Can I Put My Air Purifier On A Table?

You’ve done the research. You made the leap and you bought the air purifier.

But where to put it?

Air purifier location is important to get the best out of your investment.

Can I put my air purifier on a table?

Placing your air purifier on a table is a good idea because it will do more to clean the Ambient air (the air you breathe) than placing it on the floor or up high on a shelf.


You shouldn’t place your air purifier on the dinner table or counter top near your food.

Air purifiers work by pulling pollutants out of the air and capturing them in a filter located inside of the air purifier.

Having the air purifier on the table next to your food means that you or pulling the contaminants from the air towards your food.

Remember many of the allergens that you are trying to eliminate in your home are mold related.

Even placing an air purifier on the countertop near a bowl of fruit or vegetables can be inviting mold spores to gather on your produce.

Thereby shortening the window that you’ll be able to eat that food.

It’s a bit of a balancing act.

You do want to put the air purifier in the room that you’re spending the time in the most but you don’t want the air purifier pulling the garbage out of the air towards yourself or your family.

For instance, many people spend much of their time relaxing in a easy chair or couch facing a TV.

Though your stylish new air purifier may look good on the corner table where your family is sitting, that will give you the opposite result then you’re intending.

Since air purifiers pull the microscopic garbage out of the air and into them selves,
having the air purifier to close to yourself in the family room is actually is anti productive because it will be pulling the polluted air toward your family instead of away from them.

Placing the air purifier on the other side of the room so that it pulls the air and the pollutants in the air away from the people in the room is a better placement.

But there is a caveat when you’re talking about the TV room.

air purifier near tvair purifier near tv?

Placing an air purifier near the TV is not a good idea because televisions generate static electricity.

Meaning they already attract dust to themselves.

If you place an air purifier near your TV, you can be helping the dust travel easier toward the electrostatic field of your television.

The point is you could have an even extra dusty television.

If your air purifier has an ionizer then it’s going to be doubly worse.

Ionizers work by polarity to clump dust together in the air.

The ideal is, when the dust clumps together, it becomes too heavy to float and falls to the surface and out of the air that you are breathing.

But if you place the ionizer near the TV, then the surface that the polarized dust will collect to will not be the floor, but your television screen.

There are also some air purifiers that could interfere with your TV signal so you have to be aware of that too.

Another issue with placing the air purifier on the corner table is airflow.

Tucking in air purifier away is fine as long as it has plenty of airflow.

Things tend to get pushed up against the drapes or against the wall in the corner.

Making sure the air purifier is not up against anything that will inhibit the airflow will help you get the best result out of your air purifier.

Placing your air purifier in the bedroom is one of the more advantageous spots

because of the amount of time you spend in bed and the fact that when you were sleeping you were actually breathing deeper then when you are awake.

But air purifiers often get confused with humidifiers.

But the two appliances do two entirely different functions.

Air purifiers filter pollutants out of the air whereas humidifiers add moisture to the air.

It is not uncommon to place a humidifier next to your bed on an end table because the cool mist can help you breathe when you are having sinus and cold issues.

But the opposite is true when it comes to an air purifier.

You want to keep an air purifier at least six feet away from your face when you are sleeping and face it the direction to pull the air away from your head.

An air purifier will actually add more air pollution to the general area of the air purifier itself.

So having an air purifier on your nightstand will make the air around you more polluted as you’re sleeping.

And since you breathe deeper during sleep, having the air cleaning machine right next to you while you sleep can mean that you are actually taking giant deep breaths of air pollution.

Not the intended result.

The more logical way to run your air purifier in the bedroom or the living room is to turn it on high when you’re not there and keep it on low or off when you are.

That way you walk into a fresh room and you don’t have to worry about polluted air being drawn towards you when you are near an air purifier.

If your air purifier has an ionizer, then it is going to generate ozone at some level. Even if it’s a very small level.

The best way to use your ionizer is to turn it on when you’re not there and then turn it off for a little while before you decide to use the room.

Then keep it off while you’re in the room.

That way you can get the benefits of ionized air without risking being exposed to any ozone build up.


Putting an air purifier on the table is a great way to ensure that you are keeping it at a height to clean the ambient air (air you breathe) in the room.

But be sure the table isn’t the dinner table or a table that is going to be pulling the polluted air directly towards the humans in the house.

What Does Ozone Smell Like In An Air Purifier?

What Does Ozone Smell Like?

Ozone or also known by it’s scientific name, Trioxygen (molecular oxygen that contains a highly reactive third atom) has a sharp, unmistakeably disinfectant smell
that is reminiscent of bleach or chlorine. It is often marketed as a “Fresh after a Thunderstorm Smell” because of its production from lightning, but ozone in a confined space is much more pungent.


what does ozone smell like

There has been a lot of controversy in the past about air purifiers creating ozone and whether or not ozone is dangerous.

Air purifiers come in different types with different technologies.

Some only filter air where as some would be considered a treatment for air.

Filtering air purifiers create zero ozone, either as a air cleaning mechanism or as a by product.

But other air purifiers use electricity to create ions ions that make the pollution in the air too heavy to float. These are typically called ionic or ionizers.

This type of air purifier does create ozone as a byproduct.

If you have an air purifier and you do not know if it creates ozone or not, there are a couple of indicators that you can easily look for yourself.

1.What Does Ozone Smell Like In An Air Purifier?

The smell of ozone from an air purifier has an antiseptic or bleach smell.

Even though it is generally advertised an “after a thunderstorm fresh smell“,
Strong ozone from an air purifier can be very pungent.

After all, ozone dissipation happens a lot easier outdoors in nature than it does in your living room.

Regardless of how strong the smell of ozone coming from the air purifier is, it will be noticeable. It is very unlikely that you will miss it.

On the flip side

If you smell your air purifier and there is no smell other than the general smell of plastic and adhesives, then your air purifier is more than likely not an ionizer.

uv ozone
2. Blue Light

The second way you can find out whether your air purifier creates ozone or not is there is generally a blue ultraviolet light shining from it somewhere.
Some UV lights do not create enough ozone for the smell to be noticeable.

Should you use your air purifier if you find out it creates ozone?

Ozone is a very effective air cleaning technology. Used properly, an ozone generator can completely eliminate stubborn odors like century-old third hand cigarette and pipe tobacco smoke.
Bacteria and viruses cannot survive in the face of ozone.

