you.

It uses the Wick filter technology.

Wick filter technology is very similar to filling a sponge with water and blowing air through the sponge with a fan.

It ensures that the water moves through a filter before being dispersed into the air as humidity.

Air Care d series has two tanks along with two filters to be able to humidify twice as much area.

It also features an adjustable humidistat, which automatically shuts off the humidifier when the dialed in setting for relative humidity is reached.

It has four speeds, a refill indicator, and a check filter indicator.

Manufacturer: Air Care
Dimensions: 10 * 15 * 26 in
Weight : 11.25 lb
Square footage: 1200 ft
Tank size : Two separate 1 gallon tanks


  • 50 hours without refilling
  • 1200 Square feet coverage
  • Adjustable humidistat
  • 4 speed Settings
  • Water fill indicator
  • Filter check indicator
  • 2 year warranty


Nice humidifier with some great features like being able to handle 1200 square feet.
But this definitely one of the more difficult humidifiers when it comes to refilling the water

See the Lacidoll humidifier here

Lacidoll 2.1 Gallon Tower Humidifier

A slightly smaller Tower humidifier that can run for 36 hours without a refill and cover 500 square feet.

This humidifier features most of the bells and whistles you can purchase in a modern humidifier.

It does not however future the capacity to be run as a cool or warm mist humidifier.
It is strictly a cool mist humidifier.

But it does feature the convenience of being a top fill humidifier.

Manufacturer: Lacidoll
Dimensions: 30.7 x 10.7 x 10.4 in
Weight : 5.5 lb
Tank size : 2.1 gallons
Square feet covered: 500 sq ft


  • Humidity sensor with automatic shut-off
  • aromatherapy tray
  • 500 square feet
  • 36 hours between refills
  • Top fill
  • Remote control
  • Carrying handle
  • Water viewport
  • One year warranty

Remarks :

A very nice looking humidifier that has a convenient Tower design as well as being a top fill humidifier.

Click here to view the Honovos Tower Humidifier


Honovos is a 3.17 gallon ultrasonic cool mist Top Fill humidifier with 4-speed humidistat and an essential oil tray.

The tank is a sleek clear see through cylinder-shape that can be a very attractive addition to your room decor.

It features everything the modern humidifier should. A fully adjustable leave and set humidistat with several speed settings. An adjustable nozzle and a tray to drop essential oils.

And it covers a 750 square foot space.
Another great addition is the fact that it is filter free. No additional cost ever.

Manufacturer : Honovos
Dimensions : 9 * 9 * 29.9 in
Weight : 5.5 lb
Square footage : 750
Tank size : 3.17 gal
Noise: 30db

Features :

  • Top Fill
  • Tower design
  • Adjustable humidistat
  • Aromatherapy tray
  • 750 square foot coverage
  • 34 hours between refills on max

Remarks : A very nice humidifier that also comes in a smaller size.

Click here to see Costway Standing Floor Humidifiers


Costway has an ultrasonic cool mist humidifier that has an ionizer incorporated into it. The Tower design makes it easy to find a spot for it in any room.

As for the other extras that you typically find in modern humidifiers, there are not many.

It does have a 6 L tank that will allow it to run for 24 hours without refilling but as far as other features like an aromatherapy tray are missing.

Manufacturer: Costway
Dimensions: 8.5 by 8.5 by 22.5″
Weight: 4 lb
Tank size: 6 l


Combining an ionizer weather in a humidifier should create an ultra clean breathing atmosphere.

Humidity and negative ions reduce the amount of ambient dust very well.

Humidity droplets and negative ions work very similarly to reduce dust in the air. Humidity Bonds dust together with moisture. Ions combine dust particles with polarity to make them too heavy to float.

Click here for a look at the AILINKE tower humidifier


Another attractive Tower humidifier that is top filling. It honestly has everything you could possibly want in a humidifier save that it doesn’t have the capacity to run as a warm mist humidifier.

It can go for 36 hours without being refilled because of its 2.3 gallon size tank.

It also covers up to 500 square feet and does so very quietly at only 35 db.

Adjustable humidistat and antimicrobial infused plastic construction combined with aromatherapy essential oil tray round out the features.

And if that’s not enough, it doesn’t require any type of filter change whatsoever.

Manufacturer: AILINKE
Dimensions:260 mm x 240 mm x 745 mm ( 26″)
Tank size: 2.3 gallons
Affected room size:500 sq ft
Noise level: 35 db


  • 500 square feet
  • 36 hours without having to refill
  • Top fill Tower design
  • Adjustable humidistat
  • Remote control
  • Ultra quiet
  • Antimicrobial plastic


This is one of those humidifiers that sounds amazing and does everything amazing. But… This humidifier is inundated with bad reviews on Amazon. Mostly saying that it broke down very quickly after it was purchased. Pity.

