Why Good Ventilation Is Necessary in a Nail Salon?

Image Source: Air Purifier Geek

For doing nails, a nail salon is the best place. But have you ever thought about why

good ventilation is necessary in a nail salon? Well, let me explain why. If I am not
over exaggerating, the salon comes with a strong smell of different chemicals. All
these are used in the solution that is working to clean and shine your nails. You
will feel the strong odor whenever you go to the salon.

As many people gather in the salon, you have to think about the air quality in the
space. To avoid different health problems that are caused by the chemical vapors
and dust, your salon requires proper ventilation, be it a small one.

Why good ventilation is necessary in a nail salon? – it works

The nail salon is one of the rapidly growing businesses which is leading as a
multi billion-dollar industry. In a salon, you have to provide different services like
nail polishing, nail finish, hand and foot care treatments, etc.

So it is quite evident
that you have to use a huge amount of products like glues, removers, polishers and
the list goes on. All these products come with different chemicals and they have
other harmful side effects.

For this, you have to ensure good ventilation that will
provide quality air for your staff and customers in your beauty salon.
With proper ventilation, the contaminants will get removed for good. So no one
will suffer from breathing problems or allergy attacks.

Why Nail salon ventilation system is required


Before talking about nail salons, you have to know if nail salons are safe or not.
The fact is in the salon, all the staff and customers stay exposed to the
environment. We all know that the reused chemicals are reused in a salon on
various persons and workers also get exposed to those.

Thus, harmful bacteria
spread during exposure and people suffer from different skin problems, severe
allergy problems, and environmental diseases. All these problems occur only for a
poor ventilation system.

Now let’s talk about the chemicals that are common in the salon and responsiblefor hampering the air quality.

The chemicals are:
Toluene: This chemical is an essential ingredient in nail glue and nail polish. It is a
clear and colorless chemical. If you use this chemical at an excessive level, then
you will face dizziness, damage to the nervous system and more harm.
Formaldehyde: you will find formaldehyde in the nail polish. Overuse of this
chemical creates a problem in kin, eye and throat. Also, you may suffer from
severe allergic problems with this chemical.
Dibutyl Phthalate: This chemical is available in polish hardeners and nail polishes.
It is harmful to respiratory tracts and eyes.
Methacrylate Compounds: in the artificial fingernail, you will find this chemical. It
is prone to dermatitis, asthma and allergies.

So you can guess why you have to stay alert while using these chemicals in your

How the ventilation will work:

To ensure a protected environment in your salon, you have to keep knowledge
about Salon ventilation requirements. To improve the air quality, you have to work
on breathing space, building and space.

The breathing space:

You can invest in a capture system that stops the dust and vapors from going into
the salon. Thus, the breathing space gets better and all people in the salon will have
clean air to breathe.

Space in the salon:

Try the Nail salon air purifier to emit all the bad and strong smells from the salon.
It is better to use it in the opening time before starting the busy day.

Building space:

Invest in a Portable ventilation fan for nail salon building. This ventilation system
controls and improves the air quality of the salon building.

Legal requirements to install ventilation in the nail salon.

There are some legal requirements you have to follow to ensure good ventilation in
your salon.

Massachusetts State Building Code:

The building department prescribes this code. Per this code, the nail salon has to
use mechanical or natural ventilation for open air space.

Massachusetts Board of Cosmetology:

According to this regulation, every salon will have to ensure adequate and proper

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

OSHA works with health and protection in every workplace. Per this regulation,
the workplaces that work with different chemicals have to ensure proper exhaust
ventilation. There are OSHA limits that every salon has to follow; if not, different
health problems will occur among the people who work and take service from

What to follow while installing good ventilation:

You have to follow some specific steps to make your salon environment clean and
healthy. The steps are:

Proper measurement of the salon

You have to install the right ventilation system that has the capacity to cover your
salon space. So before installing one, measure the salon in height and area.

Check out the floor or furniture:

There are some furniture and floors that tend to capture the environment, dust and
chemicals. So try to pick the items that capture the less environmental
contaminants and make sure they are frequently vacuumed.

Maintaining the aeration system:

You have to maintain the ventilation system properly to make sure of its longevity.
By cleaning it regularly, the air circulation will get better day by day and so will
your salon environment.


If you are planning to set up a nail salon, make sure your salon has proper
ventilation. Maybe your partners will ask you why good ventilation is necessary in
a nail salon. Ensure you have proper knowledge about the system and the
regulation to make them understand the importance. By ensuring healthy and clean
air circulation in your salon, not only have you secured your and your worker’s
health but also for the customers.
A healthy environment is very much required to
stay healthy and happy for a long time.

The Best Portable Space Heater? (Our Best 2 Recommendations)

What should you look for in a space heater?

Modern space heaters have many more features than the old steal rattling boxes that were a part of many households in the 80s and 90s.

Heaters these days are much more safe and effective.

Some of the features that you can expect to find on modern space heaters include:

360° or wide angle oscillation
Rapid room warm up
Cool to the touch
Safety precautions like:
Overheating shut down
Tip over shut off
Built-in timers
Remote control
Temperature sensors that adjust with the temperature in the room.
Smart capacity.

