Is a Humidifier Good for Allergies? How So?

Allergies are a topic most of us can identify with.

Allergy symptoms like Itchy burning eyes, sneezing, headaches are all annoyances that we can relate to.

And we can tell you when pollen season has arrived by the way we’re feeling.

But allergies and humidity are not something that we automatically make the connection between.

In fact, you may be surprised to find that the relative humidity, whether high or low, impacts whether or not you may be having allergy and respiratory symptoms.

Low humidity, which would be characterized by a percentage level of 40% and below,
Is the condition known as dry air.

Itchy flaking skin, static electricity, and raw bloody noses, are a regular result of dry air.

High humidity, which would be characterized as humidity 60% or more,
generally results in frizzy hair and a swampy feeling.

But both have elements that cause allergies to flare.

humidifier for allergies

Is a Humidifier Good for Allergies?

A humidifier is a device that adds moisture to the air. It’s that simple.

A humidifier is good for dry air allergies because when there’s a lack of moisture in the air, airborne particles like pollen and mold spores, have nothing to weigh them down and are able to travel further.

On the other hand, when a room has the ideal relative humidity of between 40 and 60 percent, dust particles are not able to float as readily, which makes them not inhaled as easily.

humidifier also helps moisturize the breathing airways and nasal passages,

bringing a great deal of relief when you are suffering from symptoms like congestion and dry nose, common to colds and allergies.

Humidifier for Allergies 

Our top 2 choices for humidifiers are Levoit and Pure Guardian

Levoit is the mother of all humidifiers.
It has all the features you could ask for in a humidifier and it can be used as either a cool mist or warm mist.


 Pure Guardian has just about all the same features as the Levoit but it has  something Levoit doesn’t.

Self cleaning UV and mold resistant plastic.

The newer generation of humidifiers goes the next step in providing remedies for keeping the humidifier from becoming contaminated with bacteria and mold.

This feature alone may very well outweigh the rest.

When is a humidifier not good for allergies?

  A humidifier has a built-in disadvantage in that it has to be cleaned often in order for it not to become a source of airborne allergens itself.

Let me explain a little further,

Because of the nature of the humidifier and the way it works, it requires filling and refilling with water.

Standing water can become contaminated with bacteria in as little as 48 to 72 hours.

Not only the water inside of the basin, but the mouth, the cap, and the filter all have water moving through them and have the capacity to get moldy and covered in bacteria very quickly.

Running a dirty humidifier will take all the germs in the humidifier water and spit them into the air.

Another time when a humidifier is not good for allergies is when the humidity is already high.

A high relative humidity can cause allergies to flare as well as low humidity.

High humidity causes dust mites populations to explode. The humidity in the air is actually what dust mites feed on. Which creates an ideal environment for them to flourish.

Also extra moisture in the air gives mold one of its main components to take root.
And where you have mold you have mold spores traveling through the air, ready to be inhaled.

So when the humidity is high, the last thing you want to do is add more moisture to the air with a humidifier.

A dehumidifier is a device that reduces the moisture in the air.

hygrometer- humidistatDehumidifier for Allergies

 If you have high humidity but your temperatures are not too high, then a dehumidifier may be the ideal machine you need to bring down the overall relative humidity in your home.

If you’re having high humidity combined with high temperatures then you probably already have a window air conditioner for a central heat and air unit that’s running.

Both of these types of air conditioners dehumidify as they cool. Many units allow for the dehumidifier function to run independently. It’s called dry mode on your settings.

Most allergies in relation to humidity can be avoided by keeping your relative humidity between 40 and 60%.

But to know what your relative humidity is, you have to have a way to measure it.

A hygrometer is a gauge that does just that. You can buy one pretty cheaply.

But they also come standard on a lot of humidifiers and dehumidifiers.

In fact if you are shopping for either a humidifier or dehumidifier, finding one that has a hygrometer / humidistat will help you keep up with your humidity level and help your appliance keep it at an optimal point.

Levoit comes with a hygrometer/ humidistat as a common feature.


Allergies and allergic symptoms have more to do with the humidity then you may have ever given it credit for.

Most people can tell you when pollen season has arrived because of how it makes them feel,

But most people do not make the connection between humidity and allergies.

Low humidity, known as dry air, allows allergens as well as germs and viruses to float and travel much further.

Adding moisture to the air with a humidifier weighs down airborne particles so that they settle to the surface faster and stay out of the ambient air that you breathe.

Cool mist from a humidifier also hydrates and gives dry and swollen nasal passages some much needed relief .

High humidity is also a problem for allergy sufferers because excessive moisture in the air breeds higher levels of dust mites. It also facilitates the growth of mold.

A dehumidifier is a better option for reducing moisture when temperatures are mild.
If the weather is hot and humid, refrigerated air conditioners also perform as dehumidifiers. Most even have a dry mode setting that allows you to run your AC as a dehumidifier.

A Humidifier for Nosebleeds and Dry Nose Relief?

At the time of writing this article, it is mid September, and the daytime high temperatures are still in the high 90s.

Summer is refusing to give up.

But even though the afternoon highs are still insane, the mornings are getting pretty chilly.

We are moving into Autumn, whether the Summer likes it or not.

One thing that starts to happen when the season changes is that the tissues begin to come out more and more.

Lots of crusty, dried out nasal passages,
and bloody noses.

It’s been happening to me the last few days pretty regularly.

And as we get closer to Winter and deeper into it, the dryness only continues and is perpetuated with heaters and closed up houses.

It’s not uncommon for the nasal passages to get so dry during the winter that they actually crack and bleed.

Nosebleeds are one of the telltale signs that your humidity is definitely too low.

You may have noticed a lot of static electricity in the house too.

The National Library of Medicine says that the majority of adverse health effects caused by relative humidity would be minimized by maintaining indoor levels between 40 and 60%.

This would require humidification during winter areas with cold winter climates.

best humidifier for nosebleedsLow humidity not only affects your nasal passages, it can also have an effect on your capacity to block and resist viral particles from entering your airways.

What’s more, without the proper level of moisture in the air, viral particles have more freedom to travel further inside of a room.

Which means the dry air can make it easier for you to get sick.

It’s pretty obvious that relative humidity affects your life much more than most of us have given it credit for.

Luckily there’s a solution.

The good ‘ol humidifier.

What is the best humidifier for a dry nose?