Click here for the Govee 6l Tower Humidifier

Govee 6l

This Tower humidifier is a Wi-Fi, downloadable app included, Alexis friendly modern smart humidification unit.

Smart appliances are pretty much a thing now across all types of machinery.
For some appliances, it makes a lot of sense, and for some, not so much.

It’s hard to imagine there ever being a humidity emergency that requires you to have to have alerts coming into your inbox on the relative humidity of your house or the fact that your humidifier is near running out of water.

But just like any other convenience, it is very easy to be able to schedule your humidifier or turn it on and off from your phone. And if you have Alexa, you can use the voice control function and just tell your humidifier to come on or change settings.

Being Wi-Fi enabled is not the only advantage this Govee humidifier has.

It is actually one of the more well-rounded units that I have had the pleasure of reviewing.

It covers up to 600 square feet and can go 60 hours without refilling.

It can be set to auto mode and through the power of its on board sensor, it will change settings on the humidifier to ensure that the proper relative humidity in your room is being kept.

Aromatherapy tray combined with ultra quiet operation and 9 mist levels are just piling on the features at this point.

Did I mention the night light?

Manufacturer: Govee
Weight:8.5 lbs
Square footage: 600
60 hours between refills
Noise level: 27db
360° nozzle


Very well reviewed unit that piles on the features.
The only thing missing is the warm mist capability and the anti-mold construction.standing humidifier

Click here to see the PurjoyTower Humidifier


Purjoy features the best features that you’re going to find on a tower humidifier and it has an optional green color.
Which may sound like a small point but there are not too many humidifier manufacturers that are taking chances with the actual color of the units. Typically White and black are your options.

This humidifier does look good and it has the best of the best features that you will find on the humidifier.

It runs 50 hours without refilling and it covers 500 ft. It’s super quiet at 35 db.

It has adjustable sensor technology that controls the humidifier based on the relative humidity of the room. And a remote to boot.

It also features an essential oil tray and it is easily refillable from the top of the machine.

This humidifier definitely checks all the boxes for a large Tower humidifier.


  • 2. 11 gallon Tank
  • 50 hrs without filling
  • 500 sq ft coverage
  • Sensor
  • 35 db Low Noise
  • Top fill
  • Essential oil tray
  • Green
  • Remote
  • Cool mist ultrasonic


The only feature this humidifier doesn’t carry is the capacity to be able to run it as a warm mist humidifier as well as a cool one.

See PureGuardian H3200WAR here

Pureguardian H3200WAR

Pureguardian humidifiers stand out because of their use of antimicrobial materials that infuse silver into the plastic.

Silver is an all natural antibiotic that resists mold and bacteria.

They are also the makers of the popular Aqua Stick, which is an additive that you place into the water of a humidifier.  It helps reduce mold and bacteria.

This particular pure guardian Tower humidifier has a lot going for it.
One of the most outstanding features is that it can run for 100 hours without refilling.

And that’s on only a 1.5 gallon tank.

It’s also filter free and covers 450 ft.

And though it does have the obligatory adjustable sensor and auto shut off when it runs out of water, it misses the boat on one big point. It is not fillable from the top.


  • Treated tank resists mold
  • 100 hrs run time without refilling
  • 1. 5 gal Tank
  • 450 sq ft coverage
  • Filter free
  • Dimensions: 8. 82*8.74*21.93″
  • Makers of Aqua Stick


PureGuardian understands the main issue with humidifiers being that they can become tainted with mold and bacteria very quickly.

The main selling point of this humidifier is that it is made from mold resistant materials.

Unfortunately it is not a top fill humidifier.

Click here for a look at Elecameier Humidifiers


Elecameier is a tall tower humidifier that has a shape that is similar to a wine bottle.

It comes in white or an alternate wood tone that looks pretty sleek. It is definitely a humidifier that will look good in a living room or as part of the decor in an office building.

It features a remote control and automatic shut off when it runs out of water and it can also be ran as a warm mist humidifier or a cool mist humidifier.

And it is ultra quiet, only coming in at 25 db.

But though it is a tower humidifier which does indeed make it much simpler to find a place to put it since it will not take up any valuable table top space or shelf space,

It has to be taken apart to put the water in.
The design is basically a three-part piece that has a base, a body, and an extruding nozzle.

So in order to fill it with water you have to take off the nozzle and the body and fill it from the bottom of the body.

And compared to other models of tower humidifiers, it’s maximum run time is only 12 hours between refills.

Which as we’ve already pointed out, is a built-in hassle with this humidifier.

Manufacturer: Elecameier
Dimensions: 17.2×11.42×7.68 in
Weight: 2.64 lb
Tank size: 2.3 l

Remarks: It has to be taken apart to refill.

See Air Innovations here

Air Innovations

Air Innovations have long been one of the most stylish humidifiers on the market. Their top fill Tower humidifier keeps the same tradition.