#2 Best Portable Space Heater



Honeywell builds heaters to last. I personally have owned a Honeywell tower heater that I have used every winter for 15 years.
Honeywell ceramic surround heat is a powerhouse.

I bought this heater for my daughter for Christmas. Out of the box, it looks pretty small but all you have to do is open her door and you realize how well this thing works.
It’s small size also makes it very handy to be able to carry back and forth to the bathroom or even her cubicle at work.

The fact that it is has an automatic shut off and is cool to the touch is a big plus, especially for me and my wife and knowing that it is being used in my daughter’s room.

Cons- Auto Shut Off  kicks in to fast with the heater on high

#3 Best Portable Space Heater



Like every other modern device, space heaters have made the transition into being a smart appliance.

Atomi works with a smart app which allows you to schedule the heater, change temperatures,  and alert you via your phone if the heater tips over.

It also works with Alexa and Google Assistant which makes it completely voice activated.
The unit does not need to be hooked up to the Internet to run though.

It’s standard basic features include being cool to the touch, tip over safety switch, and built-in timer.

Space heaters lend themselves to being smart appliances more then other types of appliances simply because of the safety element involved.

Atomi checks all the boxes to give you the rite of passage into a new world of space heaters. It also comes with a 3-year warranty.

Cons- Requires Alexa or Google Assistant

How to Choose The Right Humidifier

Humidifiers can be a lifesaver during the winter months when the air is extra dry.

Which can lead to all types of symptoms including difficulty breathing, dry mouth, dried and bloody noses as well as exasperate COPD and snoring.

Picking the right humidifier can be a little on the daunting side because of the wide selection and the amount of bells and whistles that can be purchased.

So what exactly do you need in a humidifier?

Of course certain features are necessary and many features can be considered necessary to the individual user.

But the main features that most people look for in a humidifier can be rounded up into just a few.

We will try to give you an ideal of exactly what you’re going to want to look for in a humidifier.


There are more than one type of humidifier. The main ones being the cool mist humidifier and the warm mist humidifier. The most popular is the Cool Mist Humidifier.

Cool mist humidifiers do exactly what they sound like. They emit a cool mist into the air to balance out the humidity levels in your room.

Mayo clinic has a popular web page that they report that cool mist humidifiers are more effective when dealing with cold symptoms.

  But cool mist humidifiers do not typically offer the capacity to add any type of essential oil or menthol cold additive that warm mist humidifiers do.

Combination warm and cool mist humidifiers are a good solution if you prefer the Best of both worlds.

The type of humidifier also includes the way the machine actually humidifies the room.

The 3 techniques primarily used are:

1.  Misting

2.  Ultrasonic. Ultrasonic humidifiers work through vibration that fills the air with water droplets by shaking.

3.  Vaporizing- These heat water to a boiling point to create steam.

Size and Square Footage

Humidifiers come with different size tanks.

The size of the tank not only determines how large of a square space you can expect a humidifier to work in, it also determines how often the tank will have to be refilled.

Which if you get a tank that is too small,  you will soon know what kind of hassle you have walked into.

Tank sizes rain from .9 gallons all the way up to 3 to 5  gallons.
A humidifier with a small tank will run from about 12 -16 hours.

Ease of Use

A. Easily to clean

One of the biggest determining factor and how easy A humidifier is to use is how easily it can be disassembled.

The reason for this is, humidifiers must be cleaned often and thoroughly to ensure that mold and bacteria is not accumulating in or around the humidifier.

One of the main features that can determine which humidifier you purchase is whether or not the machine can you taking apart easily and washed in the dishwasher.

b. Easy to fill

One thing you may not think about till you actually get ready to fill the tank and in a humidifier is how easy is it to fill the tank with water. An easy to fill humidifier should come equipped with a strong handle and the ability to fit underneath your faucet.

Noise Levels

Noise an important factor to think about when getting ready to purchase a humidifier. One of the main reasons that noise can be a issue with humidifiers is how close in proximity that you use the humidifier when you are sleeping.

Humidifiers can offer a great deal of relief when you are suffering from cold symptoms or sinus, especially when you are sleeping. But the noise level of some humidifiers can also be a hindrance to sleeping well.

On the flip side, the humming of a humidifier near your bed can also be considered a blanket of white noise that can aid in getting rest.

Whether you are a white noise or no noise type of person, many humidifiers come with intelligent sleep mode to make your humidifier run even quieter.

Auto Shut Off

Auto shut is a feature that will shut off your humidifier when it runs out of water. It is a feature designed to give you peace of mind that your humidifier is not going dry and continuing to run while you are gone or asleep.

Mist Control

Many humidifiers on the market today have the capacity to control the amount of Mist coming from the machine. This is a feature that was rarely found in the typical drug store table top humidifier you would purchase yester year.

The direction of the Mist can also be dialed in with a easy 360° nozzle that can be pointed anywhere you like without having to completely move the humidifier.


Though adding humidity in a dry and arid climate can be a source of relief inside of your home, the opposite can be true when there is too much humidity. It is possible to add too much humidity to the air even when the humidity level outside is zilch.