The best humidifier for nosebleeds is a cool mist humidifier.

When the inside of your nose is dry and cracked, the cool mist that emits from a cool mist humidifier will offer you some much needed relief.

Sleeping next to a cool mist humidifier a few feet away can help you wake up without the pain of having to blow a dried crusty nose out.

Cool mist humidifiers come in the traditional wick style and ultrasonic.

The noise that humidifiers make has been compared to a blanket of white noise that can help your baby sleep.

That’s not a bad point. A sound that helps a baby sleep while it gives them relief from a dried out nose…

Not everybody wants a white noise machine in the bedroom though.

Ultrasonic humidifiers are known for being a quieter choice but if you have dogs sleeping around the house,

They can actually be much louder for canines because of the sensitivity of their hearing.

Humidifier for Dry Nose


Fortunately, today’s humidifiers give you a lot more choices than having to pick a cool mist or a warm mist, or just outright owning both a cool mist humidifier and a vaporizer.

The Levoit gives you the option of using your humidifier as a cool mist humidifier or a warm mist humidifier. 2 in 1. 

It also comes with a humidity meter and humidistat to read and give you the capacity to set the humidifier so that it comes on and turns off as needed according to the humidity level in the room.

And it can do all of that through Wi-Fi.
By just accessing the accompanying app, you can schedule your humidifier, set alerts for functions like giving you a heads up when it’s time to fill the water, and when it’s time to clean the machine.

As you probably know, keeping a humidifier clean is the key to preventing it from becoming contaminated with bacteria.

This air humidifier is easy to clean and also comes with a larger basin so that you do not have to fill it as often.

And what’s a modern appliance without a remote control?

best humidifier for dry nose

Humidifier disadvantages

As we have already touched on, humidifiers have a big disadvantage.
They have to be cleaned often.

Bacteria and mold will start building up very quickly around the water cap.
Standing water can become contaminated in as little as 48 hrs.

It’s very important not to run a cool mist humidifier that has standing water in it.

If you do, you risk spreading germs and bacteria throughout the air.

That’s why one of the very first features I suggest looking for in a humidifier is one that is easy to clean.

Warm mist humidifier steamers have an advantage in that they bring the water to a boiling point to produce steam, which can kill bacteria before it becomes a problem.

But using steam to humidify when you have a dried and bloody nose doesn’t give you the same relief as a cool mist humidifier

Best of both worlds.

Germ-free is the next step and humidifier evolution.

There are a couple of humidifiers that use ultraviolet light to kill the bacteria inside of the humidifier before it has a chance to grow. Pure Guardian Ultrasonic has nearly all the features of the Levoit. It’s a combination of a warm and cool humidifier, it has a large tank and an essential oils tray. But it does something that the Levoit does not do and that is provide a UV lamp to kill bacteria. The materials are also made out of treated plastic that also help resist the formation of mold and bacterium inside of the humidifier. Dyson also has a humidifier that uses ultraviolet light to kill the bacteria and protect the user from any type of germ spread from the humidifier. Like most of their products, it is on the expensive side. But it has some features you won’t find with any other brands like for instance, it oscillates. It also makes the claim that it kills 99.99% of bacteria, mold or mildew. And you can add in a “high velocity fan” with the Dyson AM 10.

Nosebleeds, much of the time, are a symptom of low humidity in your home.

When the humidity drops, the body’s source of moisture also diminishes.

But thankfully a cool mist humidifier can replenish the moisture in the air and give you some relief when you have a dry and brittle nose.

Today’s humidifiers come loaded with all the bells and whistles.

Being able to access your humidifier with your smartphone is a fully realized ideal these days.

Alerts telling you when to clean the air purifier and when it’s running out of water are at your fingertips.

  There are even a few options available that give you a germ-free bacteria and mold resistant security.

Ultraviolet light and mold resistant plastic are the new wave of humidifiers and well worth checking out.

Because even though a cool mist humidifier can give you some much-needed relief when your skin and nasal passages are dried out,

Humidifiers have a built-in problem in that they must be cleaned often.

Having a humidifier that’s easy to clean or even better yet a humidifier that is bacteria free using UVC,

is the first thing I want to know when shopping for a humidifier.

Humidifier for Dogs? Does Humidity Affect Your Pets?

Are humidifiers good for dogs?

Winter is the time of the year when the relative humidity usually drops  below the point that is healthy, not only for the people in your house, but also your dogs and other pets.

Low Humidity affects animals, much the same way as it does humans.

It dries out the skin and facilitates the travel of germs and bacteria through the air.

Dry skin makes an excellent breeding ground for acne and other conditions like psoriasis on people,

humidity and dogsBut it can be an even bigger problem for dogs.

Why is that?

Dogs can’t resist scratching. They will scratch themselves raw. And dry skin is itchy.

And without enough moisture in the air to keep the dust from floating, airborne bacteria can attach itself to a dog’s hide and cause even more itchy havoc.

And you can see, low humidity is not a canine’s friend.

humidifier for dogs

What type of humidifier is the best humidifier for dogs?

A cool mist wick humidifier is the best for dogs because it doesn’t make the air steamy or emit a high pitch sound.

But it might be better to explain why certain types and features of humidifiers are not recommended for dogs.

Steam humidifiers are not the best for dogs.

Steam can make a room feel swampy.
That’s not such a good feeling and if you have a permanent coat on, it can be miserable.

Steam humidifiers are also the ones that usually come with the mentholated
Additives that you can put in the humidifier and are supposed to help with congestion.

But these additives have an ingredient in them called camphor that is poisonous for dogs and most animals.

Aromatherapy and essential oils like treaty oil and eucalyptus are also dangerous for pets.

So even though it’s a nice feature on a humidifier to have the capacity to use it with essential oils, it should not be used as a diffuser for your dog.

Another type of humidifier that is not recommended for dogs is the Ultrasonic.

  It’s all in the name of these humidifiers. “Ultra” and “Sonic”

These humidifiers are very quiet for humans.

But for dogs, they can make a very high pitched noise that is an irritation.

On the same lines of a dog whistle, people can’t hear one, but dogs hear them very loudly.

Best Humidifier for Dogs

The best humidifier for dogs is a humidifier that suits not only your animals, but your own needs too.

Very rarely does a dog have his own area, where he can also have a humidifier that is exclusively for him or her.

The best humidifier for dogs or people is currently the Levoit.