But, in the same way that ozone will completely oxidize every bit of air pollution in its way, it can also oxidize your lung tissue.

That makes it very dangerous to breathe. Especially if you have a pre-existing health condition like asthma.

So you are saying no. Do not use it, right?

No I am not saying that.

But you should absolutely not use ozone improperly.

You wouldn’t set your house on fire to warm your hands. And you wouldn’t step into a bathtub holding a hair dryer.

But yet, you use fire and electricity every single day in almost everything you do.

Ozone Generator Best Practices

Professionals who use ozone generators know that there are two rules if they must abide by in order to get the best result from ozone and stay safe from it too.

  •  they never operate an ozone generator in an occupied room. This includes people, animals, and plant life.
  •  they always allow for the ozone to completely dissipate before using the area again.

sun-ozoneSo why would an air purifier that creates ozone be different than a outright ozone generator?

Of course it’s the volume of ozone that is generated.

But does that mean because it’s a low volume of ozone let it can be breathed?

Use the same analogy with fire and electricity.

Will a little fire still burn you? Yes
Will a little electricity still shock you? Yes again.

So it is not the fact that ozone is being generated that is the problem.

It is the way that ozone is used and approached that is the problem.

Air purifiers that create ozone as a by-product are still ozone generators.

Since an ozone generator should not be used in an occupied room, it only stands to reason that an air purifier that creates ozone should be used in a like manner.

After all isn’t the complaint by the EPA referring to companies who knowingly sold ozone generators as domestic air cleaners without warning consumers about the dangers of ozone, even suggesting that there is no harm that can be had from them?

There is a simple rule that you can apply to home air purification:

  1. If it is strictly a filtering air purifier then it can be set and left on with no problems or dangers.
  2. But if it is an electronic ionizer, it should be left alone to do its thing and then aired out to make sure that no harmful levels ozone remain before using the room again.

You wouldn’t take a chance with electricity or fire, so why take the chance with ozone when there is an easy work around.

If you’re wondering whether you should try an ionizer we’ll just stick to the HEPA filter air purifier,

Let me just say that there is not much that a HEPA filtering air purifier cannot take care of, air pollution wise.

They are very efficient at removing common household allergens like dust mites, pollen, dander, and even spores.

Where the HEPA filter leaves off, there is usually an activated carbon filter to capture the rest , including gases and odors.

what does ozone smell likeAnd you never have to worry about being exposed to Ozone.

An easy choice.

But on the other hand, ionizers like PCO and plasma can do something that HEPA filters cannot.

They can actually destroy bacteria and viruses. Not just capture them in a filter.
PCO air purifiers not only disinfect the air, they disinfect the surfaces around the air purifier too.

Also ionizers are filterless air purifiers which can save you a bundle in replacement filters.

Thankfully, air purifier manufacturers know all this. That is why most of the latest air purifiers on the market employ both filtering and ionic technologies.

Smart air purifiers are the wave of the future.

Even though Ozone in an air purifier is usually spun as an ” after a thunderstorm fresh smell” , Strong ozone from a air purifier can be very pungent. 
After all , ozone dissipation happens a lot easier outdoors in nature than it does in your living room.


Air Purifier vs. Ozone Generator

What’s the difference between an air purifier and an ozone generator?

Do air purifiers create ozone?

How can you tell the difference between one that does and one that doesn’t?

Pretty important questions when you’re going in to purchase an air purifier.

Air purifier vs. Ozone generator

The most popular air purifier is a filtering device that works by pulling air through a series of filters that capture particulates out of the air stream.

An ozone generator is a machine that deliberately creates large amounts of ozone to treat a room. It does not filter air but disinfects it through the oxidizing function of 03. Ozone.

“Air purifier” is actually more of a generic term that encompasses all types of air purifiers and air purification technologies.

Some air purifiers use technologies that create ozone as a by-product which makes deciphering between a air purifier and an ozone generator that much more confusing.

It’s this gray area that causes so much confusion.

Air purifiers that do not create ozone.

The most popular air purifiers that do not create ozone are Hepa filter air purifiers.

These units at their most basic work like a fan pulling air through a series of filters which captures the pollution from of the air.

The reason these work so well is because HEPA filters can capture particulates as small as .03 microns which would include typical household allergens like pollen and pet dander.

The other filters included in the package are a pre-filter which are for capturing larger debris like hair and trash and the second other type of filter is made from activated carbon which works more like a sponge that absorbs pollutants like gases and odors.

They create absolutely zero ozone.
and they top the list of safe air purifiers.

Do air purifiers create ozoneA second type of air cleaner creates zero ozone is an “Air Washer”.

This kind of air purifier uses water to wash the air. The ideal is water is drawn into the machine where it is scrubbed, then released out the other side clean.

The advantage these have over HEPA air cleaners is that they do not require any type of filter replacement ever.

Air washers create residual humidity and also come as air purifier- humidifier hybrids.

Their main disadvantage is that they do add humidity to the air which is not something you necessarily need all year long. Especially in the hot muggy summer months.

Air purifiers that do create ozone as a byproduct.

Ionizers are air cleaners that even though they do not use ozone specifically to clean the air, they do create residual ozone as a by-product.

A lot of people would stop you right there and ask why would you even bother using them then since ozone is unsafe to breathe?

One reason ionizers are popular is that they are completely filterless so it cuts out the need for replacement filters.

But more importantly than that, they can do something that other purifiers just can’t.

They actually disinfect and destroy the bacteria in the air where as a filter can only capture it.

When it comes to pollutants like viruses and bacteria, ionizers, and even more specifically PCO ionizers and plasma clustering ionizers have a markable advantage over Hepa.

But there are other downsides do ionizers besides residual ozone, namely that they leave the surfaces in the room extra dusty.

That’s because they work by polarizing the air, which causes the negative and positive particles in the air to combine.

After they combine and clump together, they become too heavy to float and fall to the surface.

“Surface” can also mean the wall around the air purifier.

Are ionizers safeAre ionizers safe?

Ionizer Air Purifier Side Effects

Most ionizers do not create enough ozone to be dangerous but “most” is not good enough.

One of the problems according to the EPA is that even though an ionizer that creates a specific amount of ozone may be safe in one sized area, the same ionizer may create much too much ozone in a smaller area.