Having a built-in humidistat and humidity sensor with auto on and off functions can keep the humidity in your home to the exact level you set it.

Aromatherapy Tray

Aromatherapy can add all types of benefits to your lifestyle and create a healthy atmosphere as well as medicinal properties to your airstream.

Many humidifiers come with a essential oil tray to add your favorite oils into the mist coming from your humidifier

Smart App

As you probably already guessed, humidifiers have moved into the age of smart technology along with every other type of device.

Many humidifiers give you the capacity to monitor the humidity in your home via your phone, as well as offer you the capacity to schedule and turn your humidifier on or off through a smart app.

Self Cleaning

Self cleaning humidifiers or another step into the future that are making humidifiers safer.
Materials like mold resistant plastic are being used in the construction of humidifiers to keep mold and bacteria from becoming a issue inside of your humidifier and your ambient air.

Other self cleaning humidifiers use ultraviolet light inside of the water tank.
Anti mold and bacteria additives are also sold, that can help keep the water in your humidifier from he coming a germ farm and in turn, creating a germ farm in the air you are breathing.

4 Best Humidifiers of 2021

Quickly compare humidifiers

Levoit Hybrid Ultrasonic

Levoit is known for great air purifiers. Fortunately that’s not the only thing they excel in.

The levoit classic 200 is a humidifier that can run for 40 hours before having to fill it up again.

It has three mist settings and a dual 360° nozzle to aim the Mist in any direction you want without having to move the whole humidifier.

It also has a aromatherapy tray to add in your favorite essential oils.

The noise level is also whisper quiet.

Pros- 40 hours of continuous use and a aromatherapy tray

Cons- no humidistat and no remote control.

Dyson am10 humidifier

The Dyson am10 contains a ultraviolet light the disinfects 99.9% of bacteria before the Mist is expelled into the room.

It has a high setting that can be used as a fan in the summer and censoring technology that will keep the humidity in the room even.

Typically Dyson gets the more on just about every appliance they design and build.
But this particular appliance has a ridiculous amount of bad reviews on Amazon.

At the price point that they sell this humidifier at, it can’t afford to have any downsides.

Pros- worry free and bacteria free noiseless humidification.

Cons- hard to clean and not as well constructed as you would expect for the price.

Honeywell HCM 350w germ-free cool mist humidifier

This is another humidifier that contains a UV light.  Bacteria and mold production in humidifiers is one of the downsides of owning a humidifier. Solving this one issue can put a humidifier above the fold easily.

Honeywell have done just that, with this humidifier. Ultraviolet light contained in the humidifier kills 99.9% of the bacteria in the water before it has a chance to become part of the air you breathe.

This air purifier also has a large tank which holds one gallon of water and can run up to 24 hours on low. It’s evaporative technology makes it impossible to overhumidify a room which in itself removes the need for a humidistat.

It is also dishwasher safe and super easy to clean.

Pros- Bacteria free operation and dishwasher friendly.

Vicks Warm Mist vaporizer

Vicks vaporizer is a warm mist humidifier that is very good at what it does, which is to create warm steam.
It contains a tray to put Vick’s ointment or other menthol cold product.
The technology of how the machine create humidity by boiling water makes it antibacterial in nature.

Pros – Aromatherapy friendly and mold free operation.
Cons- create hot scalding water.


How to Remove Burnt Smell From Microwave

Recently the trend of spicy macaroni and cheese has hit the shelves and couldn’t be more popular at my house.

And with everyone at home from the recent crisis, it seems like around here,  macaroni and cheese is the only thing that kids want to eat.

And since the Mac n cheese comes in individual servings that you just add water to and microwave, it makes it a super easy way to keep the kids fed with something that they want anyway. Plus they can fix it themselves.

But this trend recently led to an event in my house that was funny to everyone because of what happened and who it happened to,

but it left a lingering burnt smell in the kitchen and in the microwave for weeks.


What happened?

My daughter decided to fix her some instant macaroni and cheese and forgot to put the water in it before she put it in the microwave.

It burned and smoked up the whole house. The smell was repugnant and lingered in the kitchen for about 3 days.

The smell in the microwave seemed to be permanent.

Now, I have smelled some burnt stuff in the microwave, and up till now I would have said that popcorn is the worst thing you can burn in the microwave, but I don’t believe that anymore.

The smell of burnt macaroni in the microwave, specifically macaroni that is dusted with the cheese flavoring without any water, is by far the worst smell I have ever encountered, burning something in the microwave.

The smell was so bad that my instant reaction was that we were going to just have to buy a new microwave. it really seemed that there was no getting the smell out.

But I did a little research on the internet and decided to try a few do-it-yourself solutions.

I tried boiling a glass of water with vinegar in it. No dice.

I tried washing the inside with vinegar. Still didn’t do the trick.

I scrubbed the inside with vinegar and baking soda. Nope.

The burnt smell was still there and continued for a few weeks.

I’d love to say that I kept with it and eventually found the miraculous cure for getting the smell out of burnt macaroni out of the microwave, but that’s not the case.

I blew it off.