Humidifiers have come a long way. They’re not your mama’s humidifier, you might say.

These days they come with some pretty elaborate features

1. Hygrometer

A hygrometer is like a thermometer but instead of measuring the temperature, it measures the relative humidity.

Why is this important?

Because how do you know if your humidity has dipped under the 40% mark that is the lowest you want your relative humidity to drop. 40 to 60% humidity is optimal.

2. Hydrostat

This is similar to a thermostat on the furnace, except for it controls the humidifier according to the hygrometer settings.

A hydrostat feature ensures that humidity stays at the optimal point.

3.  Auto shut off

There was a time that if you had a humidifier running in the house, it would keep running regardless of whether it ran out of water or not.

Not so with humidifiers these days.

Auto shut off turns the power off on your humidifier when it runs out of water.

4.  Easy to clean

A humidifier that is dishwasher safe and easy to clean is an important feature because of the amount of maintenance humidifiers require to keep them from accumulating bacteria and mold.

5.  Cool mist / warm mist optional

Warm mist may not be preferable for dogs but there are times when you want to have the option of using steam instead of cool mist.

Gone are the days where you had to have a humidifier for cool mist and a vaporizer for warm mist. Levoit has this feature and performed well in either capacity.

6.  Aromatherapy /essential oil ready

Again not a feature you want to use when your dog is in the house. Most essential oils that are geared towards breathing better contain menthol which is not good for dogs.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have the option of using a humidifier as an aromatherapy diffuser when you want or need to.

7. Wifi

Humidifiers have joined the Wi-Fi craze.

Wi-Fi gives you the capacity to check the relative humidity right from your phone,
Turn the humidifier on or off remotely or schedule a time you wanted to go on or off.
It also has bells and whistles like alerting you when your water is too low or when it is time to maintain your humidifier again.

8. Remote

A remote goes without saying these days. Every device in your bedroom needs a remote. Who wants to get up out of bed and turn down a humidifier or turn it on?

9. Large tank

A large tank is one of the biggest necessities in my opinion when it comes to finding the right humidifier.
A humidifier that has to be filled too often is a humidifier that is probably not going to get the use it needs.
A Humidifier with a large tank cuts down on the amount of refilling and can make your life much easier.

humidity affects dogsRecap

Dogs can have adverse reactions to low humidity and humans can, and maybe even more.

More because, when dry skin causes a person to itch, they typically don’t scratch till they are completely raw.

But that can’t be said of dogs. They would generally scratch themselves till they’re bleeding if they are itchy enough.

A humidifier for dogs it’s a great way to add moisture to the air when they are having scratching and itching episodes related to dry skin.

But there are definitely some features that some humidifiers have that are not cohesive with dogs and can cause them more discomfort and even be poisonous to them.

Ultrasonic air humidifiers are known for being extremely quiet to humans but they may be too loud for dogs since they have such sensitive hearing.

Warm mist humidifiers can make a room feel swampy especially for dogs and other animals.

Warm mist humidifiers or steamers generally come with some type of menthol additive that can be dangerous to dogs also.

Essential oils like eucalyptus and tea tree oil should be avoided when you are using a humidifier for dogs also.

Does Dry Skin Cause Acne?- Humidifier Series

If you have ever struggled with acne, then you know how hard it can be to get rid of and the amount of distress that it can produce.

You also know that there isn’t a magic bullet that can instantly fix it.

Finding solutions that actually make a big difference can be hard.

  And there’s a lot of rocks to look under to find one.

Does Dry Skin Cause Acne? Dry skin is one of those parts of the puzzle that can actually be a big component to discovering why you are having persistent acne and taking a step to reduce the problem.

Dry and cracking skin can create a fertile surface for acne to spread deeper and further down and help clog pores through flaking. Dry skin can also cause skin to create to much oil to balance the effects of the dryness.

One of the biggest factors that leads to dry skin is a drop in the relative humidity.

Which is usually due to the winter cold taking over.

Not only is the humidity level in winter typically lower, it also is the time of year when the heater is drying everything out.

Including your skin.

can dry skin cause acneHealthy glowing skin needs a consistent 40 to 60% relative humidity to stay sufficiently hydrated.

When the relative humidity is down, your skin will reflect it by drying and cracking, opening the door to multiple symptoms including those associated with psoriasis and acne.

Does dry skin cause acne?

  Dry skin facilitates the spread of acne in a couple of different ways.

1.  Dry skin damage allows the bacteria that causes acne to burrow down deeper into the epidermis.

2. Dry skin can also cause a counter balance reaction that causes the skin to create more oil than usual.

If you were to look at your acne problem in terms of a growing a garden,

Having dry skin would equate to the soil in your garden being tilled and well prepared for planting seed.

  So even though the dryness of your skin is not technically the cause or the seed( in this example) of the acne, it can be one of the factors that helps it grow stronger and faster.

Obviously the relative humidity is not 100% the reason for all dry skin,

Some other reasons can include reactions to soap, perfumes, and chlorine.

But the climate is easily the biggest factor to point to when you are experiencing dryer than average skin.

Fortunately introducing moisture back into a room is simple enough with the use of a humidifier.

How do you know if this article is specifically about you whether or not you should be using a humidifier?

The answer is by measuring your humidity to ensure you are keeping to the 40 to 60% relative humidity rule.

How exactly do you do that?

A hygrometer is a humidity meter that can be easily read to measure your own humidity and determine your own needs.

  Hygrometers are usually paired up with a thermometer. These “Thermo hygrometers” are sold at pretty much any home improvement store and are pretty inexpensive.

If you measure your humidity, and it is below the 40% mark, then you’re on to something. It’s time to take steps to improve the moisture in your home or environment.

will dry skin cause acneHumidity is usually not considered one of The usual suspects when health issues arise.

Unless of course you’re having a crazy amount of static electricity or the inside of your nose is dry and bleeding.

But humidity has a lot more to do with keeping healthy and avoiding a lot of seasonal health issues than most people are aware of.

Most people can tell you that the humidity is adversely affecting them when it is too high.

But not as many people recognize the symptoms of low humidity.

Regulating the humidity in your home not only will help moisturize your skin,
It also keeps the dust particles including germs and bacteria from being able to travel.

Is a cool mist humidifier or warm mist better for acne?