The problem is that even though the amount of ozone being created is much lower than an actual ozone generator, they are still technically ozone generators because they do generate ozone.

What’s the solution?

The easiest solution is to change the way an ionizer is used compared to a filtering purifier.

Let me put it this way.

When a professional operates an ozone generator, he or she has to abide by a couple of strict rules.

1. The ozone machine cannot be operated in an occupied room. Regardless if it’s a person, a pet, or even plants

2. the second rule is that the room has to have plenty of time to air out before it is used again.

Should ionizers be used the same way that ozone generators are used?

It’s not a bad idea.

If you change your approach to ionizers from being a domestic alternative to Hepa air purifiers,

to a machine that is intentionally meant to treat the air and not be operated around people,

The problem would be solved.

You could enjoy the benefits of ionic ozone creating air purifiers without ever experiencing any negative side effects from breathing ozone.

But there are some instances when an air purifier is not going to be able to rid an area of strong odors or high concentrations of mold and bacteria.

This is when the big guns have to be called in.

Ozone generator.

Ozone generators can virtually eliminate any airborne contaminant and attack and remove the source of strong lingering odors.

Ozonators are usually operated by professionals to completely remove the smell of third-hand smoke from a house or vehicle. What does ozone smell like?

Since tobacco smoke has a sticky residue , he can be very hard to get rid of.

And ozone generator can create large amounts of highly reactive oxidants that follow the path of cigarette smoke and destroy it and the residue keeping it glued inside of the room.

But unlike an air purifier, it is not ever operating in the company of people or animals. Many professionals remove plants from the area before using the generator also.

Letting the room air completely out is also very important after using an ozone generator.
30 minutes is the minimum but you want to wait before reusing a room treated with ozone.
But it doesn’t hurt to err on the safe side and give it more like a couple of hours.

Are Air Purifiers Safe For Cats?

I have two cats. Both girls. One is named Lucky and one is named Merida.

They are both rescue cats brought home by my lovely wife who is a bleeding-heart mercenary who’s also populated our home with two dogs and two rats.

At any given moment, When I am at home, I have a cat sitting in my lap or draped across my chest when I’m laying down.

I also have two air purifiers. One air purifier is a HEPA filter type and my other air purifier is a photocatalytic oxidation air purifier.

Cats tend to be into everything, so safety is a concern not only for the cats but also for the humans that have to live with the cats.

Are air purifiers safe for cats?

HEPA Air purifiers are absolutely safe for cats. They work by pulling air through a series of filters that capture the pollutants out of the air. That simple. Nothing that could harm a cat.

Almost nothing. If your cat has a habit of sitting on top of the air purifier or sleeping right next to it then there is the possibility that the cat is inhaling a lot of garbage that is being pulled toward him or her by the air purifier.

In other words, by sitting where the air purifier is, he or she could be a direct target.

Also if the air purifier has not been maintained and the filter is extra dirty, sleeping right next to the air purifier would mean being exposed to the germs on the filter.

Are air purifiers harmful to catsHonestly my cats don’t seem too interested in the air purifier and I haven’t noticed them sleeping next to it.

Another concern might be the electrical cord. But no more so than any other appliance. Cats don’t seem too interested in extension cords either.

My other air purifier is a PCO air purifier. That stands for photo catalytic oxidation.

That air purifier is more like an air treatment than it is a fan.

The PCO air purifier has a lot more potential to be dangerous to animals for a couple of reasons.

One it has a glowing blue UV light illuminating out of the top of it.

Staring at it is about like staring at the sun. It will eventually burn your eyes.

I don’t put it past the cats to stare at the bulb.

And two, it creates ozone is a by-product. You can smell it every time the ozone interacts with any pollution in the air.

It’s not a rash amount of ozone but ozone and still ozone and it can build up in a confined area.

Ozone is a known lung irritant go cats may have nine lives I’m not sure that means they have 9 sets of lungs.

Regardless of whether or not the machine creates a lot of ozone or not, it is technically still a ozone generator since ozone is being generated.

And to me that puts it in a different category than the HEPA cleaner.

Two different types of air purifiers

  1. One that you can set it up and leave it on.
  2. And one that you run when there’s no one home.

PCO is a run it when there’s no one home type.

And that includes the animals. They go outside or in the garage when I use that air purifier.

It sounds like more of a hassle then the HEPA filter,

But you have to remember, PCO air purifiers do something that HEPA purifiers can’t.
They actually disinfect the air as well as the surface is in the room.
Also they don’t use a filter and that’s a big plus.

But if I had to decide on one or the other, I would go with the HEPA filter air purifier over the photocatalytic oxidation air purifier for animals.

Not only for the cat’s sake but for my sake too.
Though the PCO air purifier is better at getting rid of pet dander it doesn’t do much of anything for pet hair.

The reason is, it is essentially an ionic air purifier the charges the air and clumps the particles together.
When the particles get heavy enough they fall to the surface.

When you’re talking about cats, cat hair is one of the worst things about having felines.

To help control cat hair, you have to have a filter to catch it. Ions can’t cut it.

Also by reducing the amount of cat hair, you are reducing the pet dander
Because dander is actually bacteria on the hair the gets there by the cat licking itself.


Air purifiers are safe for cats as long as you are using a HEPA filter type. HEPA filters basically capture pollutants being pulled into them by a fan. Nothing harmful for cats.

Other air purifiers like photocatalytic oxidation work more as an air treatment. It’s because they use ionic technologies that create ozone as a by-product.

They are very efficient because they are not just capturing pollution, they are disinfecting the air as well as the services around the machine.

But because they create ozone as a by-product, operating them in the same room as animals or humans can result in breathing issues.

Ozone is better left to only using it in an unoccupied room and letting it air  completely out.

As far as a air purifier for Cats goes, the HEPA air purifier is the better choice.

The reason is, cat hair.

PCO ionic air purifiers don’t do much of nothing for hair.

Filtering air purifiers can reduce cat hair thereby reducing the pet dander that is on the hair.

Ionizers vs. Ozone

Most if not all controversy around using an air ionizer is based around the ideal that ionizers create ozone as a by-product and that ozone is horribly unsafe.

There are many proponents of using ionizers and ozonators. There are also many people including government sources that say that the benefits of using these machines do not outweigh the harm they can cause.