But every time I used the microwave, the smell reminded that I was probably going to have to buy a new microwave soon.

It took someone else to come along and tackle the burnt smell problem to finally get rid of it.

My other older daughter in an uncommon move decided to clean the kitchen. She was in a mood to deep clean the house.

This is a person who has been attempting to clean her room going on years now.

But there she was , scrubbing and mopping and washing and wiping. Odd.

About this time, I decided to heat up my coffee in the microwave and realize that the smell was completely gone from the burnt macaroni incident.

I asked her how she got the burnt smell out of the microwave and she pulled out a little travel bottle of a concoction she had whipped up.

What was it?

Clean Microwave with Lemon

clean microwave with lemon

What is the best way to get the burnt smell out of a microwave?

Vinegar, Lemon Juice and Water

Specifically: 1/2 cup of water, 3/4 cup vinegar and a couple tablespoons of lemon juice. Both lemon juice and vinegar have a high pH and strong acid content making their alkalinity especially potent at removing stains and odors.

“Lemon” turns out to be the magic ingredient that I was missing.

Honestly I would not have believed it if I did not see it for myself since I’d already tried my own version of do-it-yourself cleaner that I had found on the internet.

But it was the real deal and I can’t deny that that simple recipe cleans the odor out of the microwave so well.

Now I’m on the Lemon train.

And I’ve been discovering a lot of things that lemon is good for.

It turns out lemon is actually very good for a multitude of cleaning duties.


1. Polishing Silverware with Lemon

The acidity of lemons makes it very effective at polishing and shining silverware. It also has a load of antibacterial properties that help leave your silverware safer as well.

Along the same lines, It is also excellent for shining up your chrome. Add a little salt to the lemon juice for extra strength and some grit to get down deep.

2.  Clean Coffee maker and Coffee pot with Lemon

Vinegar, lemon juice,  and water, will get all the coffee stain buildup out of the coffee maker by running the DIY cleaner through a couple of cycles.

The coffee pot may need to soak a bit in it. But the result will be a brand new shiny looking coffee pot when it’s cleaned up with care.

3. Use Lemon as Flea Repellent

As it turns out, fleas are repelled by the smell of lemon and vinegar. According to Hunker, boiling lemons, water, and instead of adding vinegar, add a bit of Rosemary.

This solution can be sprayed right onto your dog, put under their collar, or sprayed directly on your couch or rug, wherever your pets are hanging out and transporting fleas to.

4.  Get Rid of Ants and Roaches with Lemon

Ants and roaches are also repelled by the smell of lemon and vinegar. The solution can be sprayed all along the baseboards and window seals to help ward off the nasty insects.

That’s only a few uses you can get out of using vinegar, water, and lemon around the house.

Clothes whitening, dandruff, even as an all-natural anti toxin that will help clean out your gut, it seems the uses of vinegar and lemon are endless.

lemon for cleaningBut like anything else you see on the internet, make sure you do your due diligence and do a trial run before you go hog wild taking another person’s advice.
After all, if it were an over the counter cleaner, the directions would tell you to try it on a spot that you can hide before you spray it all over everything.

What Kills Spiders? Vinegar? Bleach? Hairspray?

What Kills Spiders?

Obviously there is a unique place in the world for spiders. I’m not going to argue the benefits of letting spiders be, even though personally that’s the position I would normally take. At least helping it to get outside when I see one in the house.

But having the fortunate and sometimes unfortunate situation of being the only man in a house full of women and girls,

I can tell you that there is no reasoning and no articulating words you can say to a woman, at least the ones in my house, when they see a spider.

Hysteria is the only emotion that can be drawn from in that moment.

Even if it’s a small spider. God forbid a tarantula ever enter our domain.

So this article is about what household items and sprays that you have around that can kill a spider when the evil dares to encroach upon your castle.

What kills spiders?

Here is a brief list of household items you probably already have on hand and some that may be even already within arms length. Good Luck in your Spider Removing endeavor.

Does vinegar kill spiders

Does vinegar kill spiders?

Vinegar is a spider repellent because it contains acetic acid. Vinegar is often used as a household cleaner to remove mold and mildew because of this very ingredient.

Mixed with water is also one of the easiest and best window cleaners you can use. Chances are you may even have a spray bottle of vinegar and water under your sink ready to use in case you see a spider in the house.

“Using a easy recipe of one part vinegar and one part water, you can spray the solution directly on a spider and it will definitely flee.”

And since the odor the white vinegar is enough to repel a spider, placing small bowls of white vinegar around the inside of your house is a easy way to repel and keep spiders from coming inside of your home.

Does bleach kill spiders?

Bleach is a fungicide as well as a pesticide because it has the capacity to kill bacteria better cellular level.

The acid in bleach destroys anything it comes in contact with, and yes that does include spiders.

But bleach is not recommended as a pesticide because it is not only dangerous to pest it is dangerous to humans. And destructive to anything you spray it on.

But if you’re in a pinch and you need something fast to get rid of a spider, one part bleach to three parts of water will do the trick.

Spray it directly on the insect and any web or spider eggs you can identify.

And get ready for your clothes to be stained White and eventually tear apart.