Warm mist humidifiers tend to need less maintenance because the temperature of the water is raised to a point that bacteria and mold doesn’t take root.

But the steam from these humidifiers tends to make a room feel swampy.

Cool mist humidifiers produce moisture  in the air that is actually refreshing,

But they do require more frequent maintenance to keep bacteria from growing in them.

  An important distinction to make when we talk about humidifiers and raising the relative humidity is we are not talking about facial steaming.

Most dermatologists agree that a facial steamer will do more damage to your skin and actually exacerbate acne, as well as other skin conditions like psoriasis and rosacea.


Dry skin can be a big component in the spread of acne because it allows the bacteria that causes acne to burrow deeper into the epidermis.

The flakes that result from having dry skin can also get inside of the pores and lead to redness and acne symptoms.

Dry skin equates to a lack of moisture in the air.

A common condition in Winter that is easily rectified with the use of a humidifier.

If you are concerned that dry skin and the low relative humidity is exasperating your acne,

An easy way to test the humidity in your house is with a hygrometer.

A hygrometer is a fairly cheap gauge that is easily read and will let you know if your humidity has dropped or risen beyond the safe region of 40 to 60 percent mark.

If you have found that it has fallen, then a humidifier is a device that will add moisture back into your air and return your home to a safe RH.

What Heaters are Safe to Leave Unattended Overnight?

Easily one of the most important questions you can ask about a space heater is whether or not it is safe to be left on all night while you’re sleeping?

Safety is and should be one of the main features you search for in a space heater.

Especially when it comes to needing a space heater to warm up a room that will be unattended.

It’s a touchy subject. And no one wants to suggest a product or a way of using a heater that causes a fire and God forbid an accident of death.

And you’re not going to find a manufacturer that doesn’t tell you to “never leave a space heater unattended”. That’s just asking for a lawsuit.

However impractical,

When you’re talking about leaving a space heater on while you sleep,

You’re going to cross a line. So make sure you do it gently.

What Heaters are Safe to Leave Unattended Overnight?

There are certainly some types of heaters that lend themselves to keeping a room warm with less worry than others.

For instance, an oil heater doesn’t get nearly as hot to the touch as say a ceramic heater. And it is encased in steel whereas most space heaters are made out of plastic these days.

But if you are wanting to use a room and need it warm, you will have to turn the oil heater on a while before you use it.

Because oil heaters do take a while to heat up a room. And unless they are on a dedicated circuit, they tend to auto shut off pretty fast if you turn them on high.

Which all pretty much adds up to leaving the heater unattended while the area warms up.

It’s a built-in problem because no one  is going to sit in a freezing room waiting on an oil heater to make a difference in a room.

And let’s face it, sleeping is practically the same thing as ” left unattended” for most people.

Most any type of “electric” space heater will be safe provided it has the proper safety protection features installed. 
  I say electric because fuel type room heaters that use propane or kerosene are not meant to be used in a closed off space. 
 The risk of carbon dioxide poisoning comes with burning fuels.
 Leave those for the shop and garage.


Perhaps a better question than:

 ” What type of heater is safer?”

 is instead

 “What heaters provide the best safety features?

Space heaters have improved remarkably since I was a kid.

I remember having a steel contraption that glowed orange and buzzed loudly sitting on my carpeted bedroom floor. You didn’t want to touch it either. It was super hot.

It was a different time with a whole different mentality towards safety.

(But I’m glad I was a kid then instead of now).

The safest heaters that you can get away with sleeping with them on, are going to be the ones that have the better safety features.

What types of safety features should you look for in a heater?


1. Long Enough Cord
2. Tip over protection
3. Cool to the touch
4. Thermostat/Auto Shut-Off
5. Timer
6. Thermostat

1. Long Enough Cord

  One of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to space heaters is that they call for being centered in a room away from anything that could possibly be a fire hazard.

  But the cord that they come with is usually so short that you have to have the cord stretched through the air to come anywhere close to long enough to get centered on the floor.

That makes the cord on a heater a major tripping hazard that can easily lead to Knocking your heater over.

Getting a heater with a long enough cord is definitely a must for using a space heater safely.

2. Tip over protection

A pretty standard safety precaution that comes on nearly all space heaters these days is tip over protection.

This is a safety feature that turns the heater off as soon as it tilts.

This keeps the heater from starting a fire on the floor or even burning it.

And as we discussed before, the cord on a heater can easily become a tripping hazard because of its length.

Tip over protection is put in place for just this type of problem.

3.  Cool to the touch

Modern space heaters are much cooler if you happen to touch one then they used to be.

  A space heater that doesn’t burn you when you touch it is a feature that no one should do without.

And certainly an added protection if you decide to run your space heater while you are sleeping.

4. Thermostat / Auto Shut-Off

A thermostat and auto shut off go hand in hand. Without them your heater would just continue to heat.

Auto shut off keeps from overloading the breaker as well.

Both of these features are a requirement if you are going to leave the space heater unattended for any length of time.

5. Timer

A timer is a great protection feature that will allow you to run the heater for a period of time and shut down.

Some timers offer a scheduling feature that will periodically turn the machine on and off during the night.

Though “smart heaters” are not be as available as say a smart air purifier or humidifier, smart plugs offer the capability of scheduling when a certain outlets are powered.

unattended space heater overnightOther precautions

Easily one of the most prevalent and dangerous things you can do with a space heater is to drape something over it like clothing.

Using an electric space heater to dry clothing is asking for a fire accident.

The best rule of thumb is to keep the heater at least 3 ft away from anything considered the least bit flammable.

As over dramatic as it may seem, this would include things like curtains, coats, especially boxes, fake plants, etc.

  Even sitting a heater on carpet is a scary proposition. A much safer option is the place it on a large cookie sheet.

To keep it away from anything remotely flammable is the ideal.

Leaving a space heater unattended sitting on a desk is a recipe for an accident.


A space heater you can leave on while you sleep is not an easy thing to shop for.

No one wants to be responsible for a fire. Nor does anyone want to be on the butt end of a lawsuit.

So using a room heater while you sleep is a personal choice. But one you can make some good decisions about if you absolutely need to.

First, the safest heaters come pre-installed with the best safety features including: auto shut off, tip over protection, cool to the touch, and a long cord that doesn’t have to be stretched through the air.

Other precautions include never draping anything over a space heater. Never using a space heater to dry clothes, and keeping a space heater at least three feet away from anything combustible.