Hands down the most unique looking humidifiers that you can buy.
It also has a lot of great features including a huge run time of 100 hours between refills.

Air Innovations are known to be innovators of using antimicrobial materials in their construction.

This humidifier has silver infused into its plastic which resists mold and bacteria inside of the water tank.

There is a version of this humidifier that is made for the baby’s room that is BPA free also.

The humidifier can handle 700 square feet and has a 2.15 gallon tank.

The digital humidistat is top of the line..

Manufacturer: air Innovations
Dimensions: 10.25 * 10.25 * 16.25 in
Weight: 5.2 lb
Square footage: 700
Tank size: 2.15 gallon
Filter less


The aromatherapy feature requires that their own formulated scents be used. I assume this is an additional reoccurring purchase.

Click here for Honeywell top fill tower Humidifiers

Honeywell top fill tower

Honeywell has a reputation of building long lasting products.

The main feature on their Tower humidifier is that it fills from the top.

It also has an adjustable humidistat to set and leave it.

But it is slightly smaller than many of the other Tower humidifiers in its price range and it does require a separate purchase of a filter from time to time.

You should expect to refill this humidifier at least once every 24 hours.
You can either take the basin off and carry it to the sink to refill it or you can transport water to the humidifier and pour it into the top.

It is strictly a cool mist humidifier and it doesn’t have some of the modern features like Wi-Fi or aromatherapy capabilities.


A basic humidifier that has both a tower design for easy placement and that is Top fill for easy refilling.

And it does have the strong reputation of being built by Honeywell.


Tower humidifiers take the hassle out of having to find a tabletop for a shelf to put a humidifier.

They can stand in the middle of the floor and be moved easily from room to room or brought out at night and put to the side in the morning very easily.

But if you are in the market for a tower humidifier, there is one thing that you should take into consideration before bringing one home.

That is that they are hard to take apart and fill unless you purchase one that has the capacity of filling it from the top.

Truthfully, humidifiers can be more of an investment than other types of appliances because they do require you to fill and refill and be cleaned fairly often.

So finding a humidifier that takes as much hassle out of using it as possible is a good place to start when you’re sifting through the different features that you can find on a humidifier.

A top fill Tower humidifier that is easily cleaned from the top is an easy solution to many of the aggravations that come with humidifiers.

In fact, pulling the tank off of the humidifier and having to turn it over in the sink to fill it, is something that should be left in the past by now.

And don’t forget the humidistat.
Another feature that should be standard on all humidifiers by now is a humidistat/hygrometer.

Having the capacity to know what your humidity is before you start blasting the humidifier is a necessity when you’re trying to reach the optimal 40-60% humidity for your room or home.

Should I Use The Air Purifier Ionizer? Debunking Myths and Unveiling Facts

There is a lot of information on the internet about air purifiers. A lot.

There is also a lot of competition when it comes to air purifiers from people who sell HEPA filter air purifiers versus people who sell ionizer air purifiers.

And a lot of misinformation coming from both sides.

Many websites claim that you should never use an ionizer because it can create ozone as a by-product

And of course the other side says that the amount of ozone that ionizer creates is well below the federal limit and is not dangerous at all.


Should I use the air purifier ionizer?

I’m going to try lay out an argument that the ionizer on a air purifier is a good thing. Because not only does an ionizer provide a unique way of cleaning the air, it also can help the filtering function of the air cleaner.

1. Ionizers Help HEPA Filters Perform Better

Ionization and HEPA filter technologies actually work very well together. That’s because ionizers work by polarization, a process that clumps air particles together, which in turn makes it possible for a HEPA filter to actually capture the ultra fine particles that may normally be able get through the filter. Winix is a great example of a air purifier that offers all the capabilities of Ionized and Hepa filters.

2. Ions have an Anti Bacterial Effect

Ions have remarkable capabilities beyond attaching to airborne particulates and increasing their weight, causing them to settle out of the air and thereby reducing the risk of inhalation.

More impressively, ions possess anti-bacterial properties that can deactivate harmful bacteria, contributing to a healthier environment.

An insightful article by Newscientist highlights a practical application of this phenomenon, revealing how the deployment of a negative ion generator in an intensive care unit successfully eradicated recurrent airborne infections caused by the Acinetobacter bacteria.

This groundbreaking discovery underscores the potential of ion technology in enhancing indoor air quality and preventing the spread of infectious diseases, making it a promising tool in medical and public health settings.

Amazing stuff!

3. Negative Ions Can Contribute to a Good Mood.

Surprisingly, studies indicate that negative ions, invisible and odorless molecules predominantly found in natural environments like mountains, forests, and beaches, can significantly influence our mental well-being.