Ionizer vs. Ozone

What is an air ionizer?

An air ionizer generates negatively charged ions and then releases them into the airstream. They attach themselves to particulates through polarity which become too heavy to float and fall to the ground or surface.

What is an ozone generator?

A ozone generator deliberately produces Ozone gas. Also called activated oxygen, or the third molecule of oxygen, when does third molecule comes in contact with a contaminant, it changes its structure or oxidizes it.
Is then returns back to oxygen.

The issue is that ozone is dangerous to breathe. It is so highly reactive that it will decompose your lung tissue when it is inhaled at link or in large enough quantities.

Left at that, most of us would just say, what the heck? I thought the air purifiers were supposed to clean the air not make it dangerous to breathe. Why would I want to mess with that?


But if we apply the same type of logic to other potent energies like electricity or gas, we would be living in the dark with no heat.

We wouldn’t have electricity running to our homes because we could potentially be shocked and killed by it.

We wouldn’t have heat because of the danger of gas exploding.

The thing is that Ozone is the best disinfectant for destroying bacteria known to man. Ozone Smell.

But like any potent energy, it must be harnessed and used safely.


Negative ions are very beneficial to the atmosphere and are instrumental in naturally clearing the ambient air that we breathe outside everyday.

One government study shows that ion generators that create both positive and negative ions cluster around airborne particles that’s still the particles hydrogen atom, which creates a hole in the particles outer protein membrane rendering it inactive.

Are you saying that ionizers can actually render airborne bacteria harmless?


Ionizer air purifier good or bad?

Most definitely good. Ionizers have the capacity to remove ultra fine airborne particulates that HEPA filters that are designed to capture .03 microns cannot do.

Also an Ionizer working along with a HEPA filters help clump fine particulates together so that they become large enough for the filter to capture.

Many other studies exist that expound on the effect that negative ions have on persons suffering from depression.
In the now famous article by WebMD, Columbia University found that negative ions relieve depression as much as antidepressants.

Very interesting.


Most ionizers do not create enough ozone to be considered and ozone generator. But nevertheless, they do in fact create ozone as a by-product. So an ionizer in a wrong space could be considered dangerous.

The fundamental issue is that ozone should not be used in the vicinity of people or pets or plants

But there are many ionizers that come with an ozone dial to be able to turn the ozone up.

Many times the dial is called a “while you’re away” setting.

That simply means that the ozone level is going to be too high to breathe on that setting and you should not run it while you’re in the house.

And that is where the fine line is.

Most people think of an air purifier as a device that you can set up in the back of the room behind some plants then turn it on and leave it on.

In the case of an air purifier that uses filters as its only cleaning source, although not the best way to get the most out of the air cleaner, it is still perfectly fine to do so.

But with ionizers, turning them on and leaving them on can cause ozone to build up to an uncomfortable or even dangerous level.

So to prevent exposure to Ozone,
Why not use the same precautions with an ionizer that is used with a Ozone gas generator.

Simply use the ionizer when there is no people or pets around.

The point is, why should you throw away the amazing benefits of using an ionizer when adjusting how you use the ionizer could prevent ever being exposed to ozone and still allow you to enjoy the benefits?

An even better solution.

Invest in a smart air purifier.

There are many air purifiers on the market these days that incorporate air quality sensors to monitor your indoor air quality and communicate when to turn the air purifier on and off based on
the actual pollution in your air.

These are purifiers incorporate ionic and filter based technologies working together.
They also never generate dangerous levels of ozone.

And just like anything else in our modern world, you can receive alerts as well as schedule your air cleaning via your smartphone.

Another better solution to the stand alone air ionizer.

Induct air purifiers

In duct air purifiers are installed into the ductwork of your HVAC central heat and air system.

These air purifiers use plasma and PCO ionizers to clean the air inside of your
HVAC plenum and ductwork.

They essentially turn your central heat and air system into a whole house air purifier.

This works remarkably well because the HVAC is not only the source of warm and cool air that comes into your home, it is also one of the main sources of indoor air pollution including mold spores and dust mites.

Since these units are hidden away inside the ductwork and attic, the small amount of ozone generated dissipates before entering the airstream.


The difference between an ionizer and ozone is that the main function of an air ionizer is to generate negative ions and discharge them into a room.

Where as an ozone generator deliberately generates Ozone gas that is used to oxidize and disinfect every molecule in its way.

The similarities begin because ionizers with fans generate a small amount of ozone as a byproduct.

Though it is generally recognized that the amount of ozone then an ionizer creates is not enough to make the device considered an ozone machine,

Even placing an ionizer in a smaller area than it is intended can create a harmful amount of ozone.

But the benefits of ions and ozone cannot be ignored and should not be thrown away because just like any other potent energy, there are ways to use ozone safely.

An ozone generator should never be used around people, pets, or plants.

This is the first safety regulation you will find with any ozone generation.

And just because someone labeled air ionizers as home air purifiers does not mean that the ozone generated by these should be respected any less.

You can still get the great benefits of ions without being in the same room with the ionizer.

These devices should be timed to run when you are not home or when the area is not going to be occupied for a while.

A Simple solution.

A better solution.

A smart air purifier uses air quality sensors to control when an air purifier is running and when it is not according to the amount of pollution in the air.
These air purifiers will not allow ozone to be generated in a dangerous level ever.

See also:

What does an Ionizer Do?
Air Ionizer
Filterless Air Purification


Are Air Purifiers Safe?

Let’s face it if you’re asking a question like whether or not air purifiers are safe? then there has to be a reason why you’re asking it. A reason you have to believe that they are not.

Because why would that even be a question?

Wouldn’t you just presume that an air purifier cleans the air and that cleaner air is better to breathe than polluted air?

The thing is..

We’ve all seen hundreds of ads on TV that recommend medications that in the end can result in drastic side effects.

Air purifiers have the same kind of reputation.

A fear that even though the outcome should be air that is easier to breathe,
there could be dangerous side effects that make the opposite true.

So why wouldn’t you be skeptical?

You should be.

I believe the main reason that people could have the ideal that air purifiers are dangerous is that they believe or have been told that air purifiers create dangerous ozone.

So let me share with you what I believed to be the truth about air purifier safety.

Are air purifiers safe?