And if you have to place it on the carpet floor, use a buffer like a large cookie sheet between the heater and the carpet.

The point being, take the utmost of precautions if you are in a situation where you need to have a space heater running while you sleep.

Top 7 Products for Dogs to Keep Them Cool and Safe in Summer

Your dogs are more than pets; they are part of the family. As much as you like to get them small pet toys to play with, you should also invest in their comfort.
Now that summer is well and truly here, it’s time to make sure you and your faithful companion are prepared for all kinds of weather – this includes sweltering hot days.

A dog’s body temperature runs higher than humans because they have no reliable way to cool down or release heat. During the summer months, make sure your dog doesn’t get overheated and dehydrated.

We have compiled a list of the seven most effective products you can use to help your pet stay cool and safe.

elevated dog bed
1.Elevated Dog Beds

Get a raised dog bed so your dog can stay out of the sun, or if you live in an apartment outside their crate.

Make sure it’s off the ground and in a cool, shady location. One of the best ways to combat overheating is by ensuring your pup has access to fresh air on all sides.

This breathable, elevated pet bed allows them to relax and chill inside or out.
There are also special cooling beds that emit water to keep your pet cool all summer long!


2.Cooling Bandana

Some dogs have a hard time regulating their body temperature and keeping cool.

A cooling bandana is a great way to help keep them comfortable! The fabric contains a gel that will stay cool for hours without refrigeration.

This lightweight “cool collar” can be worn on your pets during hot summer days, and it releases water into the air, thereby cooling them down.

It’s easy to take along on walks and hikes, so you can make sure your dog stays comfortable in every environment!

3.Cooling Vest

Cooling vests are an excellent solution for dogs that don’t do well with water, need extra heat relief, or if their breed is susceptible to overheating.

These lightweight vests are lined with a cooling gel that stays effective for hours.

Your dog will be comfortable, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing they won’t overheat!

Dog Cooling Bed
4.Summer Dog House Cooler

If your dog spends his days outside in the summer, make sure he has plenty of shade and a cool summer doghouse cooler.
The material contains water and absorbs heat, keeping your pet at a comfortable temperature all day long.

Not only will it keep him cool and cozy, but most summer doghouse coolers also have a waterproof bottom that protects the floor of your pup’s house from excess moisture.
They enclose their home entirely so they can feel safe and secure while lounging inside.

5.Cooling mats

are a great addition to your pet’s crate or dog bed.
They contain water and will release moisture throughout the day, so their crate/bed stays cool to the touch.
These mats are portable, soft, lightweight, and comfortable for dogs to lie on.

The cooling mat is made from recycled material and can be folded up for easy transport and storage when not in use.

They are available in regular and large sizes, which means one will work for practically any dog.

6.Dog swimming pool

A dog swimming pool is the perfect summer companion for your pet. It will provide them with hours of fun and keep them cool on those hot days. It can be placed in their backyard or taken along on camping trips.

This plastic swimming pool has a strong steel frame and comes complete with a pump, filter, and chemicals to ensure clean water for your dog to swim in.

7.Waterproof dog shoes

Walking around in the summer can be hazardous for pets because they burn their paws on hot concrete.

Cooling Dog Shoes allow your dog to stay comfortable all day long and help protect his feet from pain and abrasions.

This waterproof dog shoe is a great option when you’re traveling by boat, as the propellers could damage their paws otherwise.

The bottom of the shoe is non-skid and works to protect his feet and prevent slipping. These shoes are available in several sizes for all types of swimming pool

You may have to do some research on which type of dog you are looking for based on the climate in your area.

But with these products, we hope that summer will be a breeze! We’ve compiled a list of 7 top items every pet owner needs this season.

 These include cooling mats, cooling beds, and more to help keep them safe and happy during the hot months ahead. 

Whether you’re buying one or all seven, they’ll make sure that your best friend is comfortable and cool no matter what time of year it happens to be outside.

Air Cooler vs. Air Con – The Sticky Difference

 In the Midwest where I live, the heat has been soaring this year.  We are all the way into September and the midday sun does not seem to want to let go of its power to make everyone miserable.

And what’s worse , the humidity has been extra high and thick. Which means the air conditioning is struggling and the mosquitoes are rampant.

I can tell you this , in this environment, evaporative cooling is useless. More about that later.

I long for the early days of spring when the air cooler made a difference.

But living through this season has given me a unique or at least a “fresh” viewpoint on air coolers and air conditioning. More like a “sticky” viewpoint.

Air Cooler vs. Air Con

  • Air conditioning – Refrigerated air.
    Air Cooler- Evaporated Water cooled 

 An air cooler usually refers to evaporative cooling. An air con or air conditioning typically refers to refrigerated air conditioning.

Evaporative cooling uses water to cool the air. Air conditioning uses a refrigerant.

difference between air cooler and air conditioningThe difference between an air conditioner and an air cooler,

comes down primarily to the humidity.

An air conditioner reduces the humidity whereas an air cooler increases the humidity.

It’s because of the method by which each cools off the temperature of a room.

An air conditioner uses a refrigerant to bring down the temperature while at the same time condensing and removing the humidity in the air.

This works great because humidity, when it is excessive, can make the temperature seem hotter than it actually is.

By reducing the humidity along with cooling off the air with a refrigerant, air conditioners are capable of bringing down the temperature of a room very efficiently.

Which translates to a more comfortable environment.

An air cooler on the other hand uses water to basically brush the air and cool it off as it is blowing past the water.

The ideal is more like a breeze that is blowing off of the ocean. The actuality is a fan that blows water-cooled air.

This method has a built-in problem.

What if the air is already humid?

Will not the air cooler just add more humidity to the air and eventually make the air more uncomfortable?

The answer is yes.

One of the main ways air coolers are referred to is as “swamp coolers”.

That’s because though evaporative air coolers can work great when the air outside is dry, combining them with air that is already humid can make the room feel swampy.

Which is another way of saying muggy or sticky.

  This is why I said in the beginning that evaporative cooling is useless in the climate that I’m living in right now.

Trying to cool down the air that is already wet doesn’t accomplish anything. The only thing it accomplishes is making the air feel more uncomfortable.

  The truth is that running a fan alone is more effective than using a air cooler when the humidity is too high.

But not all climates are humid and this has been an extra humid season.