Does hairspray kill spiders?

Hairspray does not typically contain poisons that would kill a spider but it does have a coating effect that would smother the spider,

it will basically glue the spider’s body and legs, restricting any motion. This at least will give you enough time to get rid of the spider or get help to remove it.

As an insecticide, they are much better household options to get rid of spiders than hairspray.

Does Windex kill spiders?

When you see a spider and you are in a quick pinch to find something in a hurry that will execute him,

“Windex is a product that you may have nearby that will kill a spider. Not only will Windex kill a spider, you can adjust the nozzle so that you do not have to get too near to the spotter to douse him with Windex.”

Once you spray the Windex on the spider, give it a little bit and you will see that he has curled up and died.

does bleach kill spidersDoes Febreze kill spiders?

Febreze is a household item that is likely to be an arms reach when you spot a spider.

That is good because febreze contains an ingredient called hydroxypropyl beta-cyclodextrin and another ingredient called Benzisothiazolinone that are both lethal to spiders.

Dousing a spider with febreze or any spray household air freshener, will not only kill the insect, it will not leave behind the toxic smell that you get from spraying a repellent like Raid.

Does Lysol kill spiders?

Lysol is poisonous to spiders but spraying on a spider with more than likely Chase it off rather than kill it on the spot. Although it will probably go somewhere and die.

Grabbing a broom and swatting the spider is more effective than spraying Lysol on it.

Does salt kill spiders?

Salt will kill spiders and it is one of the most easy and effective ways to repel spiders and keep them from coming into your house.

Obviously salt is not a spur of the moment something you can grab and kill a spider type of a solution.

But as a deterrent for keeping spiders out of your house, mixing warm water and salt in a spray bottle and spraying all of your perimeters, doors and windows, and dousing any eggs or webs you see with the salt and water solution will keep spiders from entering your home.

 One drawback is, if it rains it’ll wash the solution away and you’ll have to do it again.

What household cleaners kill spiders?

Most household cleaners will not kill a spider instantly but they will inhibit its movement till it curls up and dies.

Any aerosol that you have available is likely to chase the spider off and eventually kill him and if the spray has an adhesive element to it like spray glue or hairspray, the spider will not be able to move and eventually die on the spot.

Spiders are very fragile creatures and any aerosol household spray that you have handy will eventually kill a spider.

What kills spiders instantly?

A commercial insect spray is a better choice if you need the spider to die instantly.

Does hairspray kill spidersDoes Raid kill spiders?

Raid spider blaster will kill spiders on contact. And sometimes waiting for a spider to die or using a repellent to scare them is not an option.

I have tried to keep a light-hearted approach to killing spiders in this article because it is such a funny thing to see how scared of spiders that some people can be. Especially the women in the girls that I live with.

But there is no denying that some spiders need to be very carefully dealt with.
If you live in a household, like I do with a lot of children and females, it’s worth teaching them to be able to identify when a spider is especially dangerous.

The Black widow and the Brown Recluse are both spiders that are popular but are deadly if they bite you.

If you have a spider infestation or think that you have spotted a dangerous spider in your home, the best thing to do is call a professional to examine your home and professionally exterminate the problem.


Do Air Purifiers Need UV?

Ultraviolet light is highly effective at reducing mold and bacteria when it is targeted and allowed to remain focused on its intended target.

But the problem remains. How can that translate to cleaning air since there is no way to actually target air?

Are UV air purifiers effective? How so?

Do air purifiers need UV?

Most air purifiers work independently of UV and do not need or require UV to operate. The most common purpose of Ultraviolet light in an air purifier is as a method of sterilizing the filter to prevent it from becoming populated with live bacteria and germs.

But the air purifier will still work without the UV.

 But… Another type of UV air purifier that DOES require UV to work is Photo catalytic Oxidation. 

Also called PCO and tio2 air purification, these air purifiers create a reaction between Ultraviolet light and Titanium Oxide that produces an ionic plasma that kills mold spores and bacteria.
UV is central to the operation of these air cleaners and they will not work if the uv bulb is burned out.

Photocatalytic oxidation is commonly used in the Central AC ductwork. Which ties into the next way UV is used in air cleaning.

The third way UV is most commonly used in air purification is the HVAC system.

In this case, ultraviolet lamps are used to destroy mold and germs inside of the central heat and air system before they get a chance to enter into the home through the ductwork.

This is done by targeting the UV sterilizing lamp primarily onto the evaporative coils and drip pan in the air handler.

Though this method of air cleaning with Ultraviolet light works well,

It is not entirely necessary because both the AC coils and drip pan can be cleaned and maintained by making sure there is not any stoppage in the drain line that would cause moisture to build up in the drain pan and ultimately produce mold.
In other words it can be kept clean without the use of UV and ultraviolet light is not a component needed for a AC to run.

Photocatalytic induct air purifiers can also be inserted into the plenum and ductwork to destroy mold and bacteria inside of the air handler.

 This is one of the best uses of UV air purification because it essentially turns the HVAC Central Heat and Air system into a whole house air purifier. 

Though these UV induct air purifiers are usually on the expensive side, the expense does not even compare to what it would cost to place air purifiers throughout the house.