The most popular air purifiers on the market use HEPA (High Efficient Particulate Air) and Carbon to Filter Airborne Contaminants like pollen, Dust Mites, and Odors, and are absolutely safe. No question.
Safety concerns for air cleaners only arise when ozone is introduced through an ionizer. Ozone is a lung irritant and can trigger asthma attacks. If you stay with HEPA and Carbon filters, you will be safe from any type of danger associated with air purifiers.

If you are in the market for an air purifier that leaves no question of its safety, and performs very well, then you should narrow your search for air purifiers that use HEPA filters and carbon filters and create no ozone.

HEPA filters are the standard for hospitals and can capture air pollutants as small as .03 microns.

Carbon filters work like a sponge that adsorbs gases along with the odors that the gases emit.

These air purifiers work very well to remove particulates like pollen and dander,
and help control dust mites.

That’s good enough.

Enough said. The question is satisfactorily answered.

Are air ionizers safeBut..

The other biggest segment air purifiers on the market are ionic air purifiers or ionizers.

And here is where it starts to get hazy. Pun intended.

The Dark Side.

Ionizers are basically machines that polarize the air so that the particles in the air  become charged and attach to each other.

The result is that become too heavy to float and they fall out show the ambient air (air that you breathe).

The problem is that they generate a small amount of ozone in the process of polarizing the air.


Shouldn’t that just be the end of the conversation?

HEPA good. Ionizers bad?

Why would you possibly want to use a machine that creates any type of ozone as a by-product?

Good question

Isn’t it just a little bit weird that so many air purifier manufacturers use technologies that knowingly generate ozone, even if it is just a small amount?

Is everyone just out for a buck even when it means harming people?

No I don’t believe that.

The reason is ionizers can do something if the other air purifiers can’t.

Ionizers can destroy bacteria and render viruses inactive.

That is something that a HEPA air purifier cannot do.

There are some ionizers, ones that use photocatalytic oxidation to create ions,

That not only disinfect the air, they disinfect the countertops, tables, and other surfaces in the room as well.

Truly amazing.

So am I suggesting that because ions have an effect on germs that effectively destroys them,

that you should just put up with the ozone created and accept any lung tissue damage as your parting gift?

Not at all.

I am not saying that ozone is not dangerous to breathe in any way.

Are ionizers safe?

Ionizers are safe as long as you stick the rules of safety like making sure you are using it in the designed space it is made for. The real problem that ionizers have is that there have been companies that have sold ozone generators as in home air cleaners. The Environmental Protection Agency targets companies that sold ozone generators as air cleaners right in their title.

In other words it’s not that ozone is used, but how it is used.

Ozone generators are used in many industries because of their capacity to destroy almost every contaminant whether it be in air or water.

But there are some strict rules when using ozone.

1.They should never be used in an occupied room. Whether it be people pets or even plants.

2. The room should be allowed to sufficiently air out before people return.

There are many ionizers that do not create enough ozone to be noticeable or an issue.
But there are ionizers that do create more ozone that can be smelled.

To use an ionizer safely, you should give it the same respect as you give an ozone generator.

Make sure the room is unoccupied before running it and then wait a while for the air in the room to dissipate a while before using it again.

A good analogy is using bleach to clean the bathroom. You know that it’s going to disinfect everything in the room but when you’re done you’re going to have to let it air out before using it comfortably again.

Air purifiers with multiple technologies.

There are many air purifiers that use HEPA and carbon filters as well as ionizers built into the machines.

These technologies work together well.

One way and ionizer can help a HEPA filter is that it can clump particles together and make them big enough to be captured into the HEPA filter.

Another way is charging the filter itself so that it becomes a magnetic field to attract the positive ions (air pollutants)
into the filter.

air purifier safetyConclusion

Air purifiers are very safe to use when they are properly maintained and used correctly.

Most air purifiers are technically just a fan that pulls airborne contaminants through a series of filters.

These air purifiers do not use any electricity other than to power the fan.

The only danger in using one of these air purifiers is electrical shock. But it is the same warning that you have on any other electrical appliance that has to be plugged into an outlet.

But the other most popular type of air purifier is an ionizer.

It note on uses electricity coming from the wall, it uses electricity to polarize the particles in the air.

During the process a small amount of ozone is created.

Ozone is a lung irritant that can exasperate breathing problems and bring on an asthma attack.

Most people would say that you should not use any type of air purifier that creates a ozone by product for that exact reason.

But if you stop right there, you would be missing out on some amazing abilities that ionizers possess.

Ionizers, and more specifically PCO ionizers have the ability to disinfect your air and surfaces, actually rendering germs and viruses inactive.

That is something that a HEPA filter air purifier cannot do.

How to use an ionizer safely

Ozone is used in many industries safely including air purification and water.

The only difference is that professionals who use ozone do so under a couple of strict guidelines.

They do not operate them in an area occupied by people, animals, or plants.

And they let the area completely air out before using it again.

Even though ionizers do not manufacture the level of ozone that a ozone generator does,

does not mean that you should not respect the ozone even at a lower level.

Running your ionizer in an unoccupied room and allowing any ozone to dissipate before using the room again is a perfectly safe way of getting the benefits of an ionizer without any threat of dangerous exposure to Ozone.

Do Air Purifiers Make The Room Stuffy?

What is stuffy air? What does it mean when somebody says the room is stuffy?

Stuffy air means – there is stuff in the air.

What kind of stuff? Yucky stuff.
Stuff like dust mites, bacteria.
Stuff like pet dander and  pollen.
Stuff like volatile organic compounds from adhesive and paints, cleaners and aerosols.


Can an air purifier make you stuffy?

Yes there are a couple of ways or air purifier can make you feel stuffy.

  1.  Placement – the air purifier is positioned in a way that it is filtering towards you, making the air directly around you extra junky.
  2.  Maintenance- filters are getting too dirty remove air particles and are becoming a source for air pollution.

There are some appliances but you may want right next to you , like say a fan.

But in the case of air purifier, keeping it right next to your easy chair or bedside can mean that you were pulling all the garbage in the air toward yourself.

Positioning the air purifier to where it’s pulling the air contaminants away from you and your family can help you get the intended result from the unit.

Can an air purifiers make you dizzy?

Maintaining the filter on an air purifier is crucial to the air purifier being able to do its job. If the filters are too dirty,
Not only is the purifier not able to filter the particles in the air that can make you feel stuffy,
The filters themselves can become a  source of indoor air pollution.