Just be prepared for your evaporative air cooler to be less effective when the humidity rises.

Another disadvantage to evaporative air coolers is they require a source of water.

You will either have to hook it straight up to a water faucet or fill the basin up with water on a regular basis.

And also machines that require water have to be kept very clean and maintained often to avoid bacteria and mold from growing in them.

  What that means practically, is that the water will have to be emptied anytime that the machine is not in use.
That is to avoid any chance of standing water that can easily become a source of bacteria and a breeding ground for mosquitoes

air cooler vs. air conditioningBut air coolers do have their advantages
One advantage over a refrigerated air conditioner that air coolers possess is that they do not require any way to be exhausted.


Which makes them more of a portable option then an “air conditioner”, even what they call a portable air conditioner.

Because even though a portable air conditioner may be more “portable” than say a window air conditioner or a central heat and air unit, it still has to have a way to exhaust the heat outside.

Which means an exhaust hose that attaches to a window.

Portable Air “coolers” are actually portable and are not confined to having to have a window nearby to the exhaust from.

An air cooler is the only option for  vent-less air conditioning in a room that has no windows.

Most home garages do not have Windows which makes exhausting refrigerator air conditioning a challenge to.

So portable evaporative cooling is a good option for cooling off a garage.


What’s the difference between an air “cooler” and an “air conditioning”?

Air cooler refers to evaporative cooling that uses water to cool down fan blown air.Air conditioning refers to air that is conditioned with refrigerant and is condensed to reduce the humidity in a room.

  Refrigerator air conditioning is more efficient and can be dialed in much easier. But it’s design requires a way to exhaust heat. Which means you either having a separate compressor outside or a window to place the air conditioner or exhaust it from.

Evaporative air cooling is not nearly as efficient and cooling down a room to a specific temperature is not an option.

Air coolers also must be maintained regularly to avoid bacteria and mold growth.

But they do have one main advantage over refrigerated air conditioning, which is that they do not require a window nearby to vent any heat.

Which makes an air “cooler” truly portable compared to a portable air “conditioner “that requires a window nearby to vent and exhaust the heat created in the air conditioning process.


Air cooler – evaporative cooling
Air conditioning – refrigerated air.

Baby Humidifier (Benefits -Best Features)

Having a new baby in the house is one of the most exciting times that you can possibly have in your entire life.

And  I’m speaking from a man’s point of view. Which doesn’t nearly compare to the elation that bringing home a new baby from the hospital has for a new mother.

It’s been a while since we had a new baby in our house. Our last one was a daughter who is now a teenager.

  But I can still remember waking up in the middle of the night and having an urge to get up and check to make sure she was breathing. That sounds a little obsessive. True nonetheless.

I can also remember all the snot and mucus that comes with a new baby. And using one of those snot suckers or baby aspirators, I think they’re actually called, to clean her nose out.

One of the things we always had in the bedroom (yes she slept in the same room as me and my wife) was the humidifier.

  The baby humidifier is a must if only for the white noise. I know it’s not meant for that, but it works awesome for putting a baby girl and her daddy to sleep.

But there’s much more to a baby humidifier than the calming sound it makes.

Humidifiers or actually one of the most important appliances you can own during the winter months when the humidity drops outside and the heater is going nonstop inside.

Low humidity causes dry air. And dry air can cause a whole lot of problems for people, especially children and babies.

Humidifier in baby room all night
Humidifier in baby room all night?

Using a humidifier in your baby’s room all night is completely acceptable as long as that is what is needed to achieve the 40% to 60% relative humidity to keep your baby from experiencing symptoms associated with low humidity and dry air.

Humidifier benefits for baby


Babies specifically, can have very dry skin. And require a lot of baby lotion.

Dry skin is a symptom of dry air. You could say that dry skin equals dehydrated skin. And air that is deficient in humidity absorbs moisture from where it can, skin being a big one.

On the flip side, when the air has the proper relative humidity, which is 40 to 60% RH according to the National Library of Medicine,  Your skin absorbs the moisture out of the air.

A baby humidifier adds moisture back into the air when the relative humidity has dropped below the 40% mark.

This is an important part of helping keep your babies skin moisturized.

Babies also have an underdeveloped immune system. Which leads to more problems with colds and congestion, along with crusty noses.

2. Viruses and Germs

Low humidity/dry air creates more than one problem for newborns and children.

Firstly, it allows particles that are viral to travel much easier and spread through your home much faster.

Why is that?

Moisture in the air has a wetting effect on airborne particulates that causes dust particles to become too heavy to float, thereby keeping them from being able to travel.

That includes germs and viruses.

3.Dry air inhibits Immunity

Thirdly, the cilia, which is the part of your airways that help expel viruses, do not work as well in dry environments.

A research article published in MedicalNews Today reads “the hair-like organelles outside of cells that line the body’s airways, called cilia, do not function as well in dry conditions — they cannot expel viral particles as well as they otherwise would.”
That is why a baby humidifier is an invaluable tool for helping keep your baby and or your children healthy during the winter months.

4.Moistens Dried Noses and throats

Fourthly, when your baby’s nose is dried out, it’s a very painful situation for them and it’s also very painful for you to have to scrape off the dried snot and mucus.

A humidifier, when the air is very dry will hydrate the inside of your baby’s nose and help alleviate that problem.
By the same token , a baby humidifier will also help hydrate a sore dry throat.

As well as help you deal with the problem.

How close should the humidifier be to the babyHow close should the humidifier be to the baby?

The experts say that a humidifier should be placed three to four feet away from your baby.
One of the main reasons is that babies can be very curious and want to get a hold of the humidifier when they see the mist spraying out.

Not to mention, a lot of humidifiers are made to look like cute toys.

Baby humidifier downside

But there is a downside.

Humidifiers have to be strictly maintained.

The same device that is delivering healthy moisture into your air when the relative humidity has dropped, can also be a device that is responsible for spreading germs and bacteria when it is not cleaned and maintained regularly.

Buying a Baby Humidifier?


1. Easy to Clean

When you’re shopping for a new humidifier for your baby’s room, I always recommend researching humidifiers that are easy to clean.
It’s because you’re going to be doing it a lot.
Finding one that you can put in the dishwasher will make it that much easier

2. Humidity Meter (hygrostat)

The second must-have feature on a humidifier is a meter that tells you just exactly what your humidity is.