But there is one downside to this method is that the blower on the HVAC needs to stay on throughout the year.

Not too much of a problem in the winter and the off months but running the fan continuously when the AC is on does not allow the dehumidification function of the AC to work properly resulting in more humidity in the house.

The reason for this is that the condensation created in the air conditioning coils evaporates back into the house instead of exiting the house through the drain line.

One the main concerns when it comes to UV air purifiers is the danger of ozone being produced by the lamp.

 Which begs the question ” Does UV remove odors?” since ozone has a distinct sharp odor when it is created. 

The answer is the type of UV used in filtration air purifiers is not in the range to create ozone and is further protected by the type of glass that the UV is encased in.
This type of UV will help reduce the musty odors caused by mold and mildew without producing the smell of ozone.

PCO- tio2 UV induct air cleaners typically create more ozone because of the photocatalytic oxidation process. But the amount is below the .05 ppm acceptable level of ozone put in place by the EPA.

And though the musty smell of mold as well as other odors can be expected to be minimized with the UV PCO air purifiers, it is likely that the smell of ozone will be noticeable.

Many stand alone Photo Catalyst air purifiers like Molecule and Air Oasis use  a UV that creates little to no ozone.
But it is also worth noting that companies like Oasis that used full ozone UV bulbs in their machines in the past also were able to make the claim that their units cleaned up to 3000 sq ft.
But with reduced ozone bulbs have reduced the amount of air that can be cleaned to areas more like 300 to 500 sq ft.


 The typical UV air purifier is basically just a HEPA filter based air cleaner that has a ultraviolet light aimed at the filter to keep bacteria and germs from living and growing in the filter. 

 This type of air purifier can work without a UV lamp as it is not necessary to the primary function of the air purifier which is to filter contaminants from the air. 

But in the case of HVAC air purification and photo catalytic oxidation induct air purification, the UV is Central to the ability to function of the air purifier to clean the air.

If the UV Burns out on a photo catalytic oxidation air purifier then your air purifier will not work until the UV is replaced.

In the case of an HVAC UV system, the UV is basically used as a sterilizer targeted on areas of the air handler that can produce mold.

If the UV lamp is broken or burned out, it will not do anything to aid in the this process and will have to be replaced.

uv sterilizerDo I need a UV light for my air conditioner?

The air conditioning and heating system works independently from any type of UV device and does not need an Ultraviolet lamp to operate properly.

Out of the three methods in which UV is successfully utilized in air purification, PCO induct air purifiers make the most sense because they essentially turn your HVAC central heat and air unit into a whole house air purifier that cleans the air every time it cycles on and off.
The only downside is that it requires the fan on the AC to run continuously which can result in a humid house when the air conditioning is in use.

How to Make Gold Paint. The Color Mixing Guide

Do you know how to mix the right colors to get a great looking gold shade? Regardless of your painting furniture or slaving away on your next Picasso?

Mixing your own paint while might not only be cheaper, can also help you dial in to get the perfect shade of gold you are looking for.

In this guide, we will teach you how to make Gold paint as well as Metallic Gold and Rose gold.

How to Make Gold Paint.

What colors make gold?

Gold. The color of royalty. A symbol of wealth. And a signal of both affluence and prestige. All that and more.

But as a color of paint, it is not the easiest to mix. But it is easy to get too light or too dark and end up looking like rust or spicy mustard.

How to make gold paint?

Below is a list of color combinations that can be mixed to make gold paint.

What colors make gold?

Combination # 1

Yellow – Red – Blue

1.Mix the yellow and blue together to make green.
2. Add Red to make Brown.
3. Add more Yellow

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Combination # 2

Black – White – Yellow

1.  Combine the White and the Black to make Gray
2. Mix the Gray with Yellow

Combination# 3

Orange – Yellow- Brown

1.  Mix the Orange and Brown to get a Terracotta color. Terracotta is a Sienna shade that is a very red Earth color.
2. Mix the Terracotta with Yellow.

Combination #4

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What two colors make gold?

The simplest recipe for gold paint is Yellow and Brown.

1.  Start with Yellow.
2.  Add in a small amount of Brown. A little goes a long way.
3. Depending on the shade you’re after, either add more Yellow or more Brown till You get the desired Gold paint you’re looking for.

If you start with Brown and add Yellow, it will take an enormous amount of Yellow paint to overtake the Brown to make Gold.

That’s why you should start with Yellow and only add a tiny bit of Brown and try it before you add anymore.

Combination # 5

Black – Red – Yellow

1.  Mix equal parts of Black and Red to make Maroon.
2. In a separate spot, pour out some Yellow paint.
3. Add the maroon to the yellow.
Mix it in slowly till you get the shade of gold that you want.

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How to make gold acrylic paint?

Black – White – Yellow

1.  Combine the White and the Black to make Grey
2. Mix the Grey with Yellow for a great looking acrylic gold color.
3. (Optional) Add in Gold sparkles to give it a metallic Sheen

How to make Rose Gold paint?

Combination# 1

Gold – Silver – Red

1.  Combine equal parts of gold and silver paint.
2. Slowly add Red till you get the desired Rose Gold color that you are after.