And that returns you to the point that if you are sitting next to a air purifier that has a nasty germy filter in it, then that is going to affect the air directly around the air purifier and you too.

Dizziness can be a symptom of an allergic reaction to the junk sitting in a badly positioned, poorly maintained air purifier.

The point of an air purifier is to remove the stuff from the air that makes you feel stuffy. To create a space where you can breathe clean air.

Can an air purifiers make you dizzyHumidity air purifier?

A stuffy feeling is better contributed to the humidity in the air.

Not only does Humidity make the air thick and harder to breathe,

It’s tiny droplets also become containers that help move air pollutants like mold spores further into a room.

Air purifiers do nothing to add or take away moisture in an area.

When the humidity is high, a dehumidifier is a better device because it will not only reduce the amount of humidity in the air,

It will also, by reducing the moisture in the air, reduce the source of nourishment for common indoor allergens like dust mites and mold spores.

In other words, by reducing the humidity, you reduce the pollution in the air at the same time.

Dust mite stuffy nose

Symptoms like pressure in the face and nasal congestion that can be considered a stuffy feeling, can also be contributed to a dust mite allergy.

Dust mites. Dehumidifier or air purifier?

Both.  Dehumidifiers work better for the reduction of dust mites in the high humidity months, but since high humidity is seasonal and dust mites or not, air purifiers are more useful all year long.

Dust mites flourish when the humidity is high. Dust mite populations soar when there is extra moisture in the air to feed on.

But do you know what do dust mites also flourish in?

You guessed it. Dust.

Often a room that is closed up without windows like a damp basement is referred to as being stuffy.

What does a damp basement have in common with these issues we have been discussing?

That’s right.  They are humid and dusty.

What else in the home is there that can contribute to the amount of dust mites and mold spores to the air content?

The HVAC. (Central heat and air conditioning)

Air conditioning stuffy nose

Air conditioning ducts are a Haven for dust mites.
not only because of the amount of dust and dirt inside of the ductwork,
It is also because of the high level of moisture inside of the machine because the condensation created by the cooling coils.

Central heat and air units or a major contributor to indoor air pollution because of these factors.

If your ductwork and drip pans are not maintained, then the same machine that is used to heat and cool the home can become a whole house source of indoor air pollutants.


Do air purifiers make you feel stuffy?

Though there are reasons why a air purifier can be causing you to feel stuffy.

Specifically that they are placed wrong or that they are not being well maintained as far as keeping the filters replaced and cleaned,

The reason a room feels stuffy should not be contributed to the air purifier as much as it should be blamed on the amount of stuff in your air.

Humidity and dust are the two main factors when a room feels stuffy.

Not only does humidity make the air dense and harder to breathe, it becomes a source of nutrition for dust mites and mold and mildew to grow that causes the mold spore population to grow as well.

Dust mites along with pollen and mold spores are among the most common household allergens that can create a feeling of having a stuffy or blocked face.

During the high humidity months of the year, running a dehumidifier will help reduce the dust mite and molds for population as well as make the air easier to breathe.

But since high humidity is only a problem for a few months of the year, a dehumidifier is generally only a device that comes out of the closet for a few months.

On the other hand, a air purifier will help reduce indoor allergens like dust mites and spores all year long.

Dehumidifier and  air purifier combo

There are plenty of dehumidifier and air purifier combination appliances available.
But since the dehumidifier is a rather bulky box looking appliance that puts out a ton of heat and is only useful for a few months of the year, having my air purifier connected to it when I don’t need it is not the best Idea. My opinion.

But there are worse ideals and it is certainly useful to have a dehumidifier handy with your air purifier when you need it and vice versa.


Air Purifier vs. Dehumidifier

Air quality in the home or workplace can be impacted in many different ways.

Air pollution, humidity, as well as dry conditions all have an effect on the way people function and the quality of their health and life.

The market to improve and combat indoor air conditions is vast.

Products range from air purifiers, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, air conditioning, heating, diffusers, etc.

With so many type of products, it is hard to know what is what and what does what.

This article is about air purification and dehumidification and how they relate to each other.

And what type of products are suited for their different needs.

Air purifier vs. Dehumidifier

what is the difference between an air purifier and a dehumidifier?

An air purifier is a device that removes pollution from the air.

A dehumidifier is a device that removes humidity from the air.

Simple enough. But there are times when these two arenas lap over and cross into each others worlds.

For instance, excessive humidity is known to facilitate the growth of dust mites.

By using a dehumidifier to reduce the humidity in the air you can effectively reduce the population of dust mites in your house also.

Let me further explain. Humidity is one of the main places that dust mites get their nourishment.

When the humidity is high,  dust mites have a larger source of food available to  them. A larger food source equals a larger population.

Mold and mold spores are another example. Moisture is one of the main ingredients in the production and growth of mold.

By reducing the amount of humidity through the means of a dehumidifier you can reduce the amount of mold and the eventual production of mold spores in your air.

Humidity droplets are also known to behave like a container that is able to house indoor air pollutants and carry them further into the airstream.

Consider that fact.

That means that when you’re having trouble breathing because the humidity is high, it is not only because of the  excessive water content is making the air dense,

It’s also that you are  breathing the pollution that is contained in the humidity.

Once again, a dehumidifier can reduce indoor air pollution by reducing its capacity to travel through the home or office.

Can you use a dehumidifier as a air purifier?

Yes in many ways a dehumidifier will help reduce a number of indoor allergens,  namely dust mites and mold spores.

But unfortunately indoor air pollution is comprised of much more than mites and spores.

For other air quality problems like pollen, dander, and VOCs,
dehumidifiers will do little to nothing.

Not to mention that humidity is more of a seasonal problem but indoor air pollution continues every day all year.

Can you use an air purifier with a dehumidifier at the same time?

The same time? Not too well.

The sequence should be more like running the dehumidifier first and then running the air purifier afterwards.

The reason is excessive moisture in the air can reduce airflow through the dense HEPA  filter that your air purifier uses. Less ability to filter.

Also it is a known fact that carbon filters do not fare well with humidity at all.

You may have seen dehumidifiers with carbon filters.
That’s an unusual combination.

The same logic is applicable here though too. If you run your dehumidifier first and get the relative humidity to a good spot, then the carbon filter feature will work just fine.