It’s called a hygrometer. Without one of these humidity gauges included, you cannot know what your relative humidity is and whether or not you actually need a humidifier running.

Most hygrometers these days are a combination tool that combines a thermometer to tell the temperature and a hygrometer to read the humidity level.

These are the two most important features I would recommend searching for while shopping for a new humidifier but there are other features that are well worth looking into.

3. Easy to Fill

A humidifier that is easy to fill up with water.
A lot of humidifiers have to be turned upside down and the fill hole unscrewed from the bottom.

This means you have to fill the humidifier from the bottom too. This usually means making some sort of mess.

You can get a humidifier these days that fills from the top and fits under the faucet without having to flip it over.

That’s a pretty cool feature.

3.Auto shut off.

It seems like auto shut off would be a standard feature on any humidifier.
I mean when it runs out of water, it should just flip some sort of switch and turn off right?
But that is not generally the way it works.
They run out of water and the motor just keeps on running.

But the new Modern humidifiers usually come with auto shut-off. Not such a small deal.


With all of the appliances that you can get integrated with Alexa and download your own app, why not a humidifier?

Actually, a humidifier makes more sense as a Wi-Fi device than some of the other appliances you can think of.

I mean it is actually useful to have an app that will alert you when the water in the reservoir is approaching the empty level.

And being able to check your phone for the relative humidity in the house is also something that I find useful.

5. Aromatherapy and essential oils.

This is another feature that modern humidifiers have that I think is very useful.

After all, there are certain essential oils like eucalyptus and lavender that are very beneficial to you when you have a cold.

Having an aromatherapy tray on a humidifier is a good idea for that reason.

6. Optional hot or cold mist.

Almost exclusively, you will find warm mist humidifiers to be avoided when you look to experts on what type of humidifier to purchase for your baby’s room.

  It’s because of the danger of getting burned by boiling water.

But there are times when you want to be able to use a Vicks-type product in a humidifier to help your baby and your children breathe.

A cool-mist humidifier does not work with those types of methylated salves.

So there are times when a warm mist humidifier is a better option for your children’s room.

The main takeaway is caution. Don’t put the humidifier where they can get to it easily.

You can buy a humidifier that has the option of running cold or hot.

And that’s the best option for purchasing one.


As exciting as it is having a new baby in the house,

Everyone knows that has been there the stress of having a crying baby that is experiencing the effects of dry air in the room.

A baby humidifier isn’t the answer to everything but it is definitely a big help when you were dealing with a miserable baby that is having issues with dry air.

How Does A Ventless Air Conditioner Work?

While so many air conditioning systems are available, people find ventless air conditioners more reliable.

This portable, user-friendly, and economical appliance controls the indoor humidity with simple operation methods.
But what about the internal working process in the first place?

How Does A Ventless Air Conditioner Work?
A Ventless Air conditioner decreases the temperature by increasing the humidity in the air. It circulates the hot indoor air and cools it down using an evaporator coil within the machine.

In short, the machine will cool the existing air instead of pulling air from the outdoors.
But there’s more to it! Let’s discuss how ventless ACs circulate the cool air, and how you can get the most out of it.

Ventless air conditionerWhat Actually is a Ventless Air Conditioner?

A Ventless air conditioner is also known as a portable swamp cooler, evaporative air conditioner, or vent-free AC.

From the name itself, it refers to that unit that doesn’t require any vent through the window to function properly. In the HVAC world, there are no similar things as a ventless air conditioner.  

This technology provides a powerful cooling system without any vent. There is no exhaust hose inside these appliances. Because in Ventless Air Conditioner there is no heat exchange or refrigeration process available like Traditional Air Conditioner

 Therefore, no hot air is produced inside the appliance. That is why it doesn’t need any exhaust hose to hang on the window. 

How Does A Ventless AC Work?

Before knowing How Does A Ventless Air Conditioner Work, you have to understand what evaporation is.

Because Ventless Air Conditioner works by following this simple science.

In general terms, evaporation is an important part of the water cycle. In this process liquid material like water converts into gas with the help of thermal or electrical energy. 


As we know that ventless air conditioners work through the principle of evaporation, let’s discuss its methodology.The basic methodology of vent-free AC is, it uses a heat pump to bring water from water storage. The cooling pads absorb the pump’s water.

When the fan is flowing, it draws the hot air from the outside by the water-soaked pads. 
As air goes through the pads, where the temperature is absorbed by the process of evaporation which cools the air.

Here the mechanism of supplying cold air is, the warm water moves through a honeycomb corrugated filter and collides with a hydrone wet filter.

With the help of a honeycomb filter, the exchange of air and water has finished. And finally, a fan supplies the cold air into the surface. 

Do Ventless Air Conditioners Work?ventless ac

The working mechanism of a portable air conditioner or swamp coolers is similar to a Traditional Evaporative Cooler.

For that reason, many people think Ventless Air Conditioners are a scam.

The point here to be realized is, Ventless AC does not reduce the overall temperature of a room the same way a traditional air conditioner does. Rather it cools the air by evaporation and humidifying the air. 

Here is no rocket science to understand whether Ventless AC is a scam or not. Because Ventless Air Conditioner cools the air by pooling a simple natural process of evaporation with an advanced air moving system. 

In this method, fresh air comes from outside and is drawn into the cooler by moistened pads. And then, the air is filtered by saturated evaporation and finally humid air circulated by the blower.

A portable Ventless AC can produce 80% relative humidity on average. 

Why You Should Go With Ventless Air Conditioner 


There are a number of reasons that make Ventless Air conditioners different from similar kinds of air conditioning systems like ductless systems.

While people go with Ductless AC systems, ventless window air conditioners provide enormous facilities. Before getting an air conditioning system, you should know which factor makes a huge difference.

Which factor makes ventless more worthy than Ductless AC or mini-split systems? 

Facility of Portability

Ventless AC is generally a portable air conditioner indoor unit. It doesn’t need any outdoor unit to attach.

Therefore, you can transfer it from one palace to another place easily. There is no cooling system installation or maintenance needed in these indoor units.

Like other types of HVAC systems, it doesn’t need to be installed in a fixed place. Just plug in the appliance, add water and go! 

Energy Efficient 

Where other HVAC systems need two units to install and require much energy to operate, ventless AC comes as an energy efficiency facility.

Ventless Air conditioners run constantly and consume only 90 to 160 watts per hour. 