Combination # 2

Gold – Silver- Pink- Gold Sparkles

1.  Equal parts Gold and Silver
2.  Add Pink
3 . Add Gold sparkles to give it a metallic look.

Combination# 3

Gold – Silver – Red – White

1.  Mix Equal parts Gold and Silver
2.  Pour out some White and a separate spot.
3. Add Red to the White till you get a Dark Pink.
4. Mix the Dark Pink with the Gold and Silver mixture.

Hemway MICROFINE Glitter Paint Additive

Emulsion/Acrylic Water Based Paints 100g (Rose Gold Holographic)

Rust-Oleum Ultra Matte Interior Chalked Paint

Use on a variety of interior surfaces like wood, metal, ceramic, canvas and easily distress to create a vintage look

Do Humidifiers Cause Mold?

 Mold spores are virtually everywhere that there is air, floating and searching for nutrients to take root.

And Mold and mildew is something you can find anywhere there is a source of water, food, and oxygen.

Do Humidifiers Cause Mold?

A humidifier meets the criteria for being a catalyst for mold growth and airborne bacteria in your home when:

  • It is poorly maintained
  • It is used when not needed
  • When it’s too Big
  • If it Leaks

The presence of mold in your home can not only cause damage to your house and structure, it can also exasperate allergies, and be a trigger for asthma.

According to one study, it can be a factor in the development of childhood asthma.

When mold goes unchecked, it can spread very fast and cause more damage than you may suspect.

This article will lay out 4 ways a humidifier can be responsible for mold.

1. Poorly Maintained Humidifier

Easily the number one way that  a humidifier can cause mold production.  Failure to keep a humidifier clean and filled with fresh water can create the idea setup of water, dirt, oxygen, and low light that mold can flourish in.

Once mold has taken root in a poorly kept humidifier, the humidifier becomes a distributor of mold spores throughout your room and house.

According to Pubmed, Humidity droplets act like microscopic containers that can carry bacteria and viruses much further than they can travel without the aid of humidity.

Another aspect of a poorly maintained humidifier is leaving water in the basin when the humidifier is not being ran.
Mold can develop in standing water in as little as 24 to 48 hours.

Imagine turning the humidifier on and running it after the water and it has been standing for a long period of time.

You’re just asking for a room full of mold spores ready to attack your respiratory system and your walls and ceiling.


2.  Using a humidifier when the climate does not warrant it.

Excessive humidity in the air can be a absorbent for the pollution and spores already in the air. As stated in this article already, humidity droplets can provide a vehicle for germs and bacteria to to be able to travel long distances.

When the relative humidity is already on the high side, adding more humidity to the air by using a humidifier is like pouring fuel on a fire.

Moisture is the primary food source for dust mites. Dust mites along with mold spores are two of the most common household allergies

Adding extra humidity to an already humid area with a humidifier only provides extra water and nutrients for mold and dust mites to thrive.

Rooms like bathrooms or kitchens tend to already have an ample amount of humidity because of showers and baths and boiling water and dishes being soaked.

Using a humidifier in these conditions can add too much humidity to the air which can cause mold growth on the walls and allergies to kick up.

Exhaust fans are usually installed in bathrooms and in kitchens for this very reason.

3.  Too Big of a Humidifier

Along the same lines as using a humidifier when you do not need it, is using a humidifier that is too large for the space you have it in.

Placing a humidifier that is meant to be used in a large living area in a small bedroom can add to too much humidity to the air which can result in mold growth especially in a room that is dirty.

Measuring the humidity and providing the right amount of humidity back into the air is key to getting the benefits out of a humidifier.

But overdoing it can result in mold. If you measure your humidity (a hydrometer can be purchased very inexpensively) and it is already between the 30 and 50% mark. Adding extra humidity can put you into the range of causing mold somewhere in your home.

4. Leaking Humidifier

One of the main ingredients that mold needs to start growing water. Mold inside of the house is always connected to an inappropriate source of water somewhere. Usually it’s a leaking pipe or a leaky roof.

But a humidifier, because it has a basin for holding water, can also be a source of inappropriate moisture if it is leaking.
If the table or counter where are the humidifier is sitting has water around it, then there is a chance that the humidifier is leaking. And just as easily as mold can take root in the moisture caused by a leaky pipe, it can take root from the water leaking out of the humidifier.

Most people are not going to let mold grow right on the counter in front of them. But it may not be as easy to see when it has drip down the back or sides of a counter top or table.

moldy humidifierMany modern humidifiers already take all of these situations that can occur when a humidifier is in use into account.

For instance, there are self cleaning, germ-free humidifiers that are already on the market that use technologies like ultraviolet light and bacteria and mold resistant plastic and their production.

1. There are also many additives that you can buy the place in the water of the humidifier to reduce mold and bacteria growth inside of the humidifier.

2. Many of today’s humidifiers also come with features like auto shut off and built in hygrometers and humidistats
that measure the humidity inside of the room and turn off dehumidifier when the relative humidity entered in as a cutoff point is reached.