But if you get the cart before the horse, the excessive humidity in the room will flatout make the carbon filter useless till it dries out.

Dehumidifier with ionizer?

What does the ionizer button on a dehumidifier do?

Ionizer button on a dehumidifier controls the ionizing function of the humidifier.

Ionizers are not a typical feature on a dehumidifier. A dehumidifier with ionizer would be considered a combination air cleaning / dehumidification device.

Ionizers clear the air by creating either negative ions or both positive and negative ions and omitting them into the air.

Negative ions attach themselves to positive ions, which would be considered the pollutants in the air, including the pollutants housed in the humidity droplets.

The result is they become too heavy to float and they fall to the surface or stick to the nearest wall.

Ionizers that emit both positive and negative ions have a instant polarization that traps any air pollution that gets in the way.

One benefit in using ionizers with dehumidifiers instead of the typical filtering air purifier, is that there is no filters involved to be impacted by the moisture in the air nor does the humidity have any real effect on the capacity of the ions to work.

The down side?

Do dehumidifiers create ozone?

Dehumidifiers do not create ozone unless it is a combination dehumidifier with an ionizer.

Ionizers do create small amounts of ozone and depending on the square footage versus the size of the ionizer, ozone can become a problem because it is a lung irritant.

Most people do not want to be in the same room with a dehumidifier when it is working because of the amount of heat it puts out.

And since ozone dissipates fairly quickly, the small amount of ozone that the ionizer generates should not have much effect on persons because of the likelihood of the room being uninhabited in the first place.

Should you buy a dehumidifier and air purifier combo?

My opinion is no. You can much more use out of a air purifier then you can a dehumidifier simply because a dehumidifier is a seasonal device were as an air purifier is useful every day of the week,  month, and year.

Also you don’t want to haul around a dehumidifier every time you want to put the air purifier somewhere different.


Dehumidifiers can work with an air purifier and even work as an air purifier in many situations.

because excessive humidity can be a catalyst for air pollutants like dust mites and mold spores as well as house vocs,

By eliminating the high amount of humidity in the room you can eliminate the source of air quality problems at the same time.

but that does not mean that you have eliminated your need for an air purifier all together.

That’s because indoor air pollution is comprised of more than dust mites and mold spores.

Other air pollutants like pollen and dander will require a filter to capture them.

Some dehumidifiers come combined with an ionizer.

ionizers clean the air by making the particles in the air to heavy the float so that they fall out of the ambient air that you breathe.

Ionizers also do not require filters.
so they do not have any other problems that pleated filters can have with increased relative humidity.

Most people argue that ionizers create ozone and ozone is unacceptable.

But ozone in an unoccupied area is an excellent way to reduce airborne pollutants.

and since there’s not too many people who want to stay in the same room with a dehumidifier while it is running,

the combination of a dehumidifier and an ionizer makes a lot more sense then a lot of the combination air quality machines on the market.

Where To Place Air Purifier in Bedroom

Getting a good night sleep is one of the most important things you can do the keep yourself healthy.

Uninterrupted sleep can be a challenge when your air quality is less than ideal especially if you already have an underlying problem with sleep apnea or snoring.

Most people go to great lengths to ensure that their bedroom is dark and quiet, but rarely consider the air quality or how it can have an effect on their sleep.

Did you know that there are hidden allergies like dust mites and dander are probably finding your bed and your bedding just as comfortable as you are.

Disgusting to say the least. But however gross, still true.

Not only is it disgusting to think about, you can have a effect on the quality of your sleep.

You can exert an enormous amount of energy coughing, sneezing, and clearing your throat throughout the night and never be conscious that you’re doing so.

People also tend to breathe much deeper when they sleep adding to the aggravation of a room full of airborne allergens.

Keeping an air purifier in your bedroom is probably one of the first places in the house you think about when deciding to get an air purifier.

But once you get it, how do you know where to use it or put it?

Where to place a air purifier in the bedroom?

The opposite side of the room from where you’re sleeping is best.


You might think placing an air purifier on the bed stand next to you would be the best place because in theory that’s the place that the air would be the cleanest.

But most air purifiers work the same way a fan works, only in reverse.

In other words it pulls air through itself instead of blowing air.

Keeping the air purifier right next to your head, will be pulling the air from the entire room toward your head.

That means that all the pollutants in the air will be driven straight toward your airways.

So unlike a humidifier but you may want closer to you because of the cool mist coming from it and the white noise it produces,

You want the air purifier to pull air away from you, not to you.

If you have an enormous bedroom,
Then placing the air purifier on the opposite side of the room may not be effective enough to help with your sleep.

If that is the case then move it closer, but remember to place it to where the air is being pulled away from your face.

Other things to consider when placing your air purifier in the bedroom.

Place air purifier high or low?Place air purifier high or low?

Around four feet off the ground is the best place to put an air purifier.

That’s the average distance of the air from the ground that your are breathing. Regardless of whether you are sitting standing or laying.

in other words the ideal is to clean the air that you are breathing. Or the ambient air.

Air purifiers will clean the air around themselves the easiest.

So the air purifier is on the floor, it will clean the air nearest to the floor best.

If the air purifier is high up on a shelf, then the air near the ceiling will be the cleanest.

Another thing to think about when placing your air purifier is airflow.

Just like a standing fan, an air purifier needs the ability to have air flowing easily through it.

Placing an air purifier out from the wall is better than up against it because the air can enter and exit easier then if it is obstructed buy a wall or drapes or what have you.

Humidifier next to air purifier?

Another appliance typical for controlling air quality in the bedroom is a humidifier.

When the air is extra dry, getting a good night’s rest can be a beast. Dry nose and sinuses, chapped lips, dry cough can keep you up half the night and make waking up just as miserable.

Running a humidifier next to your bed can be a lifesaver during these times of the year.

But should you place the humidifier next to the air purifier?

No. The mist from the humidifier can put a layer on the air purifier filters keeping them from doing their job properly.

And if the air purifier has a carbon filter, humidity is the worst thing to keep it from working efficiently.

Another issue with running an air purifier and humidifier together is excess humidity can actually be a carrier of pollutants like dust mites.

The humidity you could actually pick up the pollutants being pulled into the air purifier and carry them back into the air.