On the other hand, ductless or single split air conditioner systems consume 500 watts of energy on average per hour.

Also, an evaporative cooler or ventless AC doesn’t emit any harmful gasses and uses no refrigerant like other central air conditioning systems. 

A portable air conditioner is significantly more affordable than a split system or central HVAC system.

It does not demand any extra installation charge. With this simple device, you can cover 350 square feet of area to cool.

No other HVAC system is more money-efficient than a single portable air conditioner. 

how does a ventless air conditioner workWho Needs Ventless Air Conditioners More?

Ventless Air Conditioners come in different sizes and all have individual applications. They are designed in small and large sizes to cover different types of areas.

As they cover indoor areas, you should know who needs it the most before getting one.
As discussed earlier, Ventless-AC uses evaporative cooling and its function depends on relative humidity.

So, if you live in an area where the relative humidity level is too high, this kind of appliance does not suit your needs. 

Ventless Portable AC is best for low humidity areas and high-temperature countries or regions such as the United States, Australia, Mexico, Chile, Saudi Arabia. Sometimes, Ventless AC may be used outdoors since outdoor air will not raise relative humidity like a room.


No one wants to go with complex things when they find a simple way instead of it. A ventless air conditioner is one such kind of thing among other HVAC systems.

Its working mechanism, versatile use make it popular day by day in low humidity regions, humid climates, and dry climates. Because keeping the relative humidity maximum level is essential to lead a healthy life. 

We hope, by going through How Does a Ventless Air Conditioner Work, now you know its overall mechanism. This knowledge will help you to have a portable air conditioner system that certainly fulfills your needs.

Thanks for reading this article with patience. 

My Top 11 Ultimate “Plant Humidifier” Must Haves

1.Easy to fill

A humidifier must be easy to fill.

I have had humidifiers in the past that you could barely get the tank underneath the faucet in the kitchen to fill it up.

You practically have to turn the thing sideways to get it out from underneath the faucet.

And you can’t expect to do so without spilling some of the water.

Also , If I have to turn it upside down to fill it, that means I’m going to get water everywhere.

An easy to fill humidifier that fills from the top and fits in my sink is a must have for a plant humidifier.

2.  Easy to clean

Humidifiers are well known to be maintenance heavy devices that require cleaning at least once a week.

  And I can tell you that if it’s too hard to mess with, breaking it down and such, it’s probably not going to get done as often as it needs to.

That’s why, when it comes to a humidifier, one of the main things I’m looking for is how easy it is to clean.

On that note, I want to stick it in the dishwasher if I can, and just be done.

An Easy to clean is a “humidifier must have”. Plant or otherwise.

3.  Humidity meter (Hygrometer)

  Keeping the proper Humidity balance is such an important part of staying healthy and keeping my plants thriving that I want to make sure that I’m running the humidifier only when I need it.

And though I can tell you when it feels muggy or if I’m experiencing more than my share of static electricity, that is not enough to ensure that the humidity level in the house is staying at the proper relative humidity range.

The bottom line is, without a humidity meter (hygrometer) , I have no idea of what my RH (relative humidity) actually is.

One of my “humidifier must haves” is the inclusion of a hygrometer to provide me with an actual way of measuring the humidity without guessing.

4.  Humidistat

Along the same lines as a humidity meter, a humidistat turns the humidifier on and off to adjust to the humidity in the room.

It’s very much like a thermostat that you use for your heat and air conditioning. For instance, if you want your room to be 75°, you set your thermostat at 75 and the room slowly adjusts to that temperature.

That’s exactly the same way a humidistat works except for it adjusts the room for relative humidity level.

Smart humidifiers rely on sensors to tell the humidistat to adjust the humidity.

5. Auto shut off

If you have ever owned a basic drug store plastic humidifier then you know what I’m talking about already.

Most humidifiers from yesteryear were basic machines that you feel with water and turn on.

And the machine would stay on regardless until you hit the off button.Which made it not uncommon to come along and find your humidifier bone dry and still running.

Luckily “auto shut off” is a feature you can find fairly easily when you are shopping around for a humidifier these days.

Indicator lights and alerts are also part of the norm for humidifiers these days.

Smart humidifiers can even send you a text when the humidifier is about to be out of water.

Auto shut off is a must-have for your plant humidifier

6. Extra long run time.

A large basin that can hold enough water that my humidifier can run for at least a couple of days without me having to fill it is an essential convenience.

Along the same lines as having to clean it all the time, there is the built-in necessity of having to fill a humidifier with water continuously.

That’s why having a large water tank that doesn’t have to be filled as often is a must-have on the humidifier features list.

love my new plant humidifier

7. Warm or cool mist options

Some plants do better with steamier air because it creates more of a simulation of their natural habitat. Many tropical plants for instance are used to heavy humidity and high temperatures all day.

That being said, you may not want a vaporizer running all the time because they are steamier which can make the room feel swampy and it cost more to run a warm mist humidifier.

  That’s why owning a humidifier that has both an option to use it as a warm mist or cool mist is a must have for me.

8.  Aromatherapy / essential oils

Using essential oils around your plants may not seem like such a great idea until you realize that there are many essential oils and aromatherapy blends that will stop fungal growth.

They also Repel insects, and provide an all-natural alternative to fertilizers that have harmful chemicals and poisons in them.

The inclusion of an aromatherapy tray on a plant humidifier is an absolute must have feature.

9.  Wi-Fi

Every home appliance you can think of these days as a Wi-Fi version.

Some of them make a lot of sense and some not so much.

Having the option to monitor your humidifier through an app is a good idea because you can view the relative humidity in your home from a remote location and get an alert letting you know when your water is nearly gone.

You can even turn the humidifier light on, via your phone.

10. Quiet

Humidifiers are so noisy that they are practically White noise machines.

Which can be a good thing for some people and I know that kind of “white noise” can help a baby sleep,

But it’s not for me.

I don’t want a device in the bedroom or the living room but I have to turn the TV or radio up to hear it.

Having a humidifier that is quiet is a must have feature for me.

11. Germ-free

The latest innovation in humidifiers is the addition of different types of options to keep your humidifier germ-free.

Antimicrobial plastic and ultraviolet light are the main ideals at the forefront.

If a guy could get all the features included in this list and top it off with the option of being germ and bacteria free,

I would say that you would have the ultimate plant humidifier.