3. Safety features are also installed to let you know if you have a leaky basin or if your water compartment is not seated correctly and is leaking.

4.There are also many ways that you can communicate with your appliances through smart plugs that can be purchased that allow you to schedule when your humidifier is on and off and allow you to turn it on from a remote location.

The only feature I have not seen on a humidifier yet is one that does not allow the humidifier to run when the water has become tainted.
Sounds like something that needs to happen. Maybe you can be the one to invent it.


DIY Humidifier

Does an Air Purifier Help with Mold Spores?

 Mold is a household problem, that if you find inside of your home, should be taken very seriously and dealt with very quickly.

Mold when it is left unchecked can cause more destruction than many people give it credit for and faster than you may have believed.

Mold can develop in as little as 24 hours once spores find moisture. Walls can be inundated very quickly because of how porous drywall is. It can call us and become a problem in 1 to 12 days.

It is also a problem that can exasperate allergies, respiratory issues, and trigger asthma attacks. According to this study, mold is instrumental in the development of asthma in children.

Does an Air Purifier Help with Mold?

An air purifier will help with allergy symptoms related and caused by mold because it can filter out the spores from the air that are breathable.

But mold itself is caused by an inappropriate source of moisture and dirt somewhere in the area.

And there will still be a constant supply of mold spores in the air til the source of the water is found and stopped.

Regardless, having clean air to breathe when you are dealing with a problem like mold is still essential, and a mold spore air purifier is perfect for that reason.

But in instances like a damp basement where moisture is more pervasive, using an air purifier is more like putting a Band-Aid on the problem instead of addressing the real issue.

An area that has excessive humidity like the basement would benefit more from a device like a dehumidifier rather than an air purifier, at least initially.

Though an air purifier can help reduce the mold spore count in the air, it will do nothing to fix the problem that is resulting in poor air quality caused by mold.

Unless the source of the mold is fixed and the air is dried out, using an air purifier for the mold is like taking an aspirin for a headache but never addressing the reason you are having headaches.

Thank God for the aspirin, but fixing the problem is better than covering it.

To sum it up, an air purifier will help reduce the amount of mold spores in the air and in doing so reduce the symptoms related to breathing mold spores, and it will also reduce the chance of mold growing somewhere else.

And with less mold spores traveling through the air, there are less chances of it finding a new place to start growing.

But it will not fix the original problem and until the source of moisture is found and stopped and the area is dried out, you will continue to have an issue in your home with mold.

Some people worry that using a air purifier with a HEPA filter to capture mold spores will cause mold to grow in their air purifier.

That is a real concern if the humidity in the room is so high that it even makes the HEPA filter in the air cleaner damp.

But that is usually not the case, and since it takes moisture for mold spores too began to colonize, as long as you keep your air purifier dry, you should not have a problem with mold growing inside or on the filter.

What Causes Mold in a House?

moldMold inside of the house is more likely to be caused by a leaking pipe or windowsill. A leaky roof is also a common place where moisture is finding it’s way inside the house.

A leaking windowsill is pretty easy to identify but finding a leaking pipe or a drip in the ceiling is not as easy and may require a professional.

If you suspect you have a leaking pipe inside of the wall, oftentimes you’ll see the paper on the outside of the drywall begin to bubble or the whole area starting to swell and feel softer to the touch than the rest of the wall.

Leaks from the ceiling are pretty much the same but since it’s harder to get up and feel of the ceiling, you can most likely identify moisture coming in by searching for discoloration in the ceiling.

Another way mold spores become part of the air stream in your home is through the HVAC system.

HVAC which stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Though the heating and air system is vital to your comfort,  especially in some climates, it also has the capacity to produce mold because of the presence of moisture and dirt located in a dark area inside of the air handler.

This can become an issue very quickly if not addressed. Mold spores inside of your ductwork can be distributed through your whole house every time the air handler kicks on.

If you have a musty smell coming from your vents or if you can identify mold around the vent, chances are your air handler is developed mold in it somewhere.
Two of the easiest things to check if you think this may be the case are the drip pan and the evaporative coils.

Condensation drip pans can get clogged , causing a buildup of moisture that can turn into mold and feed mold spores into the house via the duct.

Evaporative coils are the coils on an AC that absorb heat and cools it off with a refrigerant. In the process the coils produce condensation which which drips into a drainage pan.

Mold can start in the evaporator coils when the coils get dirty. At that point the AC has everything it needs to produce mold. Dirt, water, and darkness.

Checking and keeping the evaporative coils on the AC clean is one of the easiest things to do to avoid mold buildup inside of your HVAC.

evaporative coilsRecap

An air purifier can help with mold because it will reduce the mold spores in the air. Which in turn will reduce the amount of chances that spores can come in contact with any moisture in the house and at the same time create less chances of breathing in mold spores which can be a source of allergies and a trigger to asthma.
Less Mold Spores traveling through the house also means less new outbreaks of mold.

But though an air purifier can be a very good device to use when you have an issue with mold, it is only a supplementive solution and will not do anything to fix the original problem causing the mold.

Finding the source of the mold, fixing the problem and cleaning it up, as well as drying the area out are all things that are needed to help control mold and mold spores.