So if you are running an air purifier and humidifier in the same room, keep them far enough apart did they do not interact.

But should you place the humidifier next to the air purifierSummary

The bedroom is one of the best places to keep an air purifier because that is where you live half of your life. Sleeping.

Not only is the amount of time you spend in the bedroom a aspect,
Pollutants like dust mites are very comfortable living in your bed with your pillows, comforters, and sheets.

Add that to the fact that when you sleep you actually breathe much deeper,
you start to get an idea of how important the air quality in your bedroom can be.

But after you decided that an air purifier in the bedroom is a good idea,
Where do you place it once you get it?

Put the air purifier close enough to you that it is cleaning the air around you, but not so close to you that it is pulling the air toward you.

And air purifier cleans the air around it the easiest but it is the air around the air purifier that is the dirtiest because the air purifier is pulling the air towards itself.

Putting an air purifier on your bed stand could mean that you were pulling all the contaminants in the room to toward your face.
Not exactly the ideal atmosphere for sleeping.

Many people keep humidifiers in the bedroom also.

If you have a humidifier and an air purifier in the same room, remember to keep them far enough apart that the moisture from the humidifier there’s no add a layer of moisture on the air purifier filters.

Humidity can also be a host for air pollutants also, so keeping the humidifier next to the air purifier could actually feed the humidity with  pollutants.

Not exactly the effect you were going for in either.


Do I Need An Air Purifier For Each Room?

Air quality in the home is very important.

Not only do we spend at least half our life inside of our houses, indoor air quality can be much worse than outdoor.

But that does not mean that the air quality inside of our house is the same throughout the house?

Different rooms have different activities and different types of air pollutants to go along with those activities.

For instance, the kitchen is typically a hotspot for odors because that’s where the cooking happens.

Crafting rooms may have things like paints and adhesives that don’t necessarily have anything to do with,

the living room where dust is more of a problem because of the amount of traffic going through.

Basements, Garages, you get the point.

Do I need an air purifier in each room?

How many air purifiers do you need in a house?

Placing small air purifiers all throughout the house is a much more efficient way of keeping the air clean then trying to get one or two large units to do the entire job.

Most air purifiers work like a reverse fan. In other words they pull air, instead of blow air.

Multiple small fans through the house would circulate the air much better than one or two large fans.

How many air purifiers do you need in a houseThe exact same with air purifiers.

In the parts of the home where it is a little more open concept, like if your living room and dining room flow together, one air purifier can be efficient.

But closed off rooms will need their own air purifier.

Air purifiers do not work through walls.

Also Air purifiers clean the air directly around themselves the best.

So the bigger the area, the less efficient at cleaning the entire area an air purifier will be.

Placing an air purifier in the hallway, expecting it to clean the air in all the bedrooms adjacent, is not going to be very efficient at all.

Remember, Air purifiers do not work through walls.

The most popular air purifiers are basically HEPA fans that pull air through a series of filters.

Though the direction of the air is the opposite of a fan, the concept is the same. Air goes in one side and exits the other side.

You would not expect for a fan to cool off more than one room.

In a likewise manner, you should not expect for an air purifier to be able to pull air through itself in more than one room.

And even if you have a large fan, the air directly in front of the fan is going to be cooler than a hundred feet out.

It’s the same with a HEPA air purifier, even if it’s a large air purifier, the air directly around the air purifier is going to be cleaner than the air 100 feet out.

Will a small air purifier work in a large roomWill a small air purifier work in a large room?

Not efficiently unless you want to keep moving the air purifier around the room fairly often.

Just like you wouldn’t expect a small fan do cool a large room very well, you shouldn’t expect a small air purifier to be able to pull the air from a large room very well.

Will one air purifier work for the upstairs and downstairs?

The only way one stand alone air purifier will work for the upstairs and downstairs is if you move it from room to room.

The one exception, depending on whether you’re home is outfitted with it, is to place in duct air purifiers inside of the ductwork of your HVAC central heating and air unit.

Induct Air Purifiers

By placing the special air purifiers inside of the ductwork, you can effectively, depending on the square footage of your home, use one air purifier to clean the air throughout your entire house.

Whole house in duct air purifiers are the solution to not only having less air purifiers standing throughout your house, they are also much more efficient then using stand alone air purifiers.

Most people know that the ductwork can be extremely dirty. And where there is dust, there is dust mites.

Also the condensation from the AC coils add the perfect ingredient for the inside of the dark HVAC housing and ductwork to grow mold.

This essentially means but every time your air handler kicks on, it is kicking dust mites and mold spores into your home via the ductwork vents.

But through the use of in duct air purifiers, the air inside of your air handler can be clean and disinfected, distributing healthy air out of your vent work.

Also a problem that HVAC units have is they can distribute bad air from one area of the house to the rest of the house.

For instance, the fumes from the bathroom, can make it to the living room traveling through the duct.

Placing an HVAC in duct air purifier at the return and supply Vents will treat the air, not only being supplied but being returned into your unit. Circling clean air throughout your home.


How many air purifiers do you need in your houseHow many air purifiers do you need in your house?

Air purifiers run a little like a tower fan on low speed.

By using a fan working on low speed as an analogy,

And relating it to how many fans it would take to circulate and cool an entire house,

You can easily estimate how many air purifiers it would take to pull air through themselves effectively.

Using the same analogy, you can understand how placement of an air purifier is important to airflow.

Just like you wouldn’t expect a fan to be able to cool through a wall, you shouldn’t expect an air purifier to be able to pull air through a wall.

You wouldn’t expect one fan to be able to cool the upstairs and downstairs,
Likewise, air purifiers do not have the capacity to pull air through the entire house.

So the best answer to how many air purifiers you need is one in each room or rooms open to themselves.

There are a couple of exceptions.

One being that you could carry the air purifier from room to room. Alternating rooms every one or two days.

Another exception is putting whole house in duct air purifiers in your HVAC air handler.

Depending on the square footage of your home, One air purifier good clean the air in your entire home by effectively using your HVAC ductwork as the distributing mechanism for the air purifier.

Not only is this an excellent ideal because of the existing framework of your HVAC,

The HVAC itself can be very dirty inside with dust mites and mold spores that could be one of the primary reasons that the inside of your home suffers from poor air quality in the first place.

In duct air purifiers placed at the supply and return ducts of your home is a whole house air purification solution.