These ions, generated by natural phenomena such as sunlight, air, water, and the Earth’s inherent radiation, are believed to produce biochemical reactions in our bloodstream that increase levels of serotonin, a mood chemical, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our daytime energy.

This intriguing link between negative ions and combating depression highlights the subtle yet profound impact that our immediate environment can have on our psychological health.

Who would have thought that negative ions and combating depression could have any relation?
ionizer benefits

Yes, the ionizer on your air purifier is an amazing tool.

The Ozone Dilemma

But the problem remains that ionizers do create ozone as a by product and ozone can be dangerous to breathe and can in fact oxidize your lung tissue in the right circumstance.

So what are you to do?

Air ionizer dangers

The first rule and regulation for using an ozone generator is that the area must be unoccupied by people, pets, or plants.

Then once the ozone machine has been operated, the area must be allowed to air out at least an hour or two.

Why would using the ionizer on an air purifier be any different than operating a ozone generator?

Somehow because an air purifier has an ionizer setting, it tends to make you want to believe that it can be left on all the time.

That’s not the case.

Just because the ozone that is being created by the ionizer on the air purifier is not being distributed at nearly the volume of a ozone generator does not mean that you should not respect the ozone any less.

Just like you would not use an ozone generator in an occupied room, you should use the same logic with the ionizer on your air purifier.

Even the small amount of ozone coming from an ionizer can build up especially if the ionizer is being used in too small of an area.

Using the ionizer setting when there is no people are pets around is the best way to ensure that you or your pets are not breathing in any type of concentration of ozone,

But meanwhile still getting the benefits and advantages of using an ionizer that a HEPA filter air purifier do not give you alone.

Personal Ionizers

Why is it then that devices like personal ionizers are so popular?

Personal ionizers are usually are the size of a necklace and since you typically wear them around your neck, that’s a good comparison.

These air ionizers are so small that ozone can not even be detected as a by-product. About the equivalent of an ionizer on a fan.

But that also means that they can only work in a very small area.

Do personal ionizers work?

The point of a personal ionizer is to purify or clean the air that is directly in front of you that is being breathed.
The ideal is that the particles around you, especially when you are sitting in front of your computer are positively charged. And since they all have the same charge they repel each other and remain kicked up into the air in front of your mouth.

Adding a small personal ionizer that is generating negative ions can help clear your personal air by attaching themselves to the positive ions helping them become too heavy to float and falling out of your personal space. 

As long as you understand that these little gadgets are literally only going to help clean your personal breathing space and are not going to have big effect on an entire room, then they do have some validity. See: Air Tamer

As mentioned above, Negative ions also have some history of being believed to have a positive effect on your mood. Which can be affected by sitting in front of your screen all day. With that in mind, a wearable ionizer has even more function than might be initially thought.


Lots of fear and misrepresentation have kept people from gaining a better understanding of ionizers and the benefits did they can get from them.

Air ionizers offer a unique advantage in purifying the air, particularly when it comes to ultrafine particles. They operate on the principle of using electrical charges to alter the polarity of airborne particles. This change in charge causes the particles to attract one another, clumping together into larger aggregates.

As these clusters grow in size, they become too heavy to remain airborne and subsequently settle out of the air. This mechanism is especially effective for particles that are too small for traditional filters to capture.

While HEPA filters are highly efficient at trapping a wide range of particle sizes, they have a limitation in capturing particles smaller than 0.03 microns.

This is where ionizers complement the filtration process.
By running an ionizer, the ultrafine particles that would normally pass through a HEPA filter are made to clump together into larger particles. Once they’ve increased in size, these larger conglomerates can then be effectively trapped by a HEPA filter, enhancing the overall air purification process and ensuring a cleaner indoor environment.

Cats and dogs playing together.

Ions have also shown to be capable of making germs inactive as well as create a feeling of well-being.

With so many ups, what’s the down?

Unfortunately ionizers create ozone is a by-product in Ozone can be a lung irritant in the right situation.

  1. Should that deter you from using an ionizer for the ionizer setting on your air purifier all together?

No. Simply remember that and ionizer is meant to be ran when the room is not occupied with people or pets.

Also ensuring that the size of ionizer is congruent with the size of the room that you are cleaning the air in will help prevent any ozone build up.

Ionizers have definitely had their problems in the past with false advertising or hearsay.

But running an Ionizer is not unsafe at all as long as you do so understanding the most important rule of working with ozone.

Don’t use it around people and pets and allow plenty of time to air out.

Also there are many ionizers such as personal ionizers that you wear around your neck that do not create enough ozone to be detectable and are not a problem to use at all.

Just don’t think that you’re going to get a whole room effect out of a tiny ionizer that you’re wearing around your neck.

The point of such a device has to clean the air in front of your face when you’re stuck inside an office cubicle in front of your flat screen and not much more.

Air Ionizer
Filterless solutions