What is Bleach and Baking Soda Good For? Bleach is a household cleanser that most people have around the house and baking soda is another item that people keep around the house.
Both of them have dozens of uses individually. But did you know that mixing bleach with baking soda is a safe use of both products to create an even more potent diy household cleaner then either can accomplish alone?
In this article, you will find out a few of the excellent applications for bleach and baking soda and you will also find out what it is not good for.
1. Bleach and baking soda for mold
Bleach is one of the best ways of killing mold in your shower but just spraying bleach on mold is hard to manage in a way that is effective enough to do a good job because it runs off and down the wall nearly as fast as you put it on.
But when you combine baking soda with bleach at a three to one baking soda to bleach ratio, you get a pasty, gritty, substance that can be wiped on the top of mold where it will stay.
Giving the bleach the time it needs to sit and kill the bacteria.
Afterwards the gritty paste is used as a scrubbing agent to help get the discoloration of mold out of the bath or shower.
2.Bleach and baking soda for white clothes
Bleach is pretty much the gold standard for getting stains out of white clothes.
But baking soda also has whitening properties that can get stains out of a white garment rather nicely too.
But out of the two, bleach is the clear winner.
But together, bleach and baking soda can make a very effective stain remover for white clothes because baking soda is a terrific odor remover that will help reduce the smell of bleach when they are mixed together, which is one of the main reasons people steer away from it.
Be sure to follow the instructions on the bleach bottle for proper water to bleach amounts.
3.Homemade grout cleaner
Bleach and baking soda is also a very effective homemade grout cleaner. Bleach is a very strong mold and bacteria disinfectant cleaner but it is not very useful when you’re trying to clean a wall with it because being a liquid it just runs off.
Grout is one of those problems that bleach is a very good remedy for because of its whitening properties. But it needs a thickening agent to keep it on the wall long enough to soak in and eliminate the bacteria and remove the stains.
By making a mixture of 3/4 cup of baking soda and 1/4 cup of bleach, you can rub the mixture on the grout and let it sit for as long as you want it to, though as little as 15 minutes is probably all it’s going to take. The baking soda gives it the abrasive quality it needs to be able to scrub the areas that don’t easily come off.
4.Bleach and baking soda for toilet bowls
A easy way to clean the ring out of a toilet bowl is to just pour a half gallon of bleach into the toilet and let it sit.
But sometimes, even with that level of concentrated bleach actively killing the bacteria in the toilet, you still need an abrasive element to finish getting the ring off of the toilet.
Baking soda can be added to bleach safely and used as a scouring agent to help get the ring out of the toilet and also help absorb some of the odor from the bleach.
5.Bleach and baking soda for drains
This is a bad one. Somehow bleach has made it to the top of household items that is recommended to pour down a drain when you have a clog. But the truth is, bleach will not do much of anything to clear out a clogged drain.
And after it is realized that it is not going to do anything to help with the clog, people tend to pour a different kind of cleaner down the drain.
The problem is, bleach has a list of things that it should never be mixed with, and some of those things or other items that people try to clear the drain out with.
The whole point is, pouring bleach down the drain is pretty much just asking for a poisonous combination to happen when someone else comes along and pours something else down the drain.
6.Bleach and baking soda for your pool
Bleach and baking soda can actually be used as a substitute for costly pool chemicals better purchase to kill algae and maintain pH.
Baking soda is also known as sodium bicarbonate. If you look on the list of ingredients contained in your alkalinity raising product, you’ll find that it is almost 100% sodium bicarbonate. And baking soda cost me your pennies compared and is something you probably already have in your refrigerator to soak up smells in it.
Unscented bleach at an 8.25% strength is a perfectly good substitute for granular chlorine.
Remember to wear rubber gloves and a mask anytime you’re using bleach.
Ventilation is very important when using bleach so prepare ahead of time to be able to keep the windows open and exhaust fans running.
You also want to be sure to wear old clothes that you don’t mind getting white spots on when using bleach, because it’s almost impossible to clean with bleach without getting at least a little bit of it on your clothes somewhere